8 subtle signs someone is talking down to you, according to psychology

Lucas Graham by Lucas Graham | August 5, 2024, 4:46 pm

There’s a fine line between giving helpful advice and just plain talking down to someone.

Sometimes, the difference is subtle, hidden in well-meaning suggestions or disguised with a friendly smile.

But don’t be fooled—being talked down to can seriously affect your self-esteem and confidence.

Psychology gives us some great insights into these subtle signs that someone might be belittling you, often without you even realizing it.

1) Patronizing language

Language is a powerful tool that can either build or break relationships.

The so-called self-concept tells us that the way people talk to us has a significant impact on how we perceive ourselves and our abilities.

And one subtle sign that someone is talking down to you is when they use patronizing language.

Patronizing language can take many forms. It might be overly simplistic explanations, or it could be using too many big words in an attempt to make you feel less intelligent.

It’s like they’re subtly implying that you’re not smart enough to understand, without outright saying it.

Understanding this sign can be vital in protecting your self-esteem and calling out such behavior when it happens.

2) They interrupt or talk over you

Even science tells us that personal communication is a two-way street. It’s about listening as much as it is about talking.

But what happens when you’re constantly interrupted or talked over? That’s a subtle sign someone might be talking down to you.

I remember a time when I was in a meeting at work. I was in the middle of presenting my ideas when a colleague kept interrupting me to share his thoughts.

He didn’t allow me to finish my sentences and constantly talked over me.

At first, I thought he was just excited about the topic. But as it kept happening, I realized it wasn’t enthusiasm. It was a subtle form of belittling, making me feel like my ideas weren’t worth hearing out.

This constant interruption made me feel small and undermined my confidence.

The moment I identified what was happening, I knew I had to address it assertively.

3) They never ask for your opinion

In any healthy conversation or relationship, there’s a mutual exchange of thoughts and ideas.

When someone consistently doesn’t ask for your opinion, it can be a subtle sign they’re talking down to you.

Psychology supports this idea. According to scientists, people who value your opinions are more likely to respect you and treat you as an equal. On the other hand, those who don’t may see you as less competent or inferior. 

4) They diminish your achievements

Success should be celebrated, not undermined. But sometimes, people may downplay your achievements as a way of belittling you.

You might notice that they always find a way to make your accomplishments seem less significant.

They might attribute your success to luck or outside factors, rather than recognizing your hard work and effort.

This constant undermining can be subtle and often disguised as casual remarks or jokes. But it’s a clear sign of someone talking down to you.

Stand up for yourself and not let anyone make you feel less than what you’re worth.

5) They make you feel like you’re always in the wrong

It’s a tough spot to be in when you constantly feel like you’re in the wrong, even when you know you’re not.

This can often happen when someone is subtly talking down to you. They might twist situations or conversations, making you question your judgment or perception.

It’s a form of gaslighting, a psychological manipulation that aims to make the victim doubt their own reality. It’s hurtful and damaging, and nobody should have to experience it.

According to a 2024 report, 48.4% of adults have experienced gaslighting at some point in their lives.

6) They never celebrate your success

One of the most rewarding things about achieving a goal is celebrating it with those you care about.

But when someone constantly overlooks your successes or doesn’t acknowledge them, it can be a sign they’re talking down to you.

I recall a time when I got a promotion at work. It was something I had worked hard for and was extremely proud of.

However, a close friend of mine didn’t seem to share my joy. Instead of congratulating me, they brushed it off and quickly changed the subject.

It was a subtle sign, but it stung. It made me feel like my achievement wasn’t significant or worth celebrating.

7) They’re always trying to ‘one-up’ you

Healthy competition is one thing, but when someone is always trying to ‘one-up’ you, it can be a subtle sign they’re talking down to you.

This often shows up as them constantly trying to outdo your stories or achievements.

If you talk about a trip you took, they’ve been somewhere better. If you share an accomplishment, they’ve done something bigger.

This constant need to outshine can be their way of asserting dominance or belittling your experiences.

8) They rarely show genuine interest in your life

Our lives are made up of our stories, experiences, and dreams. When someone rarely shows genuine interest in your life, it can be a sign they’re talking down to you.

It could be that they don’t ask about your day, your feelings, or your future plans. Or when you do share something, they seem disinterested or dismissive.

This lack of interest in you as a person can leave you feeling unimportant or insignificant.

Final thoughts

The subtle signs of being talked down to can often go unnoticed, but they carry a significant impact on our self-worth and emotional well-being.

Understanding these subtle signs is your first step towards reclaiming respect in your interactions. 

Psychologist Abraham Maslow once said, “What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.”

This awareness allows you to stand up for yourself and demand respect in your interactions.

Every conversation, every interaction, is a chance to learn and grow. It’s an opportunity to set boundaries and assert your worth.