7 signs someone is into you but is trying not to show it, according to psychology

Let’s stop beating around the bush: you have a suspicion that someone you know may fancy you.
You’re not quite sure, though, and naturally, you don’t want to make incorrect assumptions.
Maybe they are like this with everybody. Maybe you’re just reading too much into this. Maybe you’re delusional and need to get your feet back on the ground.
Well, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll go over the 7 signs someone is into you – even if they’re trying not to show it.
Let’s go!
1) You frequently catch them gazing at you
According to psychologist Ronald E. Riggio Ph.D., “Prolonged gaze suggests that there is attraction and a desire to connect.”
Many people are quite shy, though, especially if they fancy the pants off you or if they’re very introverted.
While a certain number of people will go out of their way to flirt with you, others may try not to show how they truly feel out of the fear of rejection.
Don’t get me wrong, they’ll still stare at you – they’ll just do it when they think you’re not looking (without realizing you can peripherally see them or can sense their gaze upon you).
Thus the first sign someone is into you: they can’t help but look at you as if you were a beautiful painting in a gallery.
2) They get flustered and stiff around you
When I fancy someone, I act like the most boring, stiffest version of myself.
It’s kind of unfortunate. The less sexually attracted I am to the person in question, the bubblier and more fun I become. If only I could reverse the two.
Obviously, this is due to nervousness and anxiety.
I don’t want to screw up or embarrass myself when the person I’m into is in the same room, and to top it all off, I constantly think about how I look and sound in front of them, making me so self-conscious I doubt every word that comes out of my mouth.
It’s a nightmare.
Luckily, psychologists say that nervousness is actually something that people subconsciously pick up on in order to gauge a level of sexual and romantic interest.
Plus, since it goes hand in hand with nervous giggling, flushed cheeks, and playful banter, it can actually create positive rapport and help you connect.
3) They often turn up at the same events as you
Alright, this one sounds a bit like Joe Goldberg from You came up with it, but don’t worry – it doesn’t have to be as crazy as that.
Sometimes, it all comes down to small actions that increase their chances of bumping into you or striking up a conversation with you.
For example, they could go to a networking event even though they feel really tired just because they know you’ll attend, too. Or they might sign up for the same project as you in the hopes that it’ll allow you to spend more time together.
I, for one, once went to a party just because I knew my crush would be there. We didn’t exchange a single word, but hey, at least I got to catch a glimpse of him for a grand total of five seconds.
To sum it up, someone who fancies you will want to spend more time around you – even if they have to be a bit sneaky about it.
4) They ask you interesting questions about yourself
When we’re in love with someone, our attention in relation to them increases.
This makes sense when you think about it – after all, sexual and romantic attraction makes us want to get to know the person better, which then makes it so that we pay more attention to what they say and ask questions that come from a place of genuine curiosity.
I once went on a date with a dentist and spent half an hour asking him questions about dentistry.
It’s not like it ever crossed my mind to care about the matter, but I wanted to get to know him for who he truly was – his daily life and professional aspirations included – and so I automatically became interested in the ins and outs of his job.
And no, I wasn’t putting on a front. I was truly curious.
So, there you have it: if someone is into you, they’ll ask you interesting or detailed questions about yourself.
5) They give you thoughtful compliments
…okay, this one could just mean they’re a nice person.
But when you combine it with the signs above, it paints a much richer picture, especially if the compliment in question is a thoughtful one.
Anyone can compliment you on a nice dress or a pretty smile, but not everyone can say they admire your drive or are inspired by your ability to relax, play, and experience life in the present moment.
No, those are compliments gained through careful observation and interaction. They dig to the core of things. And they’re usually the ones that brighten up our day the most.
6) You sense a strange tension between you
Look, the fact that you clicked on this article already says something.
If you have a strange feeling about someone, there’s a high chance there may be more to their feelings for you than meets the eye.
Not always is the outcome sexual or romantic chemistry, mind you – sometimes, they might just really want to be your friend or they could find you intimidating yet fascinating, keen to get to know you more.
Still, though. If you can sense a weird tension in the undertone of your conversations and if you’ve nodded your head yes to most of the signs above…
You know what I’m about to say.
Yep, it’s another sign they may be into you.
7) Your intuition is telling you something’s up
You might think that intuition is nothing but pseudoscientific rubbish, but according to psychology, it is actually grounded in neuroscience.
As Tchiki Davis, Ph.D., explains, “Intuition can be the brain’s way of processing lots of information quickly based on previous experience.”
She continues, “When you follow your intuition, it might feel like you are being pulled towards a decision or situation, even if you can’t explain why.
Some people are very in touch with their intuition and find it easy to follow their desires. Others may struggle with connecting to their intuition, which might lead to feelings of confusion and overwhelm.”
So, my final question for you is this: what is your intuition telling you?
Once you learn to distinguish between intuition and ego and once you let go of assumptions in favor of gut feelings based on past evidence, you are much more likely to figure out if that special someone is truly into you or not.
And if you fancy them, you could also just… ask them out. That will solve the riddle once and for all.