9 things mentally strong people do every day (without even realizing it)

Ava Sinclair by Ava Sinclair | June 3, 2024, 10:00 am

There’s a world of difference between being mentally strong and just acting tough.

The distinction? It’s all about daily habits.

Mentally strong people don’t just pull out their strength in times of crisis, they flex these muscles daily, often without even realizing it.

These daily practices, as simple as they may seem, form the foundation of their mental resilience. Believe it or not, there are certain things that mentally strong individuals do every day.

Here are nine of those things to help you understand the mindset and habits of mentally strong people.

Read on to discover what those habits are in “9 things mentally strong people do every day (without even realizing it)”.

1) They embrace change

One of the biggest distinguishing factors of mentally strong people lies in their relationship with change.

You see, for most individuals, change is scary. It’s unpredictable, it’s unsettling and it often pushes us out of our comfort zones. But for the mentally strong? They see change as an opportunity.

Consider this – life is constantly evolving, constantly changing. To resist this change is to fight against the natural course of life. Mentally strong people understand this. They embrace change, viewing it as a chance for growth and learning.

Instead of being paralyzed by the uncertainty brought on by change, they adopt a more adaptive mindset. They anticipate changes, prepare for them and meet them head on.

This isn’t to say that they don’t feel fear or anxiety in the face of change. But instead of allowing these feelings to dictate their responses, they navigate through them with resilience and grit.

And what’s even more impressive? They do this every single day, often without even realizing it. It’s simply a natural part of their mental make-up.

Embracing change – it’s not just a habit, but a mindset that mentally strong people practice daily. And it’s one that we can all learn from.

2) They practice gratitude

I’ve learned something interesting about mentally strong individuals – they have an innate sense of gratitude.

Let me share a personal example. A few years ago, I met a man named John at a leadership conference. He was the CEO of a successful startup, but what struck me most about him was his positive attitude, despite the countless challenges he faced in his business.

One day, I asked John about his secret to maintaining such a positive outlook. His answer? Gratitude.

John told me that every morning, before he even gets out of bed, he makes a mental list of three things he’s grateful for. It could be anything from the warm sun shining through his window to a kind word from a friend the day before.

This daily practice of gratitude, he explained, helped him start his day on a positive note. It allowed him to focus on what was going right in his life, rather than what was going wrong.

John’s practice struck a chord with me. I started integrating this habit into my own daily routine and it has made a significant difference in my outlook.

Practicing gratitude doesn’t mean ignoring the negative aspects of life. But it does mean choosing to focus more on the positive, something that mentally strong people do every day. And often, they don’t even realize they’re doing it.

3) They exercise regularly

Do you know what’s common between Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, and Barack Obama? Apart from being successful in their respective fields, they all have a dedicated exercise routine.

Physical health and mental strength go hand in hand. Regular exercise not only keeps you fit physically, but also enhances your mental well-being.

Mentally strong individuals understand this connection and make regular exercise a part of their routine. Whether it’s a morning run, a yoga session, or a heavy workout at the gym, they make sure to include physical activity in their daily schedule.

Exercise releases endorphins, known as the ‘feel good’ hormones, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. It keeps the mind sharp and increases levels of energy, focus and productivity.

4) They set boundaries

An often overlooked characteristic of mentally strong individuals is their ability to set clear boundaries.

Boundaries are essential in defining who we are in relation to others. They help us to separate our needs, thoughts, feelings, and desires from others.

Mentally strong people understand the importance of this separation. They don’t let others impose their thoughts or feelings upon them, nor do they impose theirs on others. They respect their own time, emotions, energy and needs, and ask others to respect them too.

Setting boundaries might involve saying ‘no’ to additional responsibilities at work when they already have a full plate, or choosing not to engage in situations that drain their energy.

By setting clear boundaries, they maintain their mental peace and prevent unnecessary stress. And they do this every day, often without even realizing that they’re exercising their mental strength in doing so. It’s just a part of who they are.

5) They learn from their mistakes

Everybody makes mistakes, but what sets mentally strong individuals apart is how they deal with these missteps.

Instead of beating themselves up over a mistake, they see it as a learning opportunity. They take the time to analyze what went wrong, understand the factors that led to the mistake, and devise a plan to avoid making the same error in the future.

This approach doesn’t just prevent them from dwelling on their mistakes – it turns each error into a stepping stone towards personal growth and development. It’s a healthy way to handle failure.

By adopting this mindset, mentally strong people continuously improve and evolve, gaining wisdom from every mistake they make. It’s a daily habit that contributes significantly to their mental strength.

6) They practice self-compassion

Life can be tough. We all face challenges and setbacks that can knock us down. But mentally strong people have a secret weapon that helps them navigate these rough waters – self-compassion.

Self-compassion is the practice of being kind and understanding towards oneself in instances of pain or failure, rather than being harshly self-critical. It involves treating ourselves with the same kindness and understanding we would offer to a dear friend facing similar difficulties.

Mentally strong individuals understand that they, like anyone else, are human and prone to making mistakes. Instead of beating themselves up over these mistakes, they offer themselves kindness and forgiveness.

This attitude of self-compassion fosters resilience, helping them bounce back from failures and setbacks more quickly. And the beautiful part about it? They practice this every day, often without even realizing it.

7) They choose their battles wisely

I remember a time when I would get consumed by every problem that came my way. Big or small, I felt the need to tackle them all head-on. This often left me exhausted, stressed, and unable to focus my energy on things that truly mattered.

Then I learned a valuable lesson from a mentor – not all battles are worth fighting.

Mentally strong people understand the importance of this principle. They know that not every problem or conflict deserves their time and energy. They have the wisdom to discern which battles are worth fighting and which ones are better left alone.

This doesn’t mean they ignore problems or avoid confrontations. It simply means they choose their battles wisely, focusing on issues that align with their core values and contribute to their personal growth.

This daily practice of discernment is a testament to their mental strength. It’s a lesson I’ve personally taken to heart and it has brought significant peace and clarity into my life.

8) They maintain a growth mindset

One of the key traits of mentally strong people is their belief in continuous growth and development.

They don’t see their abilities and intelligence as fixed traits that they’re born with. Instead, they believe that these are qualities that can be developed over time with effort, practice, and perseverance.

This is what psychologist Carol Dweck refers to as a ‘growth mindset’.

Mentally strong people embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. They persist in the face of obstacles, viewing them as necessary hurdles on the path to success. They see effort as a necessary part of mastery, and they learn from criticism.

By maintaining a growth mindset, they stay adaptable and open to new experiences, always ready for self-improvement.

Incorporating a growth mindset into daily life is not just a habit, but a way of life for these individuals. It’s one of the keys to their mental strength.

9) They practice mindfulness

Above all, mentally strong people practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the act of being fully present in the moment, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, without being overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s happening around us.

This might sound simple, but it’s a practice that can have profound effects on mental strength. Mindfulness allows individuals to respond to situations with clarity and calmness, rather than reacting impulsively. It reduces stress, improves focus, and enhances emotional intelligence.

Mentally strong people practice mindfulness in their everyday lives. Whether it’s taking a few minutes to meditate, focusing fully on a task at hand, or simply taking the time to breathe and observe their surroundings – they make mindfulness a part of their daily routine.

Final thoughts: It’s in the daily actions

When it comes to mental strength, it’s not about grand gestures or monumental decisions. It’s found in the small, daily actions that often go unnoticed.

These actions, from embracing change and practicing gratitude to setting boundaries and maintaining a growth mindset, are the building blocks of mental resilience. They are the habits that mentally strong people engage in every day, often without even realizing the impact they have on their mental fortitude.

Remember, mental strength isn’t something you’re born with – it’s something you build. It’s a continuous process of growth and learning, fueled by daily habits and a resilient mindset.

So next time you face a challenge or a setback, think about these nine things. Consider how you can incorporate them into your own daily routine.

Because mental strength isn’t just for the toughest times. It’s for every day. It’s for life.