7 subtle phrases a manipulator will use to minimize you and make you feel small

Manipulation is a dark art, one that’s all about control, deception, and hidden agendas. It involves someone trying to subtly undermine your self-confidence, often with veiled comments designed to make you feel small.
Spotting a manipulator isn’t always easy. They’re crafty, using phrases that might initially seem harmless but are actually part of their ploy to belittle you and maintain their dominance.
And trust me, as a relationship expert and founder of the Love Connection blog, I’ve seen my fair share of manipulation tactics. I’ve learned to recognize the subtle phrases that these individuals use to minimize others.
In this article, we’ll shed light on these tactics. We’ll unravel the subtle phrases manipulators use to make you feel small, so you can arm yourself against their damaging words.
1) “Everyone else thinks that…”
Manipulation often involves the misuse of social proof, a concept I’ve seen used time and again in harmful ways.
Social proof, as you may know, can be a powerful tool when used ethically. It’s the principle that we often base our decisions on what others have done before us. McDonald’s flaunts their billions served, and online review sites thrive on it.
Yet, manipulators twist this concept for their gain. They’ll use phrases like “everyone else thinks that…” or “nobody else has a problem with…” to make you second-guess your own thoughts and feelings.
This tactic gives their opinion the weight of the majority, making it seem as though you’re on the outside, alone with your perspective. It’s a subtle way of minimizing your viewpoint and making you feel small.
Remember, just because a manipulator claims the majority agrees with them doesn’t make it true. Be aware of this tactic and trust your own judgment.
2) “You’re too sensitive”
In a manipulator’s repertoire, one phrase stands out for its sheer audacity – “You’re too sensitive”.
It’s counterintuitive, isn’t it? Usually, sensitivity is seen as a strength, a sign of empathy and understanding. But manipulators twist it into a flaw, a sign that you’re overreacting or being irrational.
This phrase is a classic example of gaslighting, where they’re not just disagreeing with you but challenging your reality. They’re implying that your feelings are invalid and that you have no right to feel upset or hurt.
This is one of the most damaging phrases a manipulator can use because it aims to undermine your self-esteem and make you question your own emotions.
So, the next time someone tells you that you’re being too sensitive, stand your ground. Your feelings are valid, and no one has the right to belittle them.
3) “I’m only saying this because I care about you”
Manipulators have a knack for twisting their hurtful words into a pretense of caring. A phrase I’ve come across often is, “I’m only saying this because I care about you”.
On the surface, it seems like a gesture of concern. But dig a little deeper, and you’ll see it for what it really is – a shield for their hurtful comments. By framing their criticism as a concern, they can belittle you without seeming harsh.
In my book, Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship, I delve deeper into these behaviors and how to break free from them.
This phrase is just another way manipulators keep you in their control. They make you feel small and then play the role of the caring confidante, fostering a codependent relationship that’s hard to escape.
Remember, constructive criticism is one thing, but no one who genuinely cares about you will consistently make you feel lesser under the guise of ‘caring’. Trust your gut and know when to differentiate between genuine concern and manipulation.
4) “Don’t take it so personally”
Another common phrase that manipulators use to belittle you is, “Don’t take it so personally”. This is their way of dismissing your feelings and making you feel like you’re overreacting.
It’s a clever way to deflect blame and put you on the defensive. Instead of acknowledging their hurtful behavior, they make it about your reaction, subtly shifting the focus from their actions to your response.
In my journey, I’ve learned that our feelings are our own, and no one has the right to dismiss them.
This phrase is just another attempt to make you feel small. Stand tall in your truth and don’t let anyone belittle your feelings or experiences. Your emotions are valid and deserve to be heard.
5) “You’re overthinking it”
One phrase that tends to pop up in the manipulator’s playbook is, “You’re overthinking it”. This seemingly innocuous comment is actually a subtle way of undermining your judgment.
By suggesting that you’re reading too much into a situation, they’re implying that your concerns are unfounded. It’s a way to cast doubt on your perspective and make you question your own reasoning.
I’ve seen this tactic many times. It’s a way to dismiss your worries without addressing them, leaving you feeling small and invalidated.
Don’t fall for it. Your concerns are valid, and if something feels off to you, it’s worth exploring. Trust your instincts and don’t let anyone make you feel small for taking your feelings seriously.
6) “Can’t you take a joke?”
A manipulator might use humor as a cover for their hurtful comments. They’ll say something demeaning and follow it up with, “Can’t you take a joke?” This is their way of dismissing your feelings and shifting the blame onto you for not understanding their ‘humor’.
Remember the wise words of Maya Angelou, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” If a ‘joke’ consistently makes you feel small, it’s not a joke – it’s a form of manipulation.
I’ve grappled with this kind of behavior in my past relationships. It took me some time to realize that humor should never be used as a veil for disrespect.
Listen to your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. You have every right to voice your concerns and stand up for yourself.
For more insights on recognizing and dealing with manipulation, follow my latest articles on Facebook. It’s time to reclaim your power and stand tall in your truth.
7) “You always…” or “You never…”
Few phrases can make you feel as small as hearing “You always…” or “You never…”. These absolute statements are a manipulator’s way of highlighting your flaws while ignoring your strengths.
This tactic is particularly hurtful because it paints you in a negative light, focusing on your perceived shortcomings rather than your whole personality.
I’ll be honest, it stings. It’s a low blow that strikes at your self-esteem, making you feel inadequate or incompetent.
But remember, nobody is perfect. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Don’t let these absolute statements define you. You are so much more than your mistakes or shortcomings. Stand firm in your self-worth and don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise.
Final thoughts
Manipulation is a complex, often subtle practice that can leave you feeling diminished and disoriented. By understanding the phrases manipulators use, you can better protect yourself from their sly tactics.
Just remember, no one has the right to belittle your feelings or experiences. Your emotions are valid and deserve to be heard. As Eleanor Roosevelt wisely said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
In this journey of understanding manipulation, it’s important to also turn the mirror towards ourselves. We should question our own actions, thoughts, and motives.
In this regard, I found an insightful video by Justin Brown that offers a transformative mirror exercise featuring five powerful questions to enhance self-love and improve your relationship with yourself. These questions can boost your self-confidence and help you gain a deeper understanding of your inner strengths.

By learning to love and respect ourselves, we become less susceptible to manipulation while also becoming more empathetic towards others. It’s a process — one that’s well worth the effort.
Stay strong and remember: Your voice matters. You matter.
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