7 types of people you should never allow to waste your time, according to psychology

Isabella Chase by Isabella Chase | October 12, 2024, 2:58 am

Ever heard the saying, “Time is money?”

Well, it’s not just a catchy phrase. Time is indeed a precious commodity, and according to psychology, there are certain individuals who can drain it like water from a leaky faucet.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Most people aren’t pre-disposed to waste your time.

Sometimes though, their behaviors and traits can unwittingly (or intentionally) suck away the precious minutes and hours of our day.

Curious yet?

Well, strap in because we’re about to delve into the types of people you should never allow to waste your time, according to psychology. 

Remember: your time is valuable. So, let’s learn how to protect it better, shall we?

1) The constant complainers

We all know them – people who never seem to have a good day.

They’re always battling some crisis or nursing a grudge against the world. Their glass is perpetually half empty – or completely dry.

Now, empathy is important, and being a good listener is an admirable trait.

But there’s a line, isn’t there? A point where their negativity starts to seep into your own mindset, pulling you into their whirlpool of complaints and grievances.

Psychology warns us about these constant complainers.

Their negativity can be infectious, impacting your mood and even your mental health. What’s more, they can consume vast amounts of your time with their never-ending problems and pessimistic perspective.

So, when you find yourself in the company of such individuals, it’s wise to guard your time – and your peace of mind.

2) The self-centered talkers

Oh, I’ve had my fair share of encounters with these folks.

The conversation with them is always one-sided. They’re more than eager to share their stories, their experiences, their opinions.

But when it’s your turn to talk? Suddenly, they have pressing matters to attend to or their attention conveniently drifts elsewhere.

I remember a time when I was excitedly sharing news about a major milestone in my career. Halfway through my story, this person – let’s call him John – abruptly changed the topic to his weekend fishing trip.

I felt unheard. Dismissed.

According to psychology, these self-centered talkers can be emotionally draining and a significant waste of our time. They’re not interested in a balanced conversation or a healthy give-and-take.

So remember, your stories and experiences are just as important. Don’t let a self-centered talker take that away from you – or your precious time.

3) The drama magnets

Drama magnets.

They love chaos. They thrive in conflict. If there’s no drama happening, they’ll create it.

It’s like they’re addicted to the adrenaline rush that comes with high-intensity situations.

And what’s more? They want you to get involved. To pick a side. To be a part of their emotional rollercoaster ride.

I’ve seen friendships strained, work environments tense, and even family gatherings turn sour because of the drama they stir up.

These drama magnets are a huge drain on our time and energy. They pull us away from our priorities and into their vortex of strife, often leaving us emotionally depleted.

When you spot a drama magnet trying to draw you in, take a step back. Preserve your peace, protect your time. You’ve got more important things to focus on.

4) The procrastinators

Ever worked on a group project with someone who always waits until the last minute to get their part done?

Frustrating, isn’t it?

These people, often known as procrastinators, tend to delay tasks until the eleventh hour.

And if you’re not careful, their habit can spill over onto your schedule, making you wait on them and disrupting your own productivity.

Psychology tells us that procrastination is more than just an annoying habit – it’s a time thief.

It not only steals away valuable minutes and hours but can also lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety.

So, when dealing with a procrastinator, it’s crucial to set clear boundaries and deadlines to ensure your time isn’t held hostage by their delay tactics.

5) The energy vampires

You know that exhausted feeling you get after spending time with certain individuals?

It’s not just your imagination.

These people, often referred to as energy vampires, have a way of sucking the life out of you. They leave you feeling drained, weary, and in dire need of a nap.

Interestingly, our brains are wired to pick up on others’ moods and emotions. This means that the negative energy from these individuals can quite literally suck the life out of you.

So, when it comes to energy vampires, remember to guard both your time and your energy. 

6) The constant critics

It’s one thing to receive constructive criticism from a well-meaning friend or colleague.

But it’s another thing entirely to be constantly picked apart by someone who only seems to notice your faults.

These folks, the constant critics, never miss an opportunity to point out your mistakes or shortcomings. Their harsh words can leave you feeling self-conscious.

But here’s the thing: You are more than the sum of your parts.

And while these constant critics can be a major time and energy drain, it also reminds us of the importance of self-compassion.

It’s okay to make mistakes, to be imperfect. What’s not okay is allowing someone else’s harsh words to steal away your time and peace of mind.

7) The guilt-trippers

There’s one more type of person you should be wary of – the guilt-trippers.

They know how to pull at your heartstrings, how to make you feel obligated. They may use phrases like “after all I’ve done for you” or “you owe me this much.”

And before you know it, you’re spending time and energy on tasks and situations you never agreed to, simply because they made you feel guilty.

But your time is your own.

Psychology reminds us that guilt-tripping is a manipulative tactic, designed to make you surrender control of your time and energy. You don’t owe anyone your time, especially if it’s at the cost of your own well-being.

So, stand firm. Protect your time. Don’t let guilt-trippers sway you otherwise.

Final thoughts

Remember, we all have character flaws. But what’s key here is recognizing how these behaviors impact your time, and consequently, your life.

Becoming aware is the first step. Once you identify these time-draining patterns, you can make conscious choices to safeguard your time and energy.

So ask yourself – are there people in your life who regularly encroach on your time? How does it affect you? What boundaries could you set?

Take this knowledge and use it to make positive changes in your life. After all, your time is precious. Make sure you’re spending it wisely.