7 signs your partner takes more than they give in your relationship

Isabella Chase by Isabella Chase | October 28, 2024, 2:39 pm

Ever felt like you’re putting in more effort into your relationship than your partner?

Trust me, you’re not alone.

It’s a common feeling to believe that you’re giving more than you’re receiving. You pour your heart and soul into the relationship and end up feeling…well, shortchanged.

But is it really the case or just a perception? Sometimes, it’s hard to tell.

Today, I’m here to help you figure it out.

We’ll dive into 7 tell-tale signs that your partner might be taking more than they give in your relationship.

Some of these signs might hit a little close to home. Let’s get started!

1) You’re always the planner

Remember the last time your partner planned a date? If you’re struggling to recollect, that might be a sign.

I’ve been there too. It felt like I was the only one investing time and effort into planning our dates, vacations, even simple movie nights.

It was exhausting and made me feel like I was in a one-sided relationship.

2) They rarely compromise

Compromise is key in any relationship. But what if you find yourself constantly bending to your partner’s wishes?

In my past relationship, I found myself always giving in – whether it was picking a restaurant or deciding on a movie.

It was subtle, but over time, I realized that my preferences were being sidelined. This can be a significant indicator that your partner is taking more than they’re giving in your relationship.

3) They don’t acknowledge your efforts

Acknowledgement and appreciation are vital in a relationship. However, if your partner rarely acknowledges your efforts or takes them for granted, it could signal an imbalance.

According to a study, feeling undervalued is one of the main reasons why people feel unhappy.

And if your partner doesn’t recognize the energy you invest into the relationship, it might be a clear sign that they’re taking more than they’re giving.

4) Your needs often go unmet

It’s a beautiful thing when your partner understands and caters to your needs. However, if you find that your needs are often unmet while you’re constantly striving to fulfill theirs, it’s not balanced.

It’s important to keep in mind that love isn’t about self-sacrifice, but about mutual support and understanding.

When one person is always giving, and the other is always taking, it creates an unhealthy dynamic. Next time when you’re feeling emotionally drained because your needs are being overlooked, it might be time to reassess.

5) You often feel emotionally drained

I’ve been there, feeling emotionally drained after spending time with my partner. Instead of feeling loved and cherished, I would often feel exhausted and worn out.

Whether it was constant arguments, their inability to understand my feelings, or the lack of emotional support – it was draining.

If you also find yourself in a similar situation, it’s a clear sign that your partner is taking more than they’re giving in your relationship.

6) They don’t reciprocate your kindness

Kindness is the backbone of any relationship. You do little things for your partner because you love them, right?

So, if you often find yourself doing acts of kindness for your partner, but they seldom reciprocate, that’s a sign.

I remember making breakfast in bed for my partner, surprising them with small gifts, and always being there when they needed emotional support.

However, I started realizing that I was always the one initiating these small acts of love. This can be quite disheartening and may leave you feeling like you’re in a one-sided relationship.

7) They rarely show empathy

Empathy is crucial in a relationship. It’s about understanding and sharing the feelings of your partner.

If your partner rarely shows empathy when you’re going through a rough time or simply having a bad day, it’s a red flag.

Science tells us that empathy is one of the most significant predictors of relationship satisfaction. And if you’re constantly on the giving end of empathy but rarely receiving it, it’s a clear sign that your partner might be taking more than they’re giving.

You know that, it’s essential to feel valued in a relationship. If you can relate to many of these signs, it might be time to have an open conversation with your partner about your feelings.

After all, understanding and communication are the foundations of any healthy relationship!