8 things mentally strong women do every day (without even realizing it)

Ava Sinclair by Ava Sinclair | September 5, 2024, 9:48 pm

There’s a significant distinction between just getting through the day and really thriving in it.

This difference often stems from habits, those little things we do every day without even realizing it.

Mentally strong women, I’ve found, have a unique set of daily habits. These practices are often so ingrained in their routine that they might not even notice they’re doing them.

But these habits are powerful. They help mentally strong women to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and resilience.

In this article, we’ll explore the 8 things that mentally strong women do every day, often without even realizing it.

1) Start with gratitude

Mentally strong women often kick off their day with an attitude of gratitude.

And this isn’t just about saying “thank you” – though that’s important too.

It’s about cultivating a mindset that focuses on the positive things in life, even when times are tough.

This daily ritual of acknowledging what they’re grateful for isn’t always a conscious one. But it’s a powerful practice nonetheless.

So it seems that mentally strong women have been onto something all along. They instinctively know the power of starting the day with a little bit of gratitude.

And the best part? We can adopt this habit too, and start our days on a positive note.

2) Embrace the uncomfortable

I’ve learned that mentally strong women do something a little surprising every day – they willingly step outside their comfort zones. It’s not always a huge leap. Sometimes, it’s as simple as trying a new recipe or asking for feedback at work.

I remember a time when I was offered an opportunity to speak at a conference. Public speaking was way out of my comfort zone, filled me with anxiety, and my immediate reaction was to decline.

But I decided to take a leaf out of the book of mentally strong women I admire and embrace the discomfort.

Guess what? It was scary but also empowering. It helped me grow both personally and professionally.

Mentally strong women understand that discomfort is often a sign of growth. So they don’t shy away from it – they lean into it. And, often, they do this so instinctively that they may not even realize they’re doing it.

3) Prioritize self-care

In a world that’s always on the go, taking time out for oneself can often take a backseat. But not for mentally strong women.

They recognize that to give their best to the world, they first need to take care of themselves. Whether it’s a quick workout, a healthy meal, or even a few minutes of quiet meditation, they make sure to carve out some ‘me’ time every day.

This isn’t an act of self-indulgence, but a necessary practice to recharge and rejuvenate. It’s something they do every day, often without even realizing the profound impact it has on their mental strength and overall wellbeing.

4) Set clear boundaries

Mentally strong women are adept at setting boundaries. They know the value of their time and energy and aren’t afraid to say no when necessary.

Boundaries involve creating a healthy balance in relationships and preserving self-respect, rather than shutting people out.

Whether it’s declining an extra work assignment to maintain a work-life balance or distancing themselves from a toxic relationship, mentally strong women make these tough decisions instinctively.

By setting clear boundaries, they ensure that they have the time and energy for the things that truly matter to them. And they do this so effortlessly, they might not even realize they’re doing it. But it’s an essential part of their mental strength.

5) Spread kindness

One of the most beautiful things about mentally strong women is their habit of spreading kindness. They understand that kindness is not a weakness, but a strength.

Whether it’s a smile, a compliment, or lending a hand to someone in need, they’re always ready to add a little light to someone else’s day.

They know that one small act of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life. And they do it not for recognition or reward, but simply because it feels right.

They might not realize this daily habit of kindness contributes to their mental strength, but it does. It reinforces their sense of empathy and connection with others, which can be incredibly empowering.

6) Nurture relationships

In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to forget the simple joy of connection. But mentally strong women never underestimate the power of nurturing their relationships.

They make time for their loved ones, maintaining bonds that provide emotional support and a sense of belonging. They listen, they share, they care.

These women understand that strong relationships involve not only taking but also giving – giving time, giving love, giving support.

This heartfelt habit of nurturing relationships is something they do every day, often without even realizing how it contributes to their mental strength and overall happiness.

7) Embrace their uniqueness

Growing up, I often felt like I didn’t quite fit the mold. I had different interests and a different way of seeing the world.

It took me some time to realize that this wasn’t something to be ashamed of, but rather something to embrace.

Mentally strong women don’t try to conform or fit into a box. They embrace their unique qualities and use them to their advantage.

Their individuality is their strength. They are comfortable in their own skin and they’re not afraid to show the world who they are.

8) Believe in themselves

Perhaps the most critical habit of mentally strong women is their unwavering belief in themselves. They know their worth, believe in their abilities, and trust that they can handle whatever life throws at them.

This self-belief doesn’t mean they think they’re perfect or infallible. It means they understand their strength and potential, and they’re not afraid to bet on themselves.

Self-belief fuels their confidence, drives their ambition, and helps them bounce back from setbacks. It’s the bedrock of their mental strength.

And they carry this belief so deeply within them, they might not even realize it’s there. But it is – every day, guiding them through life’s ups and downs.

Essence: It’s a journey

The beauty of mental strength lies in the journey, not merely the destination.

Each of the habits we’ve explored is a stepping stone on the path to becoming stronger, more resilient women. They aren’t checkboxes to be ticked off a list, but practices to be woven into the fabric of our daily lives.

These practices may not always be conscious. They might be so ingrained in our routines that we don’t even realize we’re doing them. But that’s okay.

What matters is that they’re helping us build our mental strength and resilience, one day at a time.

So let’s take a moment to reflect on our own daily habits. Are we nurturing our mental strength? Are there changes we can make, however small, to help us become the best versions of ourselves?

After all, every journey begins with a single step. And every step brings us closer to becoming mentally strong women — even if we don’t realize it.