9 signs someone has very little discipline in life, according to psychology

Ethan Sterling by Ethan Sterling | August 29, 2024, 2:43 pm

Imagine a life without discipline. Chaos, right?

We all know discipline is crucial, yet many of us struggle to master it.

Well, psychology tells us that there are clear signs that indicate when someone lacks this vital trait.

In this piece, we’re diving into nine tell-tale signs of low discipline in a person’s life. And trust me, once you’re aware of these, it’s hard to ignore them.

1) Procrastination is their middle name

We all delay tasks from time to time, but when procrastination becomes a constant companion, it’s a clear indicator of a lack of discipline.

Most psychologists agree that chronic procrastination is often linked to an inability to manage one’s time or emotions effectively. It’s more than just laziness; it’s a sign that someone struggles with self-regulation.

Let’s take a simple example.

A disciplined person might not enjoy filling out tedious paperwork, but they’ll get it done because they recognize the importance of completing tasks.

On the other hand, a person with little discipline will keep pushing it off, even if they know it’s essential.

So next time you notice someone always putting things off until the last minute, remember – it could be a sign of a deeper discipline issue.

But remember, everyone has their off days; it’s when procrastination becomes a habit that we should start to worry.

2) They often fall short of their own goals

I’ve had a friend, let’s call him Tom, who was always setting grand goals for himself.

Every January, he’d have a list of New Year’s resolutions as long as his arm. He’d vow to get fit, learn a new language, and read at least 50 books in the year.

But by the time February came around, Tom was back to his old habits.

The gym membership would go unused, the language app untouched, and the pile of unread books would gather dust on his shelf.

Psychologists note that consistently falling short of one’s own goals can be a sign of low discipline. It’s not about setting unrealistic goals; it’s about the lack of willpower or dedication to follow through with them.

Tom’s story is a classic example.

His grand plans always fell by the wayside because he couldn’t muster the discipline needed to consistently work towards them.

So if you notice someone repeatedly failing to meet their own goals, it might just be due to a lack of discipline in their life.

3) They lack a consistent routine

A consistent daily routine is often the key to a disciplined life. Whether it’s a morning jog or an evening reading session, disciplined people usually have certain habits they stick to every day.

Conversely, people with little discipline often lead erratic lives.

They might wake up at 6 am one day and 11 am the next. Their meals, exercise, work hours, and even leisure time can be all over the place.

According to research, people who lead unpredictable, inconsistent lives are more prone to stress and anxiety. This lack of consistency can also be an indicator of low self-discipline.

So if you see someone with a schedule that’s always in flux, it could be a sign that they’re lacking in discipline.

4) They struggle with impulse control

Impulse control plays a major role in discipline. The ability to control immediate reactions or desires allows us to focus on long-term goals, a trait commonly found in disciplined individuals.

On the flip side, those with little discipline often struggle with impulse control. They may frequently:

  • Make hasty decisions without thinking of the consequences
  • Go on unplanned shopping sprees
  • Binge-eat junk food despite wanting to maintain a healthy diet

Psychologists consider this inability to resist immediate gratification as a sign of low discipline. It’s not just about resisting temptation; it’s about making choices that align with your long-term goals and values.

So if someone constantly gives in to their impulses, it could be a sign that they lack discipline. But remember, we all have moments of weakness; it’s when it becomes a pattern that it becomes concerning.

5) They often blame others for their failures

We all make mistakes, but how we react to those mistakes says a lot about our level of discipline.

Disciplined individuals take responsibility for their actions and use their failures as learning opportunities.

On the contrary, people with little discipline often blame others for their own failures. They might point fingers at their colleagues for a failed project or blame their friends for their lack of social life.

This refusal to accept responsibility is often linked to low self-discipline. It’s easier to shift the blame than to face our own shortcomings and work on them.

So if you notice someone always blaming others when things go wrong, it could be a sign of low discipline.

But remember, it’s not about never making mistakes; it’s about owning up to them and learning from them.

6) They struggle with maintaining relationships

One of the toughest things about a lack of discipline is how it can seep into every aspect of a person’s life, even their relationships.

Maintaining a healthy relationship, whether it’s romantic, familial or platonic, requires a certain level of discipline. It takes consistency, compromise and often putting someone else’s needs before your own.

Those with little discipline might find it hard to keep up with these demands. They may:

  • Forget birthdays or anniversaries
  • Neglect to keep promises
  • Fail to be there for their loved ones during tough times

It’s not because they don’t care. Instead, they struggle with the discipline needed to consistently show up and invest in the relationship.

If you know someone who has difficulty maintaining lasting relationships, it could be due to a lack of discipline. But remember, we all have our struggles; it’s when it becomes a pattern that it becomes a cause for concern.

7) They often struggle with financial stability

I remember a time in my life when I had just started my first job.

The sudden influx of income was exciting, and I found myself splurging on things I didn’t really need.

Before I knew it, my bank account was dwindling, and I was living paycheck to paycheck. This was a clear sign that I lacked financial discipline.

Financial discipline involves:

  • Making wise spending decisions
  • Saving regularly
  • Investing wisely

It requires you to resist the temptation to spend on non-essentials and prioritize your financial goals.

People with little discipline often struggle with maintaining financial stability. They may live beyond their means, have significant credit card debt, or lack savings for emergencies.

So, if you notice someone frequently struggling financially despite earning a decent income, it could be a sign they lack discipline.

But remember, everyone can have financial struggles; it’s when there’s a pattern of poor financial decisions that it becomes an indicator of low discipline.

8) They frequently jump from task to task

Ever noticed someone who seems to be always busy but never really accomplishes anything?

This could be a sign of low discipline.

Disciplined individuals understand the importance of focus and persistence. They stick to a task until it’s completed before moving on to the next one.

On the other hand, people with little discipline often have difficulty sticking to one task.

They might start multiple projects at once, only to leave them unfinished. They frequently jump from one thing to another, often due to a lack of patience or persistence.

This constant task-switching can lead to inefficiency and a lack of progress towards their goals.

If you know someone who exhibits this behavior, it could be a sign that they lack discipline.

9) They often lack self-awareness

At the heart of discipline is self-awareness. It’s the ability to recognize our own behaviors, understand why we act the way we do, and make changes when necessary.

People with little discipline often lack this self-awareness. They may not realize the impact of their actions on their lives or the lives of others around them.

They might continue with harmful habits, oblivious to the damage they’re causing.

This lack of self-awareness can hinder personal growth and prevent individuals from developing discipline. If you notice someone demonstrating a consistent lack of self-awareness, it could be a clear sign they struggle with discipline.

Final thought: It’s a journey, not a destination

Discipline, much like any other trait, isn’t a fixed attribute. It’s fluid, dynamic and can be cultivated over time.

Yet, cultivating discipline is not an overnight process. It requires conscious effort, patience, and most importantly, self-compassion. After all, we’re all human and prone to slip-ups.

So if you’ve recognized some of these signs in yourself or someone close to you, don’t despair. Remember that recognizing these signs is the first step towards improvement.

Whether it’s setting small daily goals, establishing a routine, or simply practicing mindfulness, every step taken towards fostering discipline is a step towards a more fulfilling life.