8 signs someone will be rich, even if they haven’t achieved much yet

Clifton Kopp by Clifton Kopp | September 11, 2024, 1:48 pm

Do you know someone, say from childhood, who you just knew would end up rich and successful? 

We can all name a few people like this. 

This is because, unless you happen to buy a winning lottery ticket or inherit money through family, becoming financially well-off takes a certain set of character traits; relatively rare traits; traits that are elusive to the vast majority of people. 

So if you want to be wealthy one day, it’s in your interests to start developing these traits and habits. 

I’m here to help. 

In this article, I’ll take you through the signs someone will be rich one day, even if they haven’t achieved much yet in life. 

Let’s dive in! 

1) They have a goal-oriented mindset 

Generally speaking, you don’t become wealthy sitting around all day, mindlessly fiddling with your phone, idly waiting for the time to pass. 

You are also unlikely to make it big by clicking on that get-rich-quick scheme you saw on Instagram today. 

You get rich by having a tangible and systematic plan of action… this means setting goals; goals that are clear and achievable but also ambitious. 

Goals give you direction; goals give you something to work towards each day, with determination and purpose.

2) They have a strong work ethic 

This one is a no-brainer. 

When it comes to achieving great things in life, plain ole’ hard work is still non-negotiable. 

Many think they can “work smart and not hard,” and while there is truth to this mentality, at the end of the day, you still need to get your hands dirty and put the work in. 

People who are destined for financial success are often fueled by passion, which means they’ll almost always put in the necessary effort, sometimes going above and beyond what is expected of them–a practice that makes them stand out.

3) They value continuous learning

When someone continually seeks to improve their knowledge and skills, consistently staying curious and open to new ideas, they’re on the right track in life. 

Achieving wealth is a mentality; and generally, you don’t get there by staying stagnant and being resistant to change

Think of the greatest, most innovative companies in the world. 

Have a few in mind? Well, chances are, they aren’t reaching towering heights by resisting change. 

From Adidas to Apple, these companies are pioneers in their respective industries in large part because of their open attitude to change and growth. 

By embracing the new, they’re naturally adaptable. 

The world is a constantly changing place, where trends come and go by the day. 

Keeping up with these patterns by staying flexible and open is a hallmark of any successful person in today’s world.

4) They’re financially savvy

Contrary to popular belief you don’t have to be the CEO of a tech company to be “rich.” 

Rich is relative, after all. 

You can have an ordinary paying job but still achieve a very respectable degree of financial freedom… if you make the right decisions. 

People who are destined for a financially stable future tend to have a high degree of financial literacy. 

This means they have a firm grasp of the basics of handling money

They budget, save, and invest wisely, with discipline. 

They don’t blow their paychecks on short-term pleasures or material things, constantly “treating themselves” to excess. 

See the difference? 

5) They value networking 

If you want to go places in this life, you can’t do it alone. Yes, I said it. 

This is because no man (or woman) is an island. 

There will always be a few people out there who can help us get to where we need to be. 

Trust me, when you’re closed off to making new contacts, you’re limiting your chances for success.

Hence, it’s in your interest to start working on your PR skills and start building and maintaining beneficial relationships. 

Other people can help get you to the next level if you can successfully leverage those connections and collaborations with sincerity, respect, and tactfulness.

6) They’re resilient 

If you want to make it big in this world, you need to be a bit thick-skinned. 

You can’t throw in the towel as soon as adversity makes an appearance. 

Every person who has achieved anything of value in this life knows that the path to success is filled with setbacks and obstacles. 

The thing is, the majority of people will get so shaken up by the prospect of failure, they’ll refuse to get back up and try again. 

So if you’re resilient enough to try again and come back stronger, using your blunders as learning opportunities rather than a permanent reflection of your worth, you’re poised for incredible things in life. 

Keep going. 

Remember, arguably the greatest basketball player in history, Michael Jordan, never even made his high school varsity team.

7) They have visionary thinking 

Rather than thinking about what they’re going to buy with their next paycheck, successful people will often see the bigger picture. 

They have a clear vision for the future they want for themselves, both personally and professionally. 

They have lofty ambitions and have the inner drive and vision actually to make them a reality. 

Their decisions tend to be strategic, often sacrificing or putting off easy opportunities, to achieve something more epic in scale. 

Once upon a time, a friend of mine accepted a consulting job for a restaurant company. 

For his compensation, he was offered either a generous one-time sum of money or stocks in the company. 

After his thorough due diligence, he decided to opt for the latter: he became a shareholder. 

Long story short, the company expanded at lightning speed over the next few years… and now his shares are worth exponentially more than what he would have gotten had he settled for a singular fee. 

In this instance, he had vision, and now it’s paying off, literally. 

8) They have discipline and self-control 

As mentioned earlier, many people give into short-term pleasures, instead of having the discipline to delay gratification to achieve something bigger. 

Trust me, I know people who will give into their impulses like going out partying multiple times a week, rather than staying in control and putting it off until a more appropriate time. 

Think about it: if you’re feeling sluggish and hungover all week, you’ll lose your ability to work at an optimal level and thus limit career opportunities, hindering progress significantly.

When it comes to becoming successful, the little things add up. 

Final words 

If you want to be rich, take a deeper look at your habits. 

Your habits define you… and are often a pretty accurate gauge of how far you’ll go in life. 

So start making the necessary adjustments. 

Take it a day at a time. Celebrate your wins, both big and small. 

Stay the course. 

Soon, you’ll get to where you want to be, with a thicker wallet, and there will be no stopping you. You got this.