7 signs someone has fallen deeply in love with you but is trying to play it cool

Tina Fey by Tina Fey | September 1, 2024, 12:07 am

Love has a way of sneaking up on us, doesn’t it? It’s not always the grand gestures or passionate displays that reveal someone’s feelings; sometimes, it’s the subtle cues that truly give it away.

Think about those moments when someone is head over heels for you, but they’re playing it cool. They might not come out and say “I love you,” but their actions and demeanor speak volumes.

In this article, I’ll walk you through seven unmistakable signs that someone is deeply in love with you, even if they’re keeping a straight face.

Ready to uncover the hidden language of love? Let’s jump right in.

1) They’re always around… but not too close

Love has this funny way of making people behave a little… well, peculiar, especially when they’re trying to keep their feelings hush-hush.

One telltale sign that someone’s head over heels for you is their sudden omnipresence in your life. They seem to be everywhere, popping up in unexpected places. But here’s the kicker—they never quite close the distance.

It’s a delicate dance. They want to be near you, to be a part of your world, yet they’re also trying to play it cool. They’re cautious not to reveal their feelings too soon or come off as too intense, for fear of scaring you away.

Hence, if you find someone consistently appearing in your orbit, showing up at your regular spots or events they know you’ll be at, pay attention. It could be a subtle sign they’re smitten, even if they’re playing it coy.

2) They seem a bit indifferent

Now, this might seem counterintuitive, but stick with me. Sometimes, a person who’s deeply in love with you might come off as indifferent or even aloof.

It’s not that they are uninterested or don’t care about you. Quite the contrary. It’s their way of masking the depth of their feelings, especially if they’re unsure about how you’d react.

They might not be the first to text or call, and they may not show overt signs of affection. But it doesn’t mean they are uninterested. Behind that veil of indifference, there could be a storm of emotions brewing.

Remember, love can make people do strange things. So if someone seems a bit indifferent but is still sticking around, it might be because they’re head over heels for you but don’t quite know how to show it yet.

3) They remember the little things

From what I’ve seen, when someone’s head over heels for you, they become hyper-aware of the smallest details.

They remember your favorite snacks, the anecdotes you’ve shared, and even the exact phrases you’ve used in conversations. It’s like they’re unconsciously storing away every moment spent with you.

In my book Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship, I discuss how such deep attentiveness is a sign of healthy attachment and emotional investment.

If you find someone remembering the little things about you—like your go-to coffee order, that joke you cracked weeks back, or even the name of your childhood pet—there’s a good chance they’re falling for you.

4) Their body language speaks volumes

You’ve likely heard the age-old adage, “Actions speak louder than words.” I find this rings especially true in matters of love and attraction.

One of the most telling signs can be found in body language. When someone’s smitten, their body often reveals their feelings in subtle, sometimes involuntary ways.

It might be sustained eye contact, leaning in when you speak, or even mirroring your gestures and expressions.

So pay attention to their body language. It might just be telling you that they’re falling in love with you, even if they’re trying to play it cool with their words.

5) They show interest in your interests

When someone’s falling head over heels, they often develop a newfound curiosity about your hobbies and passions.

It’s not about mimicking you or encroaching on your space; it’s their way of forging a deeper connection, of getting to know what makes you, well, you.

In my own experiences, I’ve found that shared interests can create a bond that goes beyond the ordinary.

It’s that moment of realization when you see the person you’re smitten with genuinely intrigued by your love for painting, your weekend hikes, or even your fondness for 80s pop tunes.

6) They start to reveal more about themselves

Being in love often leads people to open up, sharing parts of themselves that they usually keep hidden. It’s a way of building trust, of letting you in on their secrets and fears.

As the saying goes, “We only really share ourselves with those we love.” If someone starts to reveal more about themselves, their childhood, their dreams, their vulnerabilities, it’s a strong sign that they’ve fallen for you.

In my interactions with clients and readers, I’ve found this level of openness to be a common thread among people who are deeply in love but trying to play it cool.

But remember, these are just signs and every person is unique. The best way to truly know is through open and honest communication.

For more insights on love and relationships, do follow me on Facebook. I often share my latest articles and tips there. Let’s continue our journey towards understanding love together.

7) They act a little nervous around you

Let’s get real—love has a way of making us all a bit jittery. When someone’s utterly smitten with you but trying to play it cool, they might show signs of nervousness in your presence.

It’s like a classic case of butterflies in the stomach. They’re so captivated by you, so engrossed in every interaction, that it brings out a side of them that’s a tad unsure, a tad vulnerable.

You might notice subtle cues, like them stumbling over their words, or more obvious signs, like them being overly conscious of how they’re coming across to you.

But keep in mind, everyone expresses their feelings differently, and this is just one of the signs to keep an eye out for.

No love story reads the same

In my own journey and the myriad tales I’ve encountered, love has a way of making us act in unexpected ways. It’s the jitters, the genuine interest in your passions, the subtle cues that often reveal what words struggle to convey.

As we navigate the intricate maze of love and relationships, remember that each love story is one-of-a-kind. It’s okay if it doesn’t unfold like a fairy tale. Real life is messy, but it’s also far more fascinating.

For a deeper dive into this topic, I recommend checking out Justin Brown’s insightful video. He delves into the complexities of finding a life partner and shares valuable lessons from his own experiences.

Trust me, it’s a fantastic resource that I believe will shed more light on the intricacies of love and relationships.

YouTube video


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