10 signs someone is a deeply authentic person, according to psychology

Have you ever met someone who’s just so… real? It’s like a breath of fresh air, isn’t it? That, my friend, is what we call an authentic person.
In a world where everyone’s trying to look picture-perfect on Instagram, meeting someone authentic is pretty special. But how can you tell if someone is really authentic?
Well, it turns out that psychology has some answers. We’re going to dive into the top 10 signs that someone is truly authentic.
By the time we’re done here, you’ll be spotting authentic people left and right.
So, are you ready to learn more about what makes someone genuinely authentic? Let’s get started!
Certainly, here’s the first point:
1) Consistency in words and actions
Authenticity is a trait that is seen consistently, not just in spurts or specific scenarios.
Deeply authentic people live their truth, not just talk about it. And this translates into a clear alignment between what they say and what they do.
Think about it. These individuals are the ones who walk the talk, consistently. They don’t just make big claims; their actions back up their words.
This consistency is a clear sign of authenticity as it shows a person’s dedication to their values and beliefs, no matter the circumstances.
It’s not about being perfect. Rather, it’s about being real and staying true to oneself, even when no one is watching. That’s authenticity in its deepest form.
2) They are comfortable with their imperfections
Let me share a personal example. I have a friend, Sarah. Now, Sarah isn’t perfect, far from it. But what makes her authentic is her ability to embrace and own up to her imperfections.
She isn’t afraid to admit when she’s wrong or when she’s made a mistake.
Instead of hiding behind a facade of perfection, she uses these instances as opportunities for growth and learning.
Sarah’s willingness to be transparent about her flaws doesn’t make her weak; on the contrary, it reveals her strength and confidence in who she is.
This ability to accept and embrace one’s imperfections is a clear sign of deep authenticity.
It shows that the person isn’t trying to project an image of perfection, but rather, they are comfortable being their true selves, warts and all.
3) They listen more than they speak
You might be surprised to learn that deeply authentic people tend to be great listeners.
This trait goes beyond just being polite or attentive. It’s about genuinely wanting to understand and learn from others.
Authentic individuals don’t monopolize conversations or constantly turn the focus onto themselves.
Instead, they give others the space to express their thoughts and feelings. They listen actively, show empathy, and respond thoughtfully.
This ability to listen more than they speak is not just a sign of respect for others, but it also reflects their desire for continuous learning and understanding the world from different perspectives.
4) They aren’t swayed by external validation
Deeply authentic individuals have a distinct characteristic: they don’t rely on external validation for their self-worth.
They value their own opinion of themselves more than the opinions of others.
This doesn’t mean they disregard feedback or constructive criticism.
Rather, they take it into account but do not let it define them. They understand that their worth is not tied to the number of likes on social media or the praise they receive. Their sense of self is grounded in their own values and beliefs.
This strong sense of self allows them to remain true to themselves, even in the face of criticism or rejection. This independence from external validation is a strong sign of deep authenticity.
5) They express their emotions openly
Authentic individuals don’t shy away from expressing their emotions. They understand that emotions are a natural part of being human, and they don’t feel the need to suppress or hide them.
Whether it’s joy, sadness, fear, or anger, authentic individuals aren’t afraid to let their true feelings show.
They allow themselves to experience these emotions fully and express them in a healthy and constructive way.
This openness and honesty about their emotional state is a clear sign of authenticity.
It shows that they’re not trying to put on a facade or pretend to feel something they don’t.
They are comfortable with their emotional experiences, and they aren’t afraid to share them with others.
6) They value deep connections
Deeply authentic people crave more than just superficial interactions. They yearn for meaningful, deep connections with others.
They aren’t interested in surface-level chit chat or maintaining relationships that lack depth and genuine connection. Instead, they seek out relationships that allow for honest conversations, mutual understanding, and emotional growth.
For them, it’s about quality over quantity when it comes to relationships. They’d rather have a few close, meaningful relationships than many shallow ones.
This longing for deep connections isn’t just about their social preferences; it’s a reflection of their authenticity.
They understand that true connection is only possible when we are authentic with each other, and they value this deeply.
7) They are not afraid to say “No”
There was a time when I found it incredibly hard to say “No”. I would take on more than I could handle, trying to please everyone around me. Over time, I realized this was causing me stress and was not sustainable.
Deeply authentic people understand the importance of setting boundaries and are comfortable in asserting them.
They know that saying “Yes” when they really mean “No” is not being true to themselves or fair to others.
They value their time and energy and are not afraid to protect it. They understand that saying “No” is not a sign of rudeness but a necessity for self-care and maintaining healthy relationships.
Being able to communicate boundaries and say “No” when needed is a clear sign of authenticity. It shows respect for oneself and others.
8) They’re not judgmental
Deeply authentic people have a unique trait: they don’t pass judgment on others. Instead, they strive to understand people’s perspectives and actions without hastily labeling or criticizing them.
They realize that everyone has their own journey, and it’s not their place to judge.
This doesn’t mean they agree with everything everyone does, but they understand that being judgmental doesn’t contribute to understanding or growth.
This openness and lack of judgment towards others reflect their authenticity. It shows their willingness to accept people as they are, warts and all – just as they accept themselves.
9) They live in alignment with their values
The most crucial sign of deep authenticity is living in alignment with one’s values.
Authentic individuals don’t just profess their values; they live them out in their daily actions and decisions.
Whether it’s honesty, kindness, or courage, they strive to embody these values in every aspect of their life.
Even when it’s challenging or uncomfortable, they stay true to what they believe in.
Living in alignment with one’s values is the heart and soul of authenticity. It’s the ultimate demonstration of being true to oneself and the world.
10) They’re honest, but not hurtful
Now, here’s last sign of an authentic person: honesty.
These folks are all about truth-telling. They don’t sugarcoat stuff or tell white lies to make you feel better.
When you ask for their opinion, expect the truth – raw and unfiltered.
But here’s the catch – they’re not brutally honest to the point of being hurtful.
Authentic people understand that honesty shouldn’t be used as a weapon. They’re tactful and considerate, always striving to deliver the truth in a way that respects the other person’s feelings.
This balance between honesty and empathy is a key trait of authentic people.
It shows they respect both themselves and others. So if you know someone who’s honest but also kind, chances are you’re dealing with an authentic person!
Final thoughts: Authenticity is an inside job
The journey towards deep authenticity is a personal and transformative one.
It’s not about trying to fit into societal norms, gaining approval from others, or portraying an image that isn’t true to who you are. It’s about embracing your true self, with all its perfections and imperfections.
Authenticity stems from self-awareness, self-acceptance, and the courage to live in alignment with your values. It’s about being real, not perfect.
Authenticity is a practice. It’s a conscious choice that we make every day. It’s about showing up as our true selves, even when it feels uncomfortable or scary.
And in the end, the freedom and fulfillment that come from being deeply authentic are worth every moment of discomfort. Because there’s nothing more liberating than being unapologetically you.