10 words you should stop using if you want to sound sophisticated

Mia Zhang by Mia Zhang | February 26, 2024, 10:12 am

Ever had a moment where you’re chatting away, thinking you sound pretty clever? Then, someone gives you a funny look. Oops!

It could be the words you’re using. But don’t sweat it, we all trip over our own tongues sometimes.

English can be a minefield and sometimes, we use words that don’t quite hit the mark. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 10 words to drop if you want to sound more sophisticated.

Ready to level up your vocabulary? Let’s dive right in!

1) “Literally”

This is one of those words that has been so overused it’s lost its punch. It’s meant to signify that something is true to the letter.
For example, “I literally ran 5 miles.” But people often misuse it for emphasis, like “I literally died laughing.”

Unless you’re a ghost typing this, you didn’t literally die. So, try to avoid using ‘literally’ unless it’s truly accurate. Your conversation will sound more credible and sophisticated without it.

2) “Just”

The word ‘just’ is often used as a filler and can make your statements sound more defensive or apologetic than they need to be.

For example, “I just thought…” or “I just feel that…” By cutting out this word, your thoughts and feelings will come across as more confident and assertive, adding to your sophisticated demeanor.

3) “Like”

We’re all guilty of sprinkling our conversations with the word ‘like’. It’s become a sort of verbal tic for many of us. For example, I remember saying something like, “I was, like, so surprised to see her there!”

But such usage can make us sound less polished and mature. By focusing on reducing the number of ‘likes’ in our speech, we can make our conversations sound more thoughtful and sophisticated.

4) “Irregardless”

Here’s a fun fact: ‘irregardless’ isn’t technically a word. It’s a common mistake, stemming from a combination of ‘irrespective’ and ‘regardless’.

While it has been used enough to earn a spot in some dictionaries, it’s still considered non-standard English. If you want to sound sophisticated, stick to ‘regardless’. It conveys the same meaning and won’t raise any linguistic eyebrows!

5) “Whatever”

‘Whatever’ is often used as a dismissive retort, and it can come across as rude or uncaring. It’s a word that shuts down dialogue rather than encouraging understanding or empathy.

We’re all human, and we crave connection and respect. By avoiding ‘whatever’, you’re choosing to keep lines of communication open and showing that you value the thoughts and feelings of others.

6) “Stuff”

I’ll admit, ‘stuff’ is one of those words I’ve found myself using when I can’t think of the right term. It’s a catch-all word that can refer to practically anything – belongings, ideas, actions, etc.

But it’s vague and unspecific, and using it too often can make your speech sound lazy or unrefined. I’ve found that by taking an extra moment to find the right word, my conversations become clearer and more sophisticated.

7) Swear words

Look, we’ve all let a curse word slip now and then. Sometimes, it feels like the best way to express frustration or shock. But here’s the hard truth – frequent swearing doesn’t do us any favors if we’re aiming for sophistication.

It can come off as aggressive, unprofessional, or even immature. Choosing more articulate ways to express our feelings can make us sound more composed and refined. And hey, it never hurts to keep our language clean!

8) “Ain’t”

Here’s an interesting nugget of information: ‘ain’t’ was originally considered perfectly good English back in the 17th century. Over time, however, its status has shifted and it’s now seen as informal and uneducated.

While it might be okay to use in a casual or colloquial setting, ‘ain’t’ doesn’t really have a place in sophisticated conversation. Stick to ‘isn’t’, ‘aren’t’, or ‘hasn’t’ instead for a more polished impression.

9) “Uhm”

Confession time: I used to be an ‘uhm’ addict. Whenever I felt unsure or needed a moment to gather my thoughts, ‘uhm’ was my go-to filler word.

But here’s the thing—overuse of ‘um’ can make you sound hesitant or unsure. By focusing on eliminating this little word from my speech, I found that my conversations flowed more smoothly and I sounded more confident and sophisticated. It’s a small change, but it can make a big difference!

10) “Bro/Bruh”

Let’s be real for a second. ‘Bro’ or ‘bruh’ may be popular lingo among friends and in certain online spaces, but in a sophisticated conversation, it just doesn’t fit in.

Sure, it might make you sound chill or relatable in casual chats, but if your aim is to sound refined, it’s best to leave these words out. Remember, the way we speak can influence how others perceive us. Opt for more formal address like ‘sir’, ‘madam’, or even the person’s name to exude sophistication.

Don’t underestimate the power of effective communication

There you have it! Ten words to give a miss if elegance and refinement are what you’re after.

By consciously avoiding these common linguistic pitfalls, we can elevate our speech and writing to new levels of clarity and professionalism.

Remember, language is a powerful tool that shapes perceptions and influences interactions. Choosing our words thoughtfully and avoiding unnecessary filler words or clichés demonstrates intelligence, precision, and respect for our audience.