7 phrases men use when they’re emotionally unavailable but don’t want to admit it

Emotional unavailability can be one of the most confusing aspects of modern relationships.
You might find yourself in a situation where the man you’re dating isn’t opening up, but refuses to admit it.
Men can sometimes use certain phrases as a shield, keeping their feelings tucked away while giving off the illusion of communication. It’s a tricky dance, and as a relationship expert, I’ve seen it all too often.
It’s not always about what they say, but about what they don’t say.
In this article, we’ll dive into eight common phrases men use when they’re emotionally unavailable but don’t want to admit it.
Keep reading for some insider insight from yours truly, Tina Fey, founder of Love Connection blog. Let’s dive right in and unravel some of the mystery together.
1) “I’m just not a big talker.”
We’ve all heard this one before.
A man who’s emotionally unavailable might often resort to this phrase as a way to avoid opening up about his feelings.
It’s his go-to escape hatch when things start to get a little too personal or intense.
This phrase is a red flag waving in the wind, signaling an unwillingness to share or engage at a deeper emotional level.
If he’s using this phrase consistently, it may be time to reassess where you stand and consider having an open conversation about emotional availability.
However, it’s important to approach this with understanding and patience.
Everyone has their pace for opening up. But if you’re consistently feeling shut out, it’s worth addressing.
2) “I’m not ready for anything serious.”
Ahh, the classic evasion tactic.
This phrase is typically used by men who are emotionally unavailable as a way to put off commitment.
This shows he’s avoiding any meaningful emotional commitment.
From my own experience, I can tell you this: It’s not about you. It’s about his own emotional readiness. So, don’t take it personally.
The wise Maya Angelou once said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” And in the context of emotional availability, this quote rings particularly true.
If he’s telling you he’s not ready for anything serious, believe him and consider whether this aligns with what you want from the relationship.
3) “I need space.”
This phrase may sound harmless at first, but it’s often used by emotionally unavailable men to maintain distance.
Hearing ‘I need space’ can make you feel uncertain about your place in the relationship.
From my own journey and the countless stories I’ve heard from my readers, it’s clear that ‘space’ often translates to emotional withdrawal.
In my book Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship, I delve deeper into how to navigate these tricky situations and build healthier relationships.
It’s true that everyone needs their ‘me time’, but if ‘space’ becomes a recurring theme, it may be time to reassess the emotional dynamics of your relationship.
4) “My ex was crazy.”
When a man labels his ex as ‘crazy,’ it’s often a way to deflect responsibility for the role he played in the breakdown of the relationship.
Using this phrase is a warning sign that he’s avoiding emotional accountability.
In my dating experiences, I’ve found that using this phrase often serves as a way to avoid deeper emotional conversations about past relationships.
If he’s quick to dismiss his ex in this manner, it’s worth considering whether he’s equipped to handle the emotional complexities that your relationship might bring.
Ignoring this behavior could eventually put you in the same position, potentially becoming the next “crazy ex.”
5) “I don’t believe in labels.”
Here’s a raw truth: when a man says he doesn’t believe in labels, it’s often an indicator of emotional unavailability.
This phrase is usually used as a loophole to avoid defining the relationship and the emotional responsibilities that come with it.
It’s a way of keeping things casual and non-committal.
While there’s nothing wrong with taking things slow, if you’re looking for a deep, meaningful connection, this phrase can be a roadblock.
Honesty can be hard, but it’s crucial in any relationship.
6) “Let’s just go with the flow.”
This phrase might sound laid-back and carefree, but it can often be a sign of emotional unavailability.
Saying ‘let’s just go with the flow’ often hints at an unwillingness to commit or set clear intentions.
It’s a way of keeping things undefined and emotionally safe.
From my own experience, I’ve seen how this phrase can lead to uncertainty and confusion in relationships.
It can leave you feeling adrift, unsure of where you stand or where you’re heading.
7) “I’m just not good at relationships.”
Finally, we arrive at the phrase that’s as honest as it is heartbreaking.
“I’m just not good at relationships” is a raw admission of emotional unavailability.
It’s often used as a way to absolve responsibility for any emotional shortcomings or failures in the relationship.
While it’s important to appreciate this honesty, it’s equally vital to understand what it means for you.
If he’s openly admitting he struggles with relationships, it might be a sign that he’s not ready for the emotional commitment you’re seeking.
Love isn’t about changing someone, but about finding someone whose emotional rhythm matches yours.
We’ve journeyed through seven phrases that can hint at emotional unavailability.
But remember, ladies, understanding is the first step to navigating these tricky waters.
If you recognize these phrases in your relationship, don’t lose hope. It’s a chance for open conversation and growth. After all, love is a journey, not a destination.
And if you need a little more guidance, my book Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship provides insights and tools to help navigate the complexities of relationships.
Your emotional needs are important. And you deserve a relationship where those needs are met and respected.
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