10 signs it’s probably time to let go, according to psychology

Letting go can be tough. It’s that nagging feeling that something isn’t right, but you’re not quite sure if it’s time to move on.
Psychology, however, can provide some clear signs that it’s time to let go. It’s all about understanding your emotions and knowing when they’re signaling a need for change.
In this article, I’ll share with you 10 signs, backed by psychological research, indicating that it’s probably time to let go. Whether it’s a job, a relationship, or even an old belief system, recognizing these signs can pave the way for a fresh start.
1) You’re constantly feeling drained
Joy, contentment, and enthusiasm are signs that we’re on the right path. On the flip side, feeling constantly drained or burdened may suggest that something is amiss.
Chronic emotional exhaustion is often a sign that it’s time to let go. It’s your mind’s way of saying that whatever you’re holding onto is taking more energy than it’s giving.
Consider this the mental equivalent of a dead-end job. It’s draining, it’s not rewarding, and most importantly, it prevents you from investing your energy elsewhere where it could be better used.
If you find yourself constantly fatigued or emotionally exhausted even after rest, this could be your body and subconscious mind signaling that something needs to change. Take a step back and ask yourself if what you’re holding onto is really worth the emotional toll.
A relationship, job, or situation that’s good for you should not leave you feeling perpetually worn out. It might be worth taking a closer look at what’s draining your energy and considering letting go of it.
2) You’re compromising your values
There was this one time in my life when I found myself constantly making excuses for a certain person. I would justify their actions, even when they clearly went against my own values.
This is a clear sign that it’s probably time to let go. When you start compromising your own values to accommodate someone or something, it’s usually an indication that the situation isn’t healthy for you.
I had to learn the hard way that holding on to relationships or situations that require you to forsake your own values often leads to regret and resentment.
So if you find yourself constantly bending your own rules or principles, take a moment to reassess. It might be time to let go.
3) Your growth is stunted
Did you know that lobsters have to leave their shell to grow? They become vulnerable for a while, but it’s an essential process for their development.
In the same vein, if you’re in a situation or relationship where you’re not growing or learning anymore, it’s probably a sign that it’s time to let go.
In life, just like lobsters, we sometimes have to leave our comfort zones and face vulnerability in order to grow. If we stick to what’s familiar and safe, we risk becoming stagnant.
If you’re too comfortable in a situation that isn’t fulfilling or inspiring you to grow, or you feel like your personal growth is being hindered, it might be time to discard the old shell and step into the unknown.
Remember, a little discomfort can be a good thing, as it often indicates growth and development. Don’t let the fear of discomfort keep you stuck in a situation that’s not serving your best interests.
4) You’re the only one making an effort
Relationships are a two-way street, be it personal or professional. They require effort from all parties involved to function healthily.
If you’re the only one putting in the work to maintain a relationship or situation, it’s a strong sign that it’s time to reconsider. It’s not just about fairness, but also about your emotional well-being.
Carrying the weight of a relationship or situation single-handedly can be emotionally draining and leaves little room for your own needs and growth.
If you find yourself in such a one-sided situation, consider this a sign that it may be time to let go and focus on relationships and situations that reciprocate your efforts.
5) You’re constantly unhappy
Happiness is subjective and can look different for everyone. But one common thread is that it’s usually linked to our circumstances and relationships.
If you’re persistently unhappy in a particular situation or relationship, it could be a sign that it’s time to let go.
Life is too short to spend in perpetual unhappiness. While temporary dissatisfaction or disappointment is normal, consistent unhappiness is a clear indication that something needs to change.
So if you’re spending more time feeling down than up, it might be time to rethink your situation and possibly let go.
6) You’re holding on out of fear
It’s human nature to fear the unknown. We often hold onto things, not because they’re good for us, but because they’re familiar. The idea of change can be scary, even when we know it might be for the best.
Making decisions out of fear rather than hope or ambition isn’t healthy. It can keep us stuck in harmful situations or relationships longer than we should be.
It may seem counterintuitive, but sometimes, embracing the uncertainty can open doors to new opportunities and experiences. Fear can keep us stuck in a comfort zone, but growth often happens outside of it.
If you’re holding onto something out of fear of what might happen if you let go, it could be time to take that leap of faith, embrace the unknown and the possibility of something new. After all, every ending is a chance for a new beginning.
7) You feel unappreciated
We all want to feel valued and appreciated, whether it’s in our personal relationships or professional life. But when you constantly feel overlooked or unappreciated, it might be a sign that it’s time to let go.
If your efforts and contributions are continually taken for granted, it could be damaging to your self-esteem and overall happiness.
Remember, your worth is not defined by how others treat you. If you’re in a situation where you’re constantly feeling unappreciated, consider if it’s truly worth holding onto.
8) You’re living in the past
The past can be a comforting place to dwell, especially when the future seems uncertain. But when you find yourself constantly looking back, it might be a sign that it’s time to let go and focus on the present.
If you’re holding onto a past relationship, job, or event, it can prevent you from fully experiencing and embracing the present moment.
Learning to let go of the past can be a challenging process, but it’s often a necessary step towards moving forward and creating new experiences and opportunities.
9) Your instincts are telling you to let go
Trust your gut. It’s an age-old piece of advice that holds a lot of truth. Our instincts are often our subconscious minds’ way of protecting us.
Our gut feelings or instincts can be a powerful guide when it comes to decision-making. If deep down, you feel like it’s time to let go, it probably is.
Ignoring your instincts and suppressing your feelings can lead to regret down the line. So if your intuition is nudging you towards letting go, it might be time to listen.
10) You’re sacrificing your peace of mind
At the end of the day, your peace of mind is paramount. If a situation or relationship is causing you constant stress or anxiety, it’s a clear sign that something needs to change.
Psychology underscores the importance of mental peace for overall well-being. Compromising it for anything or anyone is not worth it.
If your peace of mind is at stake, it’s not just a sign – it’s a red flag that it’s time to let go. Because nothing is more important than your mental health and well-being.
Understanding the power of letting go
Letting go is an act that’s often easier said than done. It requires courage, strength, and often a great deal of emotional resilience. But why is it so important?
When we hold onto situations, people, or feelings that no longer serve us, we create a blockage in our lives. This blockage can prevent us from moving forward and experiencing growth. It often leads to feelings of stagnation, frustration, and unhappiness.
However, when we muster the courage to let go, we create space in our lives. Space for new opportunities, new relationships, and new experiences. Space to grow and evolve as individuals.
But how do you know when it’s truly time to let go? The signs we’ve discussed can provide some guidance. They are signals from your mind and body telling you that something needs to change. But ultimately, only you can make that decision.
It’s important to remember that letting go doesn’t mean forgetting or discarding the past. Every experience you’ve had has shaped who you are today. Letting go simply means acknowledging that some things are not meant for us, or no longer serve our current needs.
It means choosing your own peace and happiness over holding onto something out of fear, guilt, or obligation. And remember – it’s okay to prioritize your own well-being.
The journey of letting go can be challenging and even painful at times. But it can also be incredibly liberating. Embrace the journey with an open heart and remind yourself that every step, no matter how small, is a step towards a happier, more fulfilled you.
So take the time to reflect on these signs and ask yourself: Is there something in my life I need to let go of? And if the answer is yes – acknowledge it, understand it, and when you’re ready – gently let it go.