8 signs a man has no integrity, according to psychology

Integrity is a trait we all value, and rightly so. It’s what separates the genuine from the counterfeit, the trustworthy from the deceptive.
But let’s face it – spotting a lack of integrity isn’t always easy. Sometimes, it’s hidden beneath a charming facade or veiled by an eloquent tongue.
As a student of psychology, I’ve learned that there are certain telltale signs that scream, “This man lacks integrity!”
In this article, we delve into eight of these signs. So buckle up and prepare to become a human lie detector.
1) Inconsistency in words and actions
Integrity is often measured through consistency – the alignment of words and actions.
It’s a straightforward concept, yet it’s surprising how often this fundamental principle is overlooked.
Imagine you’re dealing with a man who talks a good game. He promises the moon, the stars, and everything in between.
Yet, when push comes to shove, his actions fall short. The promises remain unfulfilled, and the high words unmet.
This inconsistency could very well be a glaring red flag.
According to psychology, a man with integrity will walk his talk. If he says he’s going to do something, he’ll do it.
While everyone can mess up from time to time, what we’re looking for here is a pattern of inconsistency.
So if a man’s words and deeds are constantly at odds, it’s time to question his integrity.
2) Lack of empathy
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
A man with integrity knows how to put himself in another person’s shoes and respond with kindness and understanding.
But what happens when a man lacks this fundamental trait?
Here’s a personal example to illustrate.
A few years back, I had a friend named Mark. He was charismatic, always the life of the party.
But there was one thing about him that always bothered me – his lack of empathy.
I remember once when I was going through a rough patch in my life. I had just been let go from my job, and I was struggling to make ends meet.
I opened up to Mark about my situation, hoping for some support or at least a sympathetic ear.
But his response shocked me.
He simply brushed it off, changed the topic, and started talking about his weekend plans. It was as if my problems didn’t matter at all.
That’s when it hit me – Mark lacked empathy, a key sign of integrity.
It made me rethink our friendship and realize the importance of surrounding myself with people who truly cared.
So, watch out for lack of empathy – it’s a loud and clear sign that a man may be lacking in integrity.
3) Exploitative behavior
Integrity and respect go hand in hand. A man with integrity values the rights, freedoms, and feelings of others.
On the contrary, a man who exploits others for his own gain is showing a clear sign of lacking integrity.
This can take many forms, such as:
- Taking credit for the work of others
- Emotionally manipulating people
- Using others as stepping stones to achieve personal goals
Interestingly, according to a study published in Frontiers Of Psychology, such exploitative behavior is not only morally wrong but also detrimental to long-term success.
The study found that teams with exploitative leaders underperformed compared to teams with leaders who demonstrated respect and fairness.
So, it’s not just about being a good person – it’s also about creating an environment where everyone can thrive.
Exploitative behavior does the exact opposite, making it a surefire sign of a lack of integrity.
4) Chronic dishonesty
Honesty is the bedrock of integrity. It’s the quality that builds trust and fosters meaningful relationships.
A man who consistently lies, cheats, or misrepresents the truth is exhibiting a lack of integrity.
This chronic dishonesty can manifest in both big and small ways – from lying about significant life events to spinning stories about why he was late for a meeting.
Remember, honesty isn’t just about telling the truth; it’s about being real with yourself and others around you. A man with integrity embraces this.
But when you’re dealing with a man who seems to have a loose relationship with the truth, that’s a major red flag.
5) Unwillingness to admit mistakes
We’re all human, and that means we all make mistakes. It’s a universal truth that binds us together.
But here’s the thing – it takes a man of real integrity to admit when he’s wrong. It’s a sign of humility, of self-awareness, of respect for the truth.
A man who lacks integrity, however, will often refuse to acknowledge his mistakes. He might:
- Deflect blame onto others
- Make excuses
- Twist the facts to make himself look better
There’s something profoundly brave about owning up to our errors. It’s a raw, vulnerable act that pulls down our defenses and exposes our humanity.
So when a man is unwilling or unable to admit his mistakes, it’s more than just a sign of a lack of integrity. It’s a refusal to grow, to learn, to connect on a deeper level.
6) Disrespect for boundaries
Boundaries are crucial in all relationships. They define what’s acceptable and what’s not, helping to maintain respect and understanding.
I remember a time when I had a colleague who had a habit of dropping by my workspace unannounced.
He would often interrupt my work, going through my documents without asking, and even using my computer without permission.
Over time, this became more than just an annoyance. It was a clear violation of my personal space – a boundary that I held dear.
Despite several polite reminders, he continued with his intrusive behavior.
It was then that I realized – his disrespect for my boundaries was a glaring sign of his lack of integrity.
So, keep an eye out for how a man treats boundaries – both yours and those of others.
If he disrespects them or dismisses them outright, it’s a clear sign that he may be lacking in integrity.
7) Lack of accountability
Accountability is a cornerstone of integrity. It involves taking responsibility for our actions and their consequences, both good and bad.
A man lacking in integrity, however, tends to shirk responsibility.
He might pass the buck when things go wrong, or take credit for successes that aren’t his.
This absence of accountability can be harmful, leading to mistrust and resentment in relationships. Moreover, it prevents personal growth and development.
So, a man who consistently avoids accountability is showing a clear sign of insufficient integrity. It’s an important trait to be aware of when assessing someone’s character.
8) Absence of moral courage
Above all, integrity requires moral courage. It’s about standing up for what’s right, even when it’s uncomfortable, inconvenient, or unpopular.
A man with integrity doesn’t just know the difference between right and wrong – he acts on it. He:
- Stands up against injustice
- Defends the vulnerable
- Maintains his values even in the face of adversity
On the flip side, a man who lacks moral courage – who chooses to remain silent when he should speak out, or who turns a blind eye to wrongdoing – is demonstrating a lack of integrity.
So remember – moral courage is not just a sign of integrity. It’s the very essence of it.
Final reflection: Integrity is a choice
At the heart of it all, integrity is a choice. It’s a conscious decision to live by certain principles and values, even when no one is watching.
The signs we’ve discussed serve as a roadmap to identify a lack of integrity. But remember, we’re all works in progress. We all have the capacity to grow, learn, and make better choices.
So as you navigate your relationships and encounters with others, consider these signs. But more importantly, reflect on your own actions and choices.
After all, integrity isn’t just about identifying it in others – it’s about embodying it ourselves.