6 subtle traits of a highly seasoned liar that most people overlook without realizing it

The facts about lying are quite frankly shocking.
According to one study, 13% of people are pathological liars, telling up to 10 lies a day. Even more shocking, it has been found that the top 1% of liars tell around 17 lies each day!
What’s more, while we generally don’t think of ourselves as gullible, research has shown that we’re not very good at spotting lies.
Skilled liars, therefore, get away with lies without us even noticing. And probably more often than we might even imagine.
With this in mind, we dive into six traits of experienced liars. These aren’t easy to spot, but they can help you protect yourself.
Let’s get to it.
1) They lie when there is something to gain
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get away with lying while others are caught almost immediately?
It turns out that not all liars are created equal.
Pathological liars, for instance, might lie constantly, even when there’s no clear reason. As Charles Ford, a psychologist and author, stated, “Pathological liars can’t stop themselves from lying, so they tell a lot of little lies and wind up getting caught.”
Highly seasoned liars, on the other hand, are more strategic.
They understand that the more they lie, the higher their chances of getting caught. So, they choose their moments carefully, lying only when there’s something to be gained.
For example, let’s imagine a seasoned liar in a work setting. They might stay silent most of the time, but when a promotion is on the line, they suddenly have a well-crafted story about a successful project they led, embellishing their role to appear more indispensable than they actually were.
In this case, the lie is calculated and serves a clear purpose—to climb the career ladder.
This selective approach to lying makes these seasoned deceivers much harder to spot. They’re not lying just for the sake of it; they’re lying with a goal in mind, making each deception a calculated move in a larger game.
2) They throw in unnecessary but true details
A common trick in a liar’s playbook is to weave elaborate details into their stories. The aim?
To make their fabrications more convincing. They pile on the specifics, the backstories, and the minute elements that might not seem to matter much at first glance.
Bad liars do this, too. So, what do seasoned liars do differently?
They tell the truth about these details.
They’ve learned from the mistakes of their less careful counterparts and know that too false details can be dangerous. Instead, they sprinkle their lies with unnecessary but verifiable truths.
These tidbits serve no purpose in the narrative other than to lend it an air of authenticity.
Next time you hear a story that’s peppered with seemingly pointless yet factual information, take a step back and consider the full picture.
3) They plan their lies
Unlike spontaneous fibs blurted out in the heat of the moment, seasoned liars create their lies in advance.
They anticipate questions and plot out their responses. They consider the perspectives of those they intend to deceive, tailoring their lies to fit what their audience is likely to believe. This premeditation allows them to cover all bases, ensuring that their story holds up under scrutiny.
As you might imagine, and as highlighted by psychological research, this strategy significantly decreases the likelihood of being caught.
By planning their lies, seasoned liars ensure consistency in their stories. They’re also less likely to contradict themselves or forget a detail because they’ve rehearsed their narrative, refining it until it’s as convincing as possible.
4) They use charm to soften people up
Let’s say you’re at a networking event, and you strike up a conversation with someone who immediately makes you feel like the most interesting person in the room. They compliment your insights, laugh at your jokes, and seem captivated by what you have to say.
You’d want to believe they are genuine and telling the truth, right?
Seasoned liars often employ charm and flattery as a way to disarm those around them. By making us feel good, they lower our defenses, making us less likely to scrutinize their words or doubt their intentions.
Sincere compliments and a charming demeanor can create a positive impression that acts as a smokescreen for their deceit.
This technique is particularly effective because it plays on basic human psychology. We all like to feel valued and appreciated, and when someone makes us feel this way, we’re naturally more inclined to view them favorably.
While it’s nice to be on the receiving end of compliments and engaging conversation, it’s wise to remain vigilant and to consider whether there might be an ulterior motive behind any flattery.
5) They remember their lies
I once had a colleague in the finance industry who had a habit of embellishing stories and adding fictitious details to make himself seem more experienced and successful than he actually was.
One day, he claimed to have led a high-profile project that, in reality, he had only played a minor role in. Unfortunately for him, he forgot his own fabrications and later contradicted his earlier tale in front of the same group of people. The inconsistency was glaring, and his credibility took a serious hit.
This is a classic mistake that seasoned liars are careful to avoid.
Seasoned liars understand the importance of consistency and the risk of contradicting themselves. To prevent this, they meticulously track the lies they’ve told and to whom.
By doing this, these skilled deceivers ensure that their stories remain consistent over time, regardless of the audience or context.
But of course, remembering a web of lies is really hard; this is also why they don’t lie indiscriminately. As mentioned previously, they lie only when there’s something to gain, which also reduces the volume of falsehoods they need to keep track of.
This strategic approach minimizes their chances of getting caught and makes their lies all the more convincing.
6) They make their lies hard to disprove
Highly skilled liars know how to cover their tracks.
They don’t just throw out big, obvious lies; instead, they tell you things that are tough to check up on. It’s their way of staying safe.
What’s their secret? Well, it’s all about the details.
These liars pick things to lie about that you can’t easily prove or disprove. They might talk about feelings or opinions instead of clear-cut facts, or they might tell you about something that supposedly happened when no one else was around.
It’s a clever strategy—because how can you argue against something when there’s no way to check if it’s true?
The bottom line
That just about wraps it up for today, folks.
Spotting a skilled liar isn’t easy, but by looking out for these traits, you can become better at telling fact from fiction.
As always, I hope you found some value in this post.
Until next time.