Men who are naturally selfish and only care about themselves usually display these 9 behaviors (without realizing it)

Mia Zhang by Mia Zhang | January 18, 2025, 4:25 am

It’s no secret that some men can be selfish, often prioritizing their own needs and desires without even realizing it.

This is about understanding, not accusing. It’s about shedding light on subconscious behaviors that may be harming their relationships.

Knowing what these behaviors are is crucial. It allows the men in question to recognize and address these patterns, while also giving those around them insight into what’s really going on.

Below are the 9 common behaviors displayed by men who naturally care more about themselves, often without even realizing it.

1) They dominate conversations

Ever find yourself in a conversation that feels more like a monologue? This is a key trait in men who are naturally selfish.

These individuals tend to dominate conversations, often steering the topic back to their interests, achievements or problems. It’s all about them, with little to no space for others to share their thoughts or experiences.

This doesn’t necessarily mean they’re purposely trying to hog the spotlight. More often than not, they’re simply unaware of their conversational monopoly.

It’s important to remember that good communication involves both speaking and listening. If you notice this pattern, it might be time for a gentle reminder about the importance of balance in conversations.

Remember, everyone deserves to be heard.

2) They rarely consider others’ feelings

I’ve encountered this behavior quite often. A friend of mine, let’s call him John, has a habit of making decisions that benefit him without considering how they might affect others.

For example, we once planned a group vacation, and instead of discussing the location as a group, John simply chose a place he wanted to visit. He didn’t take into account that some group members couldn’t afford the trip or that others had already been to that location. When confronted, he seemed genuinely surprised that his decision upset some people.

It’s not that John is intentionally trying to be hurtful. He simply doesn’t realize his actions can come off as selfish. This lack of empathy is a common behavior among men who unknowingly prioritize themselves above others. It’s something to be aware of and work on improving.

3) They have a one-track mind

Men who are naturally selfish often display a hyper-focus on their own goals to the exclusion of everything else. This tunnel vision can make them overlook the needs and contributions of others.

In psychology, this is known as ‘egotistical bias,’ where individuals overestimate their own importance and underestimate others’. This can lead to a lack of appreciation for the people around them, creating a perception of selfishness.

It’s worth noting that this isn’t always a bad thing. When channeled correctly, this intense focus can contribute to significant achievements. However, when it starts impacting relationships negatively, it’s time for some self-reflection and adjustment.

4) They avoid responsibility

Another common trait among naturally selfish men is their tendency to avoid responsibility. When things go wrong, they’re often the first to point fingers and the last to accept blame.

They might make excuses, deflect criticism, or simply ignore the issue altogether. This unwillingness to take accountability can be frustrating for those around them and can lead to strained relationships.

Recognizing this behavior is the first step toward change. Remember, it takes courage to own up to our mistakes, but doing so is a sign of maturity and respect for others.

5) They prioritize their needs over others

Selfish individuals often prioritize their own needs over those of others. This can manifest in a variety of ways, from trivial matters like choosing a restaurant without considering others’ preferences, to more significant issues like making major decisions without consulting those who will be affected.

This self-centered approach can leave others feeling overlooked and undervalued. It’s important for these men to realize that relationships are a two-way street and that considering the needs and feelings of others is not only fair but also crucial for maintaining healthy, balanced relationships.

6) They struggle with empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s a beautiful quality that brings us closer and helps us form meaningful connections.

Sadly, men who are naturally selfish often struggle with empathy. They find it challenging to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and genuinely comprehend their feelings. This can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

This doesn’t mean they’re incapable of empathy. With conscious effort and practice, they can learn to be more attuned to others’ emotions and needs. After all, everyone has the capacity for growth and change.

7) They don’t value other people’s time

I once had a friend who would routinely show up late for plans we made, or sometimes not show up at all. His lack of punctuality and frequent no-shows made me feel like my time wasn’t valued.

This is a common trait in men who are naturally selfish. They tend to prioritize their own time and disregard others’. This can be deeply hurtful, as it sends the message that their time is more important.

It’s vital to understand that respect for other people’s time is a fundamental aspect of any healthy relationship, personal or professional. Being punctual and reliable isn’t just about politeness; it’s about showing respect and consideration for others.

8) They often take more than they give

In any relationship, be it personal or professional, there’s a certain give-and-take dynamic. However, men who are naturally selfish often tip the scales in their favor.

They may frequently ask for favors but rarely return them. They might take credit for others’ work or expect constant support without offering much in return. This imbalance can leave others feeling used and undervalued.

It’s important to remember that healthy relationships are built on mutual respect and reciprocity. Everyone deserves to be in a relationship where they feel valued and appreciated. Recognizing this behavior is the first step toward creating a more balanced dynamic.

9) They resist change

The most important thing to know is that men who are naturally selfish often resist change, particularly when it comes to their behavior. They may become defensive or dismissive when their actions are called out, and they may struggle to see the need for change.

But recognizing and accepting one’s flaws is the first step toward personal growth. It’s not easy, but it’s crucial for improving relationships and becoming a more considerate, empathetic individual. Resistance to change can be a significant hurdle, but with patience and understanding, it can be overcome.