7 things highly intelligent people never waste their time on, according to psychology

Do you ever feel like you just can’t get ahead in life?
It’s frustrating to see others breeze through life while you seem stuck, trying your best and getting nowhere.
The answer is simpler than you might think.
It turns out: intelligent people are just really good at using their time and energy wisely, helping them to be more productive and successful as a result.
Today, we’re going to take a closer look at 7 things highly intelligent people never waste time on, all backed by psychology.
It’s time to find out which of these time-sappers might be stalling your progress and how steering clear of them can boost your productivity, happiness, and fulfillment.
Ready? Let’s get started
1) Dwelling on past mistakes
We’ve all made mistakes and failed at things in life, right? That’s just part of being human.
The problem is that some of us dwell on these past mistakes so much that they start to impact our present and future.
Highly intelligent people avoid this trap; they understand that dwelling on past errors is a complete waste of time.
Instead, they embrace what’s known as a growth mindset, a concept popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck.
Intelligent individuals accept their errors, learn from them, and then move on.
Research shows that having a growth mindset makes people more likely to embrace new challenges, whereas those with a fixed mindset might let past performances hold them back.
One of the best ways to save time and energy?
Stop dwelling on what went wrong in the past. Just take the lessons, apply them, and step forward into new experiences.
2) Worrying about what other people think
It’s completely normal to worry a bit about what others think of us.
After all, as human beings, we have a natural desire to belong and be accepted.
Intelligent people are no different, deep down they have the same worries but the difference is they don’t let it take over.
They’ve reached the point of self-differentiation where they recognize their need for others yet they don’t depend on them for approval.
“Differentiated individuals do not depend on others for their worth.” explains clinical psychologist Dr. Paul Roy-Taylor, “They know people will not always agree or approve—and they feel just fine with that.”
Consider Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx.
She started with a simple idea to improve women’s undergarments and faced numerous rejections and skepticism.
Had she focused on those negative opinions, Spanx might never have become the multi-billion dollar empire it is today.
When you stop worrying about what other people think, you free up a lot of time to build your dreams, pursue opportunities, experience life, and pave your own path.
3) Engaging in gossip, small talk, and idle rumors
One thing you’ll never see intelligent people doing is engaging in gossip and rumor spreading.
They’ve got too much emotional intelligence to be tempted by these things.
They know how important trust is in relationships and avoid gossip at all costs to maintain their credible and reliable reputation.
Due to their empathetic nature, they’re also highly aware of the negative impact of harsh words on other people and don’t want to play any role in hurting others.
According to research, the consequences of gossip can be severe and long-lasting, including things like depression, stress, and even suicidal thoughts.
One of the smartest people I know, never ever engages in gossip.
It’s so impressive to see her resist getting involved even when people encourage her.
She’ll usually say something like “Everyone is fighting their own battles, so I don’t judge her for it” and then move the conversation to a more positive place.
Instead of wasting time on negative conversations about others, intelligent folks tend to build positive relationships with people, that ultimately help them to move forward in life.
4) Holding grudges
Did you know that 78% of people have ‘some lingering resentment’ about things that have happened to them?
Are you one of those people?
Maybe you’re still holding a grudge against your ex-partner or an old friend for how they treated you.
Here’s the kicker: research shows that harboring resentment damages your mental and physical health in a big way.
It consumes your thoughts, keeps you focused on past hurts, and drains energy that could be used for more positive and creative activities.
That’s why intelligent people don’t waste time holding old grudges.
They know that forgiveness sets them free.
As outlined by Psychology Today “Forgiveness can, over time, help free the victim from the hurt, rumination, and suppression, and from the offender.”
It’s not about letting the other person off, it’s about reclaiming their energy and freedom to chase their dreams without being weighed down.
Maybe it’s time you laid some old grudges to rest too?
5) Trying to please everyone
Have you ever fallen into the trap of trying to please everyone?
I know I have. I never wanted to let anyone down so I used to say yes to everything.
More work, more social occasions, more family events. It was exhausting.
Intelligent people know this is a losing game so they don’t waste any time on it.
Instead, they set clear and simple boundaries with the people in their lives to make sure they know what to expect from them.
This ensures everyone is on the same page, prevents hurt feelings, and saves time by not trying to please everyone, which is impossible.
As outlined by psychotherapist Marissa Moore MA, LPC, “Boundaries are essential for maintaining your interpersonal relationships. When you set boundaries, you may find your life much more fulfilling”
Would setting some boundaries with your nearest and dearest save you time and make you feel more fulfilled?
6) Comparing themselves to others
Theodore Roosevelt famously said “Comparison is the thief of joy” and intelligent people know this is true.
According to Leon Festinger, the psychologist responsible for the social comparison theory, we engage in this comparison process as a way of establishing a benchmark by which we can make accurate evaluations of ourselves.
People tend to compare themselves up or down depending on their motivation.
They’ll engage in upward comparison if they feel like someone is doing better than them and downward if they feel they’re doing better.
The problem with this is: very often people don’t compare the full picture.
They see their neighbor with a new car and feel left behind, not realizing the neighbor has a hefty car loan while they are debt-free.
Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson suggests “Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.”
Intelligent people recognize that comparing themselves to others is a total waste of time and simply don’t do it.
They focus on themselves and their progress.
7) Negative self-talk
Are you guilty of being a little too hard on yourself at times, calling yourself ‘stupid’ or ‘foolish’?
Negative self-talk is something intelligent folks avoid at all costs.
It’s not that they don’t feel insecure or uncertain from time to time, they do.
But they don’t let that negative voice in their head take over because it’s too powerful.
Clinical psychologist Guy Winch, Ph.D., puts it bluntly:
“Psychologically speaking, the practice of negative self-talk has no utility whatsoever—none. It is purely harmful.”
He explains that it “impairs our self-esteem, confidence, sense of empowerment, agency, mastery, competence, motivation, determination, purpose.”
The message is crystal clear: whenever you catch yourself slipping into negative self-talk, you need to stop it right away. It’s a total waste of time.
Final thoughts
There you have it: 7 things that intelligent people never waste time on. And you shouldn’t either.
Which one are you most guilty of?
Kick these negative habits, and you’ll find yourself not only more productive but also more fulfilled in life.