8 phrases narcissists use to control their partner in a relationship

Navigating the complex dynamics of a relationship can be challenging, especially when your partner tends to display narcissistic tendencies.
Narcissists have a knack for using language to manipulate and control those around them. Their words can seem like a maze, designed to keep you off-balance, doubting yourself, and seeking their approval.
In relationships, they employ specific phrases that serve as red flags – signs of a deeper pattern of manipulation and control.
Recognizing these phrases is the first step in reclaiming your power and ensuring your relationship is based on mutual respect and authenticity.
Here are eight phrases commonly used by narcissists in relationships.
1) “You’re too sensitive”
In the complex dance of relationships, communication plays a key role. However, when a partner exhibits narcissistic behavior, this communication often takes a manipulative turn.
One phrase often used by narcissists is “You’re too sensitive.”
This phrase is a classic tool in the narcissist’s arsenal, designed to invalidate your feelings and make you second-guess your reactions.
It’s a form of gaslighting – an attempt to distort your perception of reality and make you doubt your own experiences.
When you express hurt or dissatisfaction about something they’ve done, they deflect the blame back to you. They suggest that the problem isn’t their behavior, but rather your emotional response to it.
The underlying message here is that your feelings are not valid or important. And by making you question your own emotions, they gain control and keep the focus on themselves.
2) “I never said that”
In my personal experience, narcissists are masters of rewriting history. They can say something one minute and then deny it the next, leaving you questioning your own memory.
This phrase, “I never said that,” is a common tactic. It’s another form of gaslighting, designed to make you feel disoriented and uncertain. By shaking your confidence in your own memory, they gain the upper hand.
This approach can leave you constantly second-guessing yourself, which is exactly where the narcissist wants you. You become more dependent on their version of reality because you start doubting your own.
It’s crucial to trust your own recollections and not be swayed by someone else’s manipulative refashioning of past events. Remember, if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.
3) “I’m the only one who really understands you”
Narcissists often create a narrative where they are the only person who truly ‘gets’ their partner.
The phrase “I’m the only one who really understands you,” serves as a manipulative strategy to isolate you from others and make you more dependent on them.
The idea behind this phrase is to create a sense of exclusivity, making you feel special and understood. But in reality, it’s a bid to control you by cutting off your connections with the outside world.
This can lead to a sense of loneliness and isolation, as you begin to believe that only your narcissistic partner can truly understand and accept you. It’s a dangerous path that often leads to emotional dependence and loss of self-identity.
To better understand this dynamic, I encourage you to watch my video exploring the complexities of feeling single and lonely in a big city.
It’s not directly about relationships with narcissists, but many of the principles apply.
In the video, I discuss how crucial it is to understand ourselves first and not rely on others for validation.

At the end of the day, remember that your worth is not determined by one person’s opinion or understanding of you. You are much more than what one person perceives or wants you to be.
If you find these insights helpful and want to delve deeper into living a life with more purpose and freedom, consider joining over 20,000 others who have subscribed to my YouTube channel.
You can click here to subscribe and explore more.
4) “If you loved me, you would…”
Nothing cuts deeper than having your love questioned or used as a bargaining chip. The phrase, “If you loved me, you would…” is a manipulative tactic narcissists often use.
It’s designed to make you feel obligated to behave a certain way or agree to something that you may not be comfortable with.
This is a form of emotional blackmail. It’s a way for the narcissist to control your actions by tying them to your feelings for them. This puts you in a difficult position where saying ‘no’ feels like a rejection of your love for them.
Make no mistake: Love is not about control or manipulation. In line with one of my core beliefs, I see love as rooted in mutual respect and empathy. Each person should feel empowered and free in their decisions.
5) “You owe me”
The phrase “You owe me” is a classic tactic used by narcissists to assert control and maintain power in a relationship.
By creating a sense of indebtedness, they manipulate you into feeling guilty and obligated to meet their demands.
This approach turns the relationship into a transactional one, where love and care are commodities to be traded. It’s not about mutual understanding or shared experiences, but about keeping score.
No one should feel indebted in a loving relationship. Instead, each individual should freely choose to contribute to the relationship out of love, respect, and mutual understanding.
In one of my videos, I explore the complexities of finding a life partner and the importance of shared values in a relationship.
It’s not directly about controlling phrases, but it dives deep into what a healthy relationship should look like.

Remember, you don’t owe anyone your freedom or your authenticity. As author Mark Manson rightly said, “The most fundamental component of any relationship is choice.” Choose for yourself, always.
6) “No one else would put up with you”
It may seem bizarre, but the phrase “No one else would put up with you” is often wielded by narcissists to undermine your self-esteem.
By suggesting that you’re somehow flawed or difficult, they make you feel lucky to have them, despite their abusive behavior.
This is a form of psychological manipulation intended to make you feel unworthy of love and respect. It feeds into a fear of loneliness and rejection, making it harder for you to leave the relationship.
Look! Everyone has their quirks and flaws, and that’s part of being human. And there are people out there who will love and accept you for who you truly are. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.
7) “I did it all for you”
Narcissists often use the phrase “I did it all for you” as a way to avoid accountability for their actions. By framing their behavior as a sacrifice made for your benefit, they sidestep any criticism or blame.
This tactic serves two purposes. Firstly, it creates an illusion of selflessness, making them appear as though they’re acting in your best interests.
Secondly, it manipulates you into feeling guilty or ungrateful if you question their actions or motives.
As author Stephen Covey said: “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” Stand firm in this belief and don’t let anyone shift the blame onto you.
8) “You can’t live without me”
The phrase “You can’t live without me” is another control tactic used by narcissists. By instilling a fear of independence, they create an unhealthy dependency that can be difficult to break.
This phrase is designed to make you feel weak and incapable, undermining your confidence in your ability to thrive on your own. It’s a form of emotional manipulation meant to keep you tethered to the relationship.
But in line with my belief in personal growth and self-awareness, I want to emphasize that every individual has the capacity to stand on their own. We are all capable of growth, resilience, and independence.
Navigating life’s challenges may be daunting, but remember that every obstacle is an opportunity for growth and learning.
Unlocking the chains of manipulation
In conclusion, the eight phrases covered shed light on the insidious tactics employed by narcissists to maintain control within relationships.
Now, awareness is the first step towards liberation. Identifying these phrases and comprehending their manipulative purpose enables us to liberate ourselves from the grip of control and reclaim our autonomy.
If you’ve found these insights helpful and want to delve deeper into living a life with more purpose and freedom, consider subscribing to my YouTube channel.
Before I leave you to reflect on these thoughts, I pose a question: What steps will you take today to ensure your relationships are based on mutual respect and authenticity?