7 signs your love for each other is genuine, not just infatuation

Isabella Chase by Isabella Chase | May 31, 2024, 2:31 pm

Love, infatuation, what’s the difference, right?

Trust me, there’s a world of difference.

We’ve all been there.

That rush of emotion, the butterflies in your stomach, the feeling that this person is ‘the one’.

But is it love or just infatuation?

It’s not always clear cut.

Many of us mistake the thrilling whirlwind of infatuation for the deep, enduring love we yearn for.

And it can leave us feeling confused and uncertain.

If you’re nodding right now, don’t fret.

You’re not alone in this.

So today, let’s clear up some of this confusion and uncertainty.

I’m going to share with you seven signs that your feelings for each other are genuine love, not just infatuation.

1) Your happiness is their happiness

This might seem a little cliché, but it’s true.

When you genuinely love someone, their happiness becomes your happiness.

I remember when my partner got her dream job, I was ecstatic.

Not because it would mean more money or because it would take some pressure off me, but simply because I knew how much it meant to her.

That’s love.

When you find yourself celebrating their successes as if they were your own, and feeling their lows just as deeply.

2) You’re not afraid of arguments

Sounds strange, right? But hear me out.

In my early relationships, I used to avoid arguments like the plague. I’d swallow my feelings just to keep the peace.

But over time, I realized this was just infatuation. I was afraid that a disagreement would shatter the illusion of our ‘perfect’ relationship.

But in a genuine love relationship, you’re not scared to voice your concerns or disagreements.

You know that an argument isn’t going to break you up, but could actually make your relationship stronger.

Because at the end of the day, love is about being able to communicate openly and honestly with each other – even when it’s hard.

3) You accept each other’s flaws

Here’s something interesting: Researchers found that couples who accepted each other’s flaws and believed their partner could change over time were more likely to remain in a stable, satisfying relationship.

This indicates that genuine love involves accepting your partner for who they are, warts and all.

When you’re infatuated, you often overlook or ignore your partner’s flaws.

But when the infatuation wears off, those flaws become glaringly obvious.

In contrast, when you genuinely love someone, you recognize their flaws from the start and accept them as part of the person you love.

4) You make sacrifices for each other

True love often means putting your partner’s needs before your own.

It’s about being willing to make sacrifices, big or small, for the sake of your relationship.

For instance, maybe you decide to move to a new city so your partner can pursue their dream job.

Or perhaps you give up a night out with friends to comfort your partner after a tough day.

These sacrifices aren’t about losing yourself or your individuality.

Instead, they’re an affirmation of the deep care and affection you have for each other.

When love is genuine, these sacrifices come naturally.

5) You respect each other’s individuality

This one is a biggie for me.

When my partner and I first got together, we were pretty different.

He was a fan of rock music and hiking, while I was more into jazz and yoga.

Initially, I was worried that these differences might drive us apart.

But as our love grew, I realized that these differences actually enriched our relationship.

We learned to respect each other’s individuality and even partake in each other’s interests from time to time.

And that’s the thing about genuine love.

It’s not about changing your partner to fit your mold.

It’s about embracing their unique qualities and respecting their individuality.

6) You communicate openly

Open and honest communication is the backbone of any successful relationship.

It’s what builds trust, resolves conflicts, and strengthens your bond with each other.

When you genuinely love someone, you feel comfortable discussing your feelings, thoughts, fears, and dreams with them.

You’re not afraid to speak your mind or express your emotions.

On the other hand, infatuation often involves hiding your true self or holding back your thoughts for fear of rejection.

7) You see a future together

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, genuine love means envisioning a future with your partner.

Just last week, a friend of mine told me about her relationship.

She mentioned how she and her boyfriend have started talking about their future together – discussing everything from where they want to live to whether they want kids.

They’re not just living in the moment; they’re planning and building a life together.

And that’s a sure sign of genuine love.

When you’re infatuated, you might fantasize about the future, but it often lacks depth and detail.

Genuine love goes beyond mere fantasies; it involves making practical plans for a shared future.

Love beyond the heart-eyes emoji

As we conclude our exploration of genuine love versus fleeting infatuation, remember that relationships are complex journeys filled with twists and turns.

While infatuation may offer a fleeting thrill, genuine love stands the test of time, weathering every storm with unwavering strength.

Whether it’s the comfort of shared silence or the joy of mutual growth, true love is rooted in authenticity, trust, and commitment.

If you’ve recognized these seven signs in your relationship, congratulations.

You’ve found something truly special—a love that transcends the superficial and dives deep into the depths of the heart. 

Be that as it may, note that every relationship is unique and develops at its own pace.

These signs are not a checklist but rather indicators of genuine love.