7 things highly successful couples do differently to everyone else

Tina Fey by Tina Fey | September 1, 2024, 6:39 pm

There’s a clear distinction between the average couple and the ones who seem to have it all figured out.

It’s not about luck or even destiny, it’s about the choices they make.

Highly successful couples aren’t privy to some secret information.

They just do things differently.

And you know what? These differences aren’t as complicated as one might think. In fact, they’re surprisingly simple.

So, if you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’re ready to take your relationship up a notch.

Well, you’re in the right place!

This article is all about sharing those seven little things that successful couples do differently.

Trust me, these insights might just transform your love life! Let’s get started.

1) They prioritize communication

It’s no secret that communication sits at the heart of a successful relationship.

But the best couples don’t just communicate, they prioritize it.

Let’s be honest, life gets busy.

Between work, errands, and the myriad of other responsibilities we all juggle, it can be easy to let communication with your partner slip down the list.

Not so for successful couples. They understand that good communication is essential, not optional.

It’s the lifeblood of their relationship and they treat it as such.

Whether it’s setting aside time each day to really talk, or making sure they express their feelings openly and honestly, these couples make communication a top priority.

And guess what? It pays off! Strong communication leads to a deeper understanding, which in turn fosters trust and intimacy.

So, take a leaf out of their book and make communication a non-negotiable in your relationship.

2) They argue

Yes, you read that right. Highly successful couples argue.

This might seem counterintuitive.

After all, isn’t a peaceful relationship the goal? 

Well, not always. Arguing isn’t necessarily a sign of a troubled relationship. In fact, it’s often a sign of a healthy one.

Successful couples understand that disagreements are inevitable.

After all, they’re two different people with different perspectives and opinions. It’s natural to clash sometimes.

But the key is how they argue.

They don’t let it spiral into name-calling or blaming.

Instead, they use it as an opportunity to learn more about each other and grow as a couple.

The lesson?

Next time you find yourself in a disagreement with your partner, don’t shy away from it.

Embrace it as a chance to build a stronger relationship. That’s what successful couples do.

3) They maintain their individuality

Being in a relationship doesn’t mean losing yourself in the process.  Successful couples get this.

They understand that a relationship is not about two halves making a whole, but rather two wholes coming together to form a partnership.

They appreciate their individuality and encourage each other to pursue their personal interests and passions.

In my book, Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship, I delve deeper into this but for now, just know that holding onto your unique identity doesn’t take away from your relationship, it adds to it.

This habit brings richness and depth, allowing you both to grow as individuals while still growing as a couple.

It’s all about finding that balance between ‘me’ and ‘we’.

4) They practice gratitude

There’s a simple yet incredibly powerful habit that successful couples regularly practice. Gratitude.

It’s easy to take your partner for granted, especially when you’ve been together for a while.

But the happiest couples are those who never stop appreciating each other.

They say ‘thank you’ for the small things – a warm cup of coffee brought to them in bed, taking out the trash, or even just a simple hug after a long day.

They don’t let these moments go unnoticed.

5) They create shared goals

Whether it’s planning a dream vacation, owning a home, or adopting a pet, having common objectives brings them closer and reinforces their bond.

In my own relationship, planning our future together has been one of the most exciting aspects.

There’s something incredibly special about envisioning and working towards a shared future.

So, take some time to sit down with your partner and discuss your shared dreams and goals.

It can be an incredibly rewarding and bonding experience.

Plus, it gives you both something exciting to look forward to!

6) They prioritize each other

Life can get busy. With so many responsibilities pulling us in different directions, it can be easy to let our relationships take a back seat.

But successful couples don’t let that happen.

They make each other a priority.

Whether it’s scheduling regular date nights or simply spending quality time together at home, they ensure their relationship never falls by the wayside.

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7) They accept imperfections

No relationship is perfect. And successful couples know this.

They understand that they are two imperfect people trying to build a life together.

There will be flaws.

There will be mistakes.

But they accept these imperfections, both in themselves and in each other.

They don’t expect their partner to be perfect.

Instead, they love them for who they are, warts and all.

This acceptance creates a safe space where both partners can be their authentic selves without fear of judgment or criticism.

Conclusion: The journey of love is a shared adventure

Highly successful couples understand that their relationship is a continuous journey of growth.

They embrace the ups and downs, knowing that every challenge brings them closer and strengthens their bond.

In the end, it’s not about doing things perfectly.

It’s about doing them together, learning from each other, and becoming better as individuals and as a couple.

Keep these seven practices in mind as you navigate your relationship journey.

They may not guarantee perfection, but they sure will make the ride more enjoyable and fulfilling.

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