8 little-known psychological tricks to disarm a manipulator

Jose Martin by Jose Martin | October 25, 2024, 12:06 am

You know how it goes, right?

Sometimes, you meet folks who are just masters at playing mind games.

They twist your words, mess with your feelings, and suddenly, you’re doing things their way.

Trust me, I’ve been in that spot, feeling all frustrated. I’ve tried to figure out how to keep my cool and not let their tricks get to me.

It’s not always about a big fight or shouting match. It’s way more subtle than that. You gotta know when to push back when to chill, and then to change the whole groove.

So, let me share with you 8 little-known psychological tricks that have helped me disarm manipulators effectively.

Don’t worry, you don’t need a degree in psychology for these.

All you need is a bit of insight and the courage to apply them. Trust me on this one, it’s going to be a game-changer.

1) Understand their tactics

First things first, you need to recognize the tactics manipulators use.

These may include guilt-tripping, gaslighting, playing the victim, or any other strategy that makes you question your own sanity or values.

You see, the tricky part is that it’s often done in such a subtle way that you don’t even realize you’re being manipulated until it’s too late.

So, start observing their behavior patterns.

Pay attention to how they respond when you disagree with them, or when they want something from you.

Once you’re aware of their tactics, it becomes easier to stay one step ahead.

Instead of falling into their traps, you’ll be able to see them coming and sidestep them.

As they say, knowledge is power. And in this case, understanding the manipulator’s game plan is half the battle won.

2) Trust your instincts

I can’t stress this enough.

There have been moments when something felt off but I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

After a good deal of reflection, I later realized it was my gut instinct telling me that manipulation was at play.

Your instincts are a powerful ally. They are your internal alarm system that warns you when something isn’t right, even if you can’t articulate it.

Consider this, when you sense that something is off, pay attention.

Don’t dismiss your feelings as paranoia or overthinking.

In a nutshell, it’s better to trust your gut and be wrong than to ignore it and be manipulated.

I’ve learned to listen to this inner voice.

And you know what?

It’s given me the courage to confront manipulators and maintain control of my emotions and actions. Trust me, it’s a skill worth honing.

3) Setting boundaries

There was this one time when I found myself constantly bending over backward for a friend who seemed to always need something.

It took me a while to realize that I was being manipulated into always being there, always doing them favors.

That’s when I learned the importance of setting boundaries.

I guess sometimes you gotta learn the hard way.

But since then, I started by clearly defining what was acceptable behavior and what wasn’t.

I won’t lie, it was tough at first, but I learned to say no when requests crossed those boundaries.

I didn’t have to be rude or confrontational about it.

A simple “I’m sorry, I can’t do that” proved to be effective.

Setting boundaries didn’t just help me reclaim my time and energy, it also sent a clear message to the manipulator: I was no longer an easy target.

4) Use their need for control against them

Simply put: Manipulators feed off control.

They thrive when they’re in charge of situations, conversations, and decisions. It’s like a game to them, and they’re always playing to win.

But here’s the kicker: this need for control can be used against them.

When I started to let go of my need to please, something interesting happened.

Fortunately, I learned soon enough that by seemingly giving the manipulator control, I was actually gaining it.

Let’s say they’re pushing for a decision that you don’t agree with.

Instead of arguing, you might say, “Sure, we can do it your way” and then add a condition that you know they won’t like.

This forces them to rethink their approach and puts you back in the driver’s seat.

In essence, it’s not about playing mind games or stooping to their level; it’s about outsmarting them at their own game.

5) Stay calm and composed

Manipulators often thrive on creating chaos and confusion.

Here’s something they know: When you’re emotional, you’re more likely to make decisions that you wouldn’t otherwise.

So you might ask, what can I do about it?

I’ve found that staying calm and composed, especially when things get heated, is an effective strategy to disarm a manipulator.

It’s like being in the eye of a hurricane – all around you, things may be in tumult, but you remain steady and in control.

However, this doesn’t mean you are indifferent or uncaring. Instead, it’s about keeping your emotions in check so they can’t be used against you.

I know what you’re thinking: This takes practice.

But over time, I’ve found that it helps maintain perspective and prevent the manipulator from gaining the upper hand.

6) Keep your personal information to yourself

Manipulators are masters at using people’s own information against them.

They weave intricate webs of deception, guilt, and obligation that can leave you feeling trapped and helpless.

Once, a person I thought to be a friend used some personal details I’d shared with them to manipulate me.

Was I shocked?

You bet! But it was also an eye-opening experience.

From then on, I learned to be cautious about the personal information I share, especially with someone I’m still getting to know or someone who’s shown manipulative tendencies in the past.

Limiting the amount of personal information they have access to can help keep you safe from manipulation.

After all, it’s not about being secretive or untrusting; it’s about protecting yourself.

7) Be assertive

In my journey to disarm manipulators, I’ve learned that being assertive is crucial.

Not to be confused by being aggressive or confrontational.

Being assertive is standing up for yourself and respectfully expressing your needs and rights.

I remember a time when a colleague constantly dumped their workload on me.

They’d play the victim, claiming they were overwhelmed, and I’d end up doing their work as well as mine.

One day, I decided to confront them – politely but firmly.

Simple right? Simple doensn’t mean easy though. 

Anyway, I expressed how this was affecting my work and that I couldn’t continue carrying their burden.

It was uncomfortable, but it worked. They backed off and began handling their responsibilities.

Being assertive sends a clear message to the manipulator – that you’re aware of what they’re doing and you won’t stand for it.

8) Know when to walk away

I’ve saved the most important point for last.

Sometimes, despite all your efforts, the best option is to simply walk away.

Now, walking away isn’t about admitting defeat or showing weakness. It means you choosing your well-being over a toxic situation.

Once, I found myself locked in a cycle of manipulation with a person who just wouldn’t change, no matter what I did.

Honestly speaking, it was draining me emotionally and mentally.

That’s when I realized that it was time to distance myself from that person and that situation.

I’ll admit it was hard, but it was undoubtedly the best decision I could have made.

Knowing when to walk away is perhaps the most powerful psychological trick to disarm a manipulator because it involves choosing yourself first.

Reflecting on the journey

If you’ve recognized these tricks, you’ve already taken the first important step in disarming a manipulator: awareness.

Commonly misconceived, these strategies aren’t just about dealing with manipulators, they’re about empowering yourself.

In fact, they’re about nurturing your self-esteem, your right to express your needs and wants, and the capacity to set boundaries.

Start by observing situations where you feel manipulated.

Notice when you feel overwhelmed or when your decisions are being overshadowed.

Pay attention to when your personal space is being invaded or your peace is disrupted.

Sure, this won’t change overnight and that’s okay.

However, each small step you take towards asserting yourself is a victory in itself.

In essence, this task might be challenging, but it’s also rewarding.

As a result, you’ll grow stronger and more assertive, and you’ll find yourself less affected by manipulative tactics. And that’s a victory worth striving for.