If someone uses these 10 phrases, they lack kindness and empathy for others

Avatar by Isabel Cabrera | September 6, 2024, 12:42 pm

Ever had a chat with someone and they said something that just didn’t sit right with you?

Sometimes, it’s tricky to put your finger on why certain words make us feel off. Well, often it’s because they show a lack of kindness or understanding.

In this article, I’ll look into ten phrases. These aren’t just any phrases. Nope, these are phrases that might show a person isn’t really that kind or understanding.

These are the phrases that can leave you feeling small or not heard. And it’s not a great place to be in, is it?

So, let’s dive into the 10 phrases that might just hint at a lack of kindness and empathy.

1. “I don’t care”

Let’s start with a phrase that screams a lack of empathy: “I don’t care.”

When someone repeatedly uses this phrase, it can feel like they’re dismissing your feelings or experiences. It’s as if they’re saying your concerns and emotions don’t matter to them.

If you’re frequently hearing “I don’t care” from someone, it might be a sign they’re not showing much kindness or empathy.

2. “You’re too sensitive”

Ever heard this before? “You’re too sensitive.”

This phrase is often used to belittle or dismiss someone’s feelings. It suggests that the problem is with the person feeling upset, not the behavior that upset them.

If someone is regularly telling you that you’re too sensitive, it might show that they lack empathy or understanding about your feelings and experiences.

3. “That’s just how I am”

Next up is a phrase I’ve personally encountered: “That’s just how I am.”

Once, a friend of mine would often make harsh jokes at my expense. When I expressed my discomfort, their reply was, “That’s just how I am. You need to deal with it.” It felt as if they were refusing to take responsibility for their actions or consider how they affected me.

This phrase can be a clear sign of a lack of kindness and empathy, as it disregards the feelings of others in favor of self-justification.

4. “It’s not my problem”

Individuals who frequently say, “It’s not my problem,” probably are a little lacking in the empathy department.

This phrase suggests that the person isn’t willing to take on the emotional burdens of others, even in small amounts.

It’s a clear sign of distancing oneself emotionally, which can be a hallmark of a lack of kindness and empathy.

5. “You always…” or “You never…”

These phrases, “You always…” or “You never…”, can feel like a punch to the gut.

They’re accusing, generalizing and often blow things out of proportion.

The truth is, no one always or never does something. These phrases ignore all the times when you acted differently. It’s a way of painting someone in a negative light without considering their feelings or experiences.

We need to remember that everyone has good days and bad days, and it’s unkind and unfair to label someone based on their worst moments.

6. “You’re overreacting”

Now, here’s one I’ve experienced myself: “You’re overreacting.”

A few years ago, I was going through a tough time and shared my feelings with a close friend. Instead of offering support or understanding, they told me I was overreacting.

It felt like a slap in the face.

This phrase can belittle your feelings and make you question your own reaction to situations. 

7. “Get over it”

This one’s a doozy – “Get over it.” It’s raw and harsh.

This phrase is often used as a way to dismiss someone’s feelings, to push them aside without giving them the consideration they deserve.

It’s as though your pain or your struggle is an annoyance to them.

To tell someone to simply “get over it” is to blatantly ignore their emotions and experiences. It shows a clear lack of empathy for what they’re going through, and that’s just not fair or kind.

8. “I’m just being honest”

Did you know that there’s a term called “brutal honesty”? It’s when someone uses honesty as an excuse to be unnecessarily harsh or cruel.

The phrase “I’m just being honest” often falls into this category. Sure, honesty is important, but it should never be used as a cover for unkindness.

If someone frequently uses this phrase after saying something hurtful, it might indicate a lack of empathy or understanding for your feelings. Being honest doesn’t mean one has to be hurtful!

9. “It’s all in your head”

This one hits close to home for me – “It’s all in your head.”

I remember a time when I was struggling with anxiety, and someone close to me used this phrase. It felt like they were dismissing my feelings, making them seem unreal or insignificant.

This phrase can make you feel isolated and misunderstood.

If someone frequently tells you that what you’re feeling is all in your head, it can be a sign that they lack empathy or understanding for your experiences.

10. “You should be grateful”

Lastly, we have – “You should be grateful.” Now, this one’s a real kicker.

It’s as if someone is telling you that your feelings aren’t valid because there are people who have it worse. It’s a way of dismissing your struggles and making you feel guilty for having them.

Here’s the truth: everyone’s pain is valid, and it’s not a competition. Telling someone to just be grateful without addressing their feelings can show a lack of empathy and kindness.