If you struggle to live in the present, this mindset change will transform your day

Isabella Chase by Isabella Chase | January 17, 2025, 3:51 am

Living in the present can be a real challenge for many of us. We often find ourselves trapped in past regrets or future anxieties.

This lack of mindfulness, or being present, can rob us of our happiness and peace. But what if I tell you a simple mindset change can transform your entire day?

In this article, I’ll share a perspective shift that helped me embrace the now. And don’t worry, it’s not about ignoring your past or future, but learning to exist where life is really happening – right here, right now.

So, if you’re struggling to live in the present, this might just be the game-changer you’ve been waiting for. Let’s dive in!

1) Embrace imperfection

Living in the present moment is often hindered by our constant urge for perfection. We get so caught up in the idea of doing everything flawlessly, that we forget to enjoy the process.

Here’s the reality – nobody is perfect. Not even close.

Once you understand and truly accept this, you start to free yourself from the chains of perfectionism. You start to focus more on the journey rather than the destination.

This mindset shift is crucial. It’s about understanding that mistakes are not setbacks, but stepping stones towards growth.

So next time you find yourself caught in the loop of perfectionism, take a deep breath and remember – it’s okay to be imperfect. In fact, it’s perfectly human.

Embracing imperfection allows us to live in the present, appreciate our progress and transform our day for the better.

2) Practice mindfulness daily

I’ve always been a worrier. My mind was constantly filled with ‘what ifs’ and ‘should haves’, keeping me from truly experiencing the present moment.

Then, I discovered mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the practice of intentionally focusing your attention on the present moment – and accepting it without judgment.

I started incorporating mindfulness into my daily routine. It could be as simple as really tasting my morning coffee, feeling its warmth, its texture, the aroma. Or it could be a full-blown meditation session.

This simple practice transformed my day-to-day experiences. I found myself more attuned to my surroundings, more at peace with myself, and less caught up in regret or anticipation.

And the best part? Mindfulness can be practiced anywhere, anytime. It’s about making a conscious effort to be fully engaged in whatever you are doing at the moment.

If you’re struggling to live in the present, I highly recommend giving mindfulness a shot. It was a game-changer for me and could be for you too.

3) Disconnect to reconnect

In our hyper-connected world, we’re always on the go. Emails to check, social media feeds to scroll through, messages to reply to. But did you know the average person touches their phone over 2,600 times a day?

This digital noise often distracts us from being present. It pulls us into a virtual world, away from the physical world we are in.

Disconnecting from our devices, even for a short while each day, can do wonders for our mindfulness. It gives us the space to reconnect with ourselves and our surroundings.

So, consider setting aside a few minutes each day to unplug. Use this time to simply observe what is happening around you or within you.

Remember, you don’t have to be constantly connected to be content. Sometimes, disconnecting is the best way to reconnect with the present moment.

4) Cultivate gratitude

Another powerful mindset shift that can help you stay present is cultivating gratitude. It’s easy to get caught up in what we don’t have or what we want next, and forget to appreciate what we already have.

Gratitude shifts our focus from what our life lacks to the abundance that’s already present. It helps us realize the many blessings we often take for granted.

Start by noting down three things you’re grateful for each day. It could be something as simple as a warm cup of tea, a kind word from a stranger, or the comfort of your bed.

Incorporating this practice into your daily routine can help ground you in the present moment. By focusing on the positive aspects of your life, you’ll start to see that every day is a gift worth cherishing.

5) Learn to let go

Holding onto past hurts or future uncertainties can keep us from experiencing the present moment fully. It’s like walking through life with a heavy backpack – it slows us down, drains our energy and stops us from truly enjoying the journey.

Learning to let go is crucial to living in the present. It doesn’t mean forgetting about your experiences, but rather accepting them as part of your story and choosing to move forward.

Imagine if instead of carrying that heavy backpack, you could leave it behind and walk freely. How much more could you appreciate the beauty around you? How much lighter would you feel?

This process may not be easy, and it may not happen overnight. But every small step you take towards letting go is a step towards living more fully in the present moment.

Remember, life is happening right now, in this moment. Don’t let the weight of the past or fear of the future rob you of the joy of the present.

6) Savor the small moments

I remember a time when I was so focused on reaching my goals that I forgot to enjoy the little things. The smell of fresh coffee in the morning, the sound of my kids laughing, the feel of a good book in my hands… I was so caught up in where I was going that I forgot to enjoy where I was.

This is a common trap. We get so busy chasing big dreams and milestones that we overlook the small moments that make life truly beautiful.

Don’t wait for a special occasion to feel happy or satisfied. Find joy in the everyday. Savor that first sip of coffee, enjoy a quiet moment with a loved one, or simply take a moment to breathe deeply and appreciate the world around you.

The small moments are where life happens. By savoring them, we can transform our day and live more fully in the present.

7) Use your senses

One of the easiest and most effective ways to ground yourself in the present is to engage your senses. Too often, we’re lost in our thoughts and forget that we have this incredible body that can taste, touch, smell, hear, and see.

Next time you feel your mind wandering off into the past or future, take a moment to tune into your senses. What can you hear right now? What can you smell? What can you feel?

This practice helps to anchor us in the present moment. It’s a reminder that we’re here, alive, and capable of experiencing the world in so many wonderful ways.

So, don’t just go through your day on autopilot. Engage your senses and experience the richness of the present moment. It could transform your day and make your life feel more vibrant and fulfilling.

8) Be patient with yourself

Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, be patient with yourself. Shifting your mindset to live in the present is a journey, not a destination.

There will be days when you find it easier to be present and days when you struggle. That’s perfectly okay. Remember, it’s not about perfection, but progress.

So be gentle with yourself. Celebrate the moments when you do manage to stay present and learn from the times when you don’t.

Patience and self-compassion are key in this journey of living in the present. With time and practice, you’ll find it becomes easier and more natural.

Remember, every moment is a new opportunity to be present. So take a deep breath, let go of expectations and simply be here, now.

Final thoughts: The beauty of now

The profound wisdom in the phrase “Carpe Diem” or “Seize the Day” holds a mirror to our struggle with being present. It’s a timeless reminder that the present moment is all we truly have.

Our lives are made up of a series of nows. Yet, we often let these precious moments slip away as we get caught up in past regrets or future anxieties.

Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh once said, “The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” This simple yet powerful statement highlights the potential that each moment holds if we choose to be fully present.

Shifting your mindset to be more in the present isn’t an overnight change. It’s a journey that requires patience, practice, and self-compassion. But it’s a journey worth embarking on.

So as you move forward, remember to pause, breathe and truly experience the now. Because life is happening in this moment, and it’s beautiful. Don’t miss it.