9 signs you’re actually becoming a better and stronger person, according to psychology

As individuals, we all strive to become better versions of ourselves – to be stronger, kinder, and more resilient.
Yet, personal growth is a journey and not always the easiest to navigate.
So sometimes, you might find yourself questioning if you’re making any progress at all.
But here’s the thing…
Becoming a better and stronger person isn’t just about hitting your goals or achieving success.
It’s also about the way you handle adversity, relate to others, and view yourself.
Psychology offers us some insightful markers to gauge our personal growth.
In this article, I’ll share key signs indicating that you’re on the right path to becoming a better, stronger version of you. Let’s dive in!
1) You’re embracing self-reflection
While self-reflection is a crucial part of personal growth, it’s not always the most comfortable process, and it can be easy to avoid.
But if you find yourself increasingly willing to sit with your thoughts, examine your behaviors, and question your motives, this is a sure sign of becoming a better and stronger person.
You may notice yourself starting to journal or meditate more often, or simply carving out quiet time to think at the end of each day.
Through this process, you might confront some uncomfortable truths about yourself.
But remember, acknowledging these truths is the first step towards changing them.
So, if you’re embracing self-reflection, pat yourself on the back. You’re on the right path towards personal growth.
2) You’re becoming a better listener
Active listening is not merely being silent when someone else is talking or waiting for your turn to speak. It’s about:
- Truly tuning into the other person
- Understanding their perspective
- Responding in a thoughtful, relevant manner.
So do you find yourself being more patient during conversations? Are you giving others the space to express themselves without interrupting?
And are you genuinely trying to understand their point of view rather than preparing your next argument?
If so, you’re becoming a stronger person.
This shift not only improves your relationships but also your ability to learn and grow from others.
It signifies a move away from self-centred thinking and towards empathy and understanding, which are critical aspects of personal development.
3) You’re embracing failure
We often see failure as a setback, something to avoid at all costs.
But if you’ve begun to view failure in a different light, as an opportunity for growth and learning, you’re taking significant strides in your personal development.
Maybe you’ve recently had a project that didn’t go as planned, or perhaps you didn’t get that promotion you were hoping for.
Instead of wallowing in self-pity or blaming others, you find yourself asking what you can learn from these experiences.
Embracing failure is about understanding that it’s not the end of the world but a stepping stone towards becoming better and stronger.
It’s about picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and using the experience to fuel your next endeavour.
4) You’re confronting your flaws
Nobody’s perfect, and everyone has aspects of their character that could use some work. If you’re actively identifying and acknowledging your flaws, it’s a testament to your growth as a person.
It might be that you’ve recognized you have a quick temper, or perhaps you’ve realized that you tend to be overly critical of others.
Whatever it is, the fact that you’re not shying away from these less-than-ideal traits is a huge step forward.
Confronting your flaws can be uncomfortable and even painful at times.
But it’s only through accepting our imperfections that we can start to work on them and ultimately become better and stronger individuals.
5) You’re practicing kindness, even when it’s hard
Kindness is easy when you’re in a good mood, or when it’s towards someone you like.
But true kindness means being considerate and empathetic even when it’s challenging.
If you find yourself making an effort to understand and empathize with people who have wronged you, you’re showing incredible strength.
The same is true if you’re consciously choosing to be kind in situations where you could easily let your frustration take over.
Practicing kindness in tough situations doesn’t mean letting people walk all over you.
Instead, it’s about choosing a higher path, one that fosters understanding and compassion instead of perpetuating negativity.
This is a sure sign that you’re growing into a better and stronger person.
6) You’re setting boundaries
We all know how easy it is to say yes to everything and everyone in an attempt to please people or avoid confrontation.
But if you’ve begun setting boundaries, prioritizing your own needs and wellbeing, it’s a sign of significant personal growth.
Maybe you’ve started saying no to tasks at work when your plate is already full, or perhaps you’ve stopped lending money to that friend who never seems to pay it back.
Setting boundaries can feel uncomfortable initially, especially if you’re not used to it.
However, it’s a vital part of looking after your mental health and ensuring that your relationships are balanced and reciprocal.
So, if you’re setting boundaries, give yourself some credit.
It’s a difficult but essential step towards becoming a better and stronger person.
7) You’re laughing at yourself
Life can be serious and heavy, but if you’ve started to see the funny side of your own mistakes and mishaps, you’re showing a fantastic level of personal growth.
Maybe you tripped over in public, or perhaps you got the date wrong for an important meeting.
Instead of beating yourself up about it, you find yourself chuckling and shaking your head at the absurdity of it all.
This ability to laugh at yourself shows that you’re becoming more resilient and better able to handle life’s ups and downs.
It’s a sign that you’re learning not to take things too seriously, which is a key aspect of living a balanced, healthy life.
So, if you find yourself chuckling at your own blunders rather than feeling embarrassed or upset, you’re definitely on the path to becoming a better and stronger person.
8) You’re ditching your comfort zone
Staying in your comfort zone is, well, comfortable!
But if you’re actively pushing yourself to try new things, face fears, or take on challenges, you’re demonstrating serious personal growth.
Maybe you’ve taken up a new hobby that scares you a little, or perhaps you’ve decided to speak up more in meetings even though public speaking terrifies you.
It’s tough to step outside your comfort zone, and it’s perfectly okay to feel scared or apprehensive.
But remember, growth doesn’t happen when you’re comfortable. It happens when you push yourself beyond what’s easy and familiar.
So, if you’re taking those brave steps into the unknown, rest assured that you’re becoming a better and stronger person. Keep going!
9) You’re practicing self-love
At the end of the day, becoming a better and stronger person starts with how you treat yourself.
If you’re making an effort to love and accept yourself just as you are, flaws and all, then you’re making significant strides in your personal development.
Maybe you’re being kinder to yourself when you make a mistake, or perhaps you’re taking time each day to do something that makes you happy.
Practicing self-love isn’t about being self-centered or ignoring your flaws.
It’s about acknowledging that you’re human, that it’s okay to have bad days, and that it’s okay not to be perfect.
So, remember this: your journey towards becoming a better and stronger person begins with loving yourself.
Keep that love alive, nurture it, and watch how it transforms you.
Final thoughts
As we’ve explored these nine signs, remember that becoming a better and stronger person is a journey, not a destination.
The fact that you’re reading this article shows that you’re committed to your personal growth, and that’s something to be proud of.
Perhaps you’ve recognized some of these signs in your own behavior. Maybe others still feel out of reach. That’s okay.
Change doesn’t happen overnight, and every step you take, no matter how small, is progress.
This article isn’t meant to provide an exhaustive checklist or to suggest that these are the only signs of growth.
Instead, consider it as a guide to help you reflect on your journey so far and to inspire you to continue striving for personal development.