People with excellent social skills use these 9 phrases to build rapport quickly

Exceptional social skills can often be boiled down to a knack for building rapport.
This is about creating a feeling of mutual understanding and trust, all while keeping the conversation engaging and natural.
The secret? It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it.
People with outstanding social skills have a few key phrases up their sleeves that help establish connections swiftly.
These phrases, used wisely, can foster positive relationships and open up channels of communication.
Let’s dive into the 9 phrases used by socially savvy individuals to build rapport in no time.
1) How are you really doing?
In the realm of social interactions, sincerity and genuine interest are key. When engaging in conversation, many people tend to stick with the surface-level pleasantries.
“How are you?” is often met with an automatic “Good, thanks!” But those with excellent social skills know that going deeper can quickly build rapport. Hence, they might ask, “How are you really doing?”
This phrase shows a genuine interest in the other person’s well-being and opens the door for a more meaningful conversation. It demonstrates that you’re not just making small talk; you’re willing to listen and engage on a deeper level.
However, this question should be used with discretion. It’s essential to gauge whether the other party is comfortable sharing more personal details. The aim here is to foster a connection, not to make anyone feel pressured or uncomfortable.
2) I totally understand where you’re coming from
Empathy is the cornerstone of any good relationship, be it personal or professional. Demonstrating that you can understand and share the feelings of others is a powerful way to establish rapport.
The phrase, “I totally understand where you’re coming from,” does just that. It validates their perspective and makes them feel truly heard.
For instance, I remember a time when a colleague of mine was venting about the stress of juggling multiple high-priority projects. Instead of brushing off her concerns, I responded with, “I totally understand where you’re coming from. I’ve been in that position before and it can be really tough.”
Sharing my own similar experience not only validated her feelings but also made her feel less alone in her struggle. This shared understanding helped strengthen our rapport and made future conversations much easier and more productive.
People appreciate when their feelings are acknowledged and validated – it helps foster a sense of trust and mutual understanding.
3) Have you heard about…?
Conversations are a two-way street. To build a solid rapport, it’s essential to keep the exchange engaging and stimulating. The phrase “Have you heard about…?” is a great conversation starter that sparks curiosity and interest.
This phrase not only shows that you’re well-informed but also invites the other person to share their thoughts or knowledge on the topic. It’s a subtle way of saying, “I value your opinion.”
Take, for example, the phrase, “Have you heard about the latest development in renewable energy?” This question might spark an intriguing discussion about innovations and advancements in this field.
Interestingly, renewable energy sources like solar and wind are now less expensive than fossil fuels in many parts of the world. This shift not only benefits the environment but also opens up exciting opportunities for economic growth and job creation.
Incorporating such phrases into your conversations can keep them dynamic and engaging, promoting a quick rapport build-up.
4) I appreciate your perspective
Everyone loves to feel valued and heard, especially when it comes to their ideas and perspectives. The phrase “I appreciate your perspective” is a powerful tool for those with excellent social skills.
This phrase does not mean that you necessarily agree with their viewpoint, but it does show respect for their right to have a different opinion. It communicates that you value diversity in thought and are open to understanding their point of view.
For instance, in a workplace scenario where multiple solutions are being proposed for a problem, you might say, “I appreciate your perspective on the issue. It gives us another angle to consider.”
By doing so, you foster an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. This openness can lead to more effective problem-solving and, ultimately, stronger team dynamics and rapport.
5) I’d love to learn more about that
Curiosity has a powerful way of bridging gaps and facilitating connections. When you express a genuine interest in learning more about someone or something, it communicates openness and respect.
The phrase “I’d love to learn more about that” is often used by people with excellent social skills. It shows the other person that you find their knowledge or experiences intriguing and worth understanding.
For example, if a friend shares their passion for gardening, saying, “I’d love to learn more about that” can make them feel valued and appreciated. It also opens up an opportunity for them to share more about their interests, further enriching the conversation and strengthening the bond.
This phrase subtly communicates your willingness to invest time and effort in understanding their world better, fostering quicker rapport and deeper connections.
6) Thank you for sharing that with me
Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can have a profound impact on our relationships. When someone opens up to you or shares something personal, acknowledging their trust in you is crucial.
The phrase “Thank you for sharing that with me” does exactly this. It expresses gratitude not just for the information shared, but also for the trust and openness it signifies.
For instance, if a friend confides in you about their recent struggles, responding with gratitude displays your appreciation for their trust. Saying, “Thank you for sharing that with me, it must have been hard,” not only acknowledges their courage but also paves the way for deeper, more meaningful conversations in the future.
This phrase is an essential tool in the arsenal of anyone looking to build rapport quickly. It demonstrates empathy, understanding, and respect – all key components of strong interpersonal relationships.
7) I could use your advice on something
Asking for someone’s advice is a subtle and effective way to build rapport. It shows that you value their opinions and trust their judgment.
The phrase “I could use your advice on something” is a humble request that often leads to deeper conversations and connections. It opens up a space for the other person to share their insights and experiences, fostering mutual respect and understanding.
For instance, when I was considering a career shift a few years ago, I reached out to a friend who had successfully navigated a similar change. By asking for her advice, not only did I gain valuable insights, but our relationship also deepened as we shared our fears, hopes, and dreams.
Such interactions pave the way for mutual trust and respect, laying the foundation for quick rapport building.
8) That’s an interesting point of view
In any conversation, showing respect for the other person’s viewpoint is crucial, even when you disagree. The phrase “That’s an interesting point of view” shows that you’ve heard and considered their perspective.
Using this phrase doesn’t necessarily mean you agree with them. Instead, it signals that you’re open to their ideas and appreciate their unique viewpoint. It also sets the stage for a healthy discussion where both parties can learn and grow.
For example, during a debate about a contentious issue, using this phrase helps maintain a positive tone and encourages further dialogue. It communicates that you’re not just interested in pushing your own agenda, but also in understanding their perspective.
This kind of respectful engagement is key to building rapport quickly and effectively.
9) Let’s keep in touch
Building rapport is not a one-time event. It’s an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and communication. The phrase “Let’s keep in touch” indicates your intention to maintain and develop the relationship further.
This phrase shows that you value the connection you’ve made and want to continue nurturing it. Whether it’s after a casual lunch with a new acquaintance or a business meeting, saying “Let’s keep in touch” leaves the door open for future interactions.
It sets the stage for ongoing communication, which is fundamental for deepening relationships and building strong rapport.
Final thoughts: It’s all about connection
The essence of human existence often boils down to one fundamental element – connection. Our ability to connect with others, to understand and be understood, is what shapes our experiences and relationships.
Mastering the art of building rapport doesn’t necessarily require grand gestures or eloquent speeches. It’s often the simplest phrases, expressed with sincerity and empathy, that leave the most lasting impact.
Whether it’s acknowledging someone’s perspective, showing genuine interest in their experiences, or expressing gratitude for their trust, these phrases reflect a deep respect for the individual and an appreciation for the unique bond you share.
As Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
In the end, it’s not just about what we say; it’s about how we make others feel. And that’s the true power of building rapport.
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