8 signs you think like a rich person (even if you don’t have much money yet)

Mia Zhang by Mia Zhang | October 4, 2024, 5:16 pm

There’s a lot to be said for having a “wealthy” mindset.

The truth is, being rich isn’t just about how much money you have in the bank. It’s about how you think, how you approach life, and the decisions you make.

Even if your bank account doesn’t reflect it yet, you may already have the mindset of the rich and successful. This mindset is what drives their decisions, and ultimately, leads to their wealth.

In this article, I’ll be sharing 8 signs that you’re thinking like a rich person – even if your wallet hasn’t caught up yet. Because thinking rich is the first step to becoming rich, right?

1) You value time over money

There’s a common saying amongst the wealthy: “Time is more valuable than money.”


Because you can always make more money, but you can never get back lost time.

If you often find yourself prioritizing time over money, this is a clear sign that you think like a rich person.

You might choose to pay for conveniences that save you time, or you might turn down opportunities to earn more if they mean sacrificing time with loved ones.

Even if you’re not rolling in cash yet, valuing your time highly is a key mindset of the wealthy. It’s about recognizing the importance of balance and understanding that not all wealth is financial.

Remember, the richest people aren’t those who have the most, they’re those who do the most with what they have. And time, my friend, is the most valuable thing you have.

2) You’re not afraid to invest in yourself

I’ll let you in on a little secret. The wealthiest people I know don’t shy away from investing in themselves.

This could mean anything from taking courses to learn new skills to investing in their health and wellbeing.

Let me share a personal example.

A couple of years ago, I was running a small business, and I was struggling to keep up with all the demands of the job. I knew I needed to improve my time management skills.

Instead of trying to muddle through on my own, I decided to invest in a professional coach. It wasn’t cheap, but I viewed it as an investment in myself.

And you know what?

It paid off big time. Not only did my productivity skyrocket, but I also felt happier and less stressed.

If you’re willing to invest in yourself, even when money is tight, it’s a sure sign that you’re thinking like a rich person.

Because you understand that sometimes, you need to spend money to make money.

3) You understand the power of compound interest

Albert Einstein once called compound interest the “eighth wonder of the world”. He said, “He who understands it, earns it… he who doesn’t… pays it.”

If you’re someone who understands and appreciates the power of compound interest, you’re definitely thinking like a rich person.

Compound interest is when the interest on your money is added to the original amount, so that you earn interest on your interest.

It might not seem like much in the short term, but over time, it can lead to exponential growth.

For example, if you invest $1,000 at an annual interest rate of 5%, after one year you’ll have $1,050. But after two years, you won’t just have $1,100 – you’ll have $1,102.50. And that extra $2.50 might not seem like much, but over 30 or 40 years, it can add up to a substantial amount.

This understanding is key to building wealth over time.

So if you get excited about the idea of your money making more money while you sleep – congratulations! You’re thinking like a rich person.

4) You’re a calculated risk-taker

Taking risks is a part of life. But not all risks are created equal.

If you find yourself taking calculated risks, where you have thoroughly assessed the situation, weighed the pros and cons, and considered the potential outcomes, chances are you’re thinking like a rich person.

Wealthy people understand that sometimes, you have to take risks to achieve greater rewards. But they also know that these risks should be well thought out and not just leaps of faith.

Whether it’s investing in a new business venture, trying out an unconventional career path, or making a big lifestyle change – if you’re not afraid to step outside your comfort zone while also doing your due diligence, then you’re certainly on the right track.

5) You’re generous

Now this might surprise you, but thinking like a rich person isn’t all about hoarding wealth.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

Many of the wealthiest people are also the most generous.

They understand that true wealth isn’t just about how much you have, but also about how much you give.

If you find joy in sharing what you have – whether it’s your time, your skills, or your resources – with others, then you’re definitely thinking like a rich person.

Because at the end of the day, wealth isn’t just about material possessions. It’s about making a difference, leaving a legacy, and enriching the lives of others. And that’s a kind of richness that money can’t buy.

6) You embrace failure

I’ve had my fair share of failures.

There was a time when I started a business that ended up folding in less than a year.

I was devastated, felt like a total failure and considered giving up.

But here’s what I learned: failure isn’t the end of the road, it’s just a stepping stone on the path to success.

If you’re someone who doesn’t shy away from failure, but instead, sees it as an opportunity to learn and grow, then you’re thinking like a rich person.

Wealthy people understand that success isn’t a straight line. It’s filled with ups and downs, twists and turns.

But every setback is a setup for a comeback. And every failure brings you one step closer to success.

So if you’re not afraid to fail, and if you can bounce back after a setback, then you’ve got the mindset of the rich. Because they know that failure isn’t falling down – it’s refusing to get back up.

7) You plan for the long term

Instant gratification is tempting, but if you’re someone who plans for the long term, you’re certainly thinking like a rich person.

Wealthy individuals understand the importance of considering the big picture.

They don’t just live for today; they plan for tomorrow. They set long-term goals and are willing to make sacrifices now for a better future.

Whether it’s saving for retirement, investing in your education, or building a business, if you’re making decisions with the future in mind, you’re on the right path.

After all, building wealth isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. And having a long-term perspective is key to crossing that finish line.

8) You believe in abundance

The final, and perhaps most important sign, is your belief in abundance.

If you believe that there’s plenty to go around, that success isn’t a zero-sum game, and that someone else’s success doesn’t limit your own, then you’ve got the mindset of the rich.

Wealthy people understand that there’s enough success, wealth, and happiness for everyone.

This belief allows them to:

  • Celebrate others’ successes
  • Be generous
  • Approach life with a positive, growth-oriented mindset

Believing in abundance is more than just a mindset; it’s a way of life. And it’s the cornerstone of thinking like a rich person.

Final thoughts: It’s all in the mindset

The journey towards wealth often begins in the mind. Your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes play a significant role in shaping your financial future.

The late great Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich”, once said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

If you’ve found yourself relating to many of these signs, it’s a strong indication that you already possess a rich mindset.

Regardless of the current state of your bank account, cultivating this mindset is a powerful step towards financial abundance.

Remember, wealth is more than just dollars and cents. It’s about creating value, living abundantly, and making a positive impact.

So keep thinking rich, even if you’re not there yet. After all, it’s not just about becoming wealthy – it’s about becoming wealthy in every sense of the word.