People who refuse to give up on love tend to have these 10 character traits

To say dating in the 21st century is exhausting is an understatement.
Thanks to the influx of dating apps and the overused saying, ‘There’s plenty of fish in the sea,’ most people call it quits at the first sign of trouble.
After an argument, they will ghost you without any second thought, already moving on to the next person.
So, with this mentality all around, how do you find someone willing to put in the effort to make a relationship work?
Thankfully, according to psychology, there are certain character traits that people who refuse to give up on love possess.
So, if you are currently in the minefield of 21st-century dating, look for someone with the following ten attributes.
1) Optimism
If you don’t believe you are worthy of love or capable of finding it, you will stay alone; it’s as simple as that.
It all starts with the mind, so whatever your beliefs about love are, they will become your reality.
That’s why people who never give up on love possess a positive mindset and a strong sense of belief, even if they’ve had a string of relationship failures in the past.
Instead of dwelling on those disappointments and mistakes, they focus on the potential for happiness and fulfillment in future relationships.
How can they remain so hopeful?
Because they believe that love is worth fighting for!
2) Resilience
If you’ve experienced lots of rejection or heartache in the past, it can be easy to see these experiences as reasons to give up.
But resilient people who believe in love do the opposite.
When you have a mindset of optimism and hope, you can bounce back from setbacks and heartbreaks.
They can reflect on their past experiences to find the lessons, turning them into opportunities for growth.
In a relationship, their resilience, combined with their ability to self-reflect, means they:
- Keep showing up and supporting their partner during times of conflict
- Know how to disagree in a healthy way
- Take breaks when needed without making their partner feel like the relationship is on the line
Let’s discuss further their ability to self-reflect…
3) Self-Reflection
People who are good at forming and maintaining relationships are typically very self-aware.
Whenever conflicts arise, they take the time to evaluate their behaviors instead of automatically blaming their partner.
They also reflect on any negative behavioral patterns they may be unconsciously doing that weaken the relationship rather than strengthen it.
By understanding themselves better, they can identify areas they need to work on to ensure their relationship thrives, whether it’s communication, trust, or autonomy.
Self-reflection is an underrated yet key trait in love.
It means you can take responsibility for your own actions and strive to become the best possible partner.
4) Empathy
Research shows empathy is crucial for sustaining love through its ups and downs.
A study from Ghent University in Belgium interviewed 45 couples on empathy and support.
Researchers found that, across both genders, the more empathetic a person believed their partner to be, the more supportive they felt toward them.
When someone feels supported by their partner, they feel like their needs, emotions, and perspectives are understood.
In short, they feel seen and heard.
This improves communication as the couple can actively listen to each other without judgment.
Thus, empathetic couples have fewer arguments and less overall conflict.
So, people who refuse to give up on love typically rate high in empathy and can create a supportive and nurturing environment where love can flourish.
5) Humility
A 2019 study by researchers at the University of Michigan identified one specific character trait key to successful relationships – humility.
According to the research, remaining humble allows you to assess your shortcomings and mistakes without ignoring your skills and strengths.
It is the mid-way point between low self-esteem and an elevated sense of self.
Humble people can accurately see when they are at fault in a relationship and when they are not.
So, unlike people who struggle with low self-esteem, they won’t blame themselves for every problem that arises.
Likewise, unlike egotistic people, they will not avoid responsibility and accountability at all costs.
A separate study found that humble people are better at both initiating and maintaining romantic relationships.
They are more likely to initiate a relationship as they don’t have the belief that they are “too good” for someone else.
And their ability to recognize their flaws means they take accountability and work on becoming better.
What’s more, humble people also tend to have the following character trait that prevents them from giving up on love…
6) Forgiveness
A research survey run by ‘The Conversation‘ involved questioning 284 couples from the Detroit metropolitan area about the traits of humility and forgiveness.
The more humble a person believed their partner to be, the more they were willing to forgive them.
So, humble people are more likely to be forgiven by their partners for doing something wrong, but they, too, forgive easily.
Forgiveness is crucial in relationships.
It allows both partners to move forward from past hurts and resentments.
So, if someone refuses to give up on love, they are forgiving toward themselves and their partners for mistakes and shortcomings.
These people don’t hold onto grudges.
Instead, they let go of bitterness and focus on rebuilding trust and intimacy.
But often forgiveness requires the following trait, too…
7) Patience
No one is perfect, and people who refuse to give up on love know that.
They forgive easily and give their partners the benefit of the doubt because they know it is human nature to make mistakes.
If they believe their partner is trying to do better, they will be patient, giving them a chance to learn the lessons from their mistakes and grow.
People who are serious about their relationships also understand that deep connections take time to develop and deepen.
They don’t expect things to be perfect right away; they know they must work to build a strong and lasting bond.
This character trait allows them to weather relationships’ inevitable ups and downs without losing sight of the bigger picture.
Moreover, when a person has both patience and this following trait, they significantly increase their likelihood of achieving their relationship goal…
8) Perseverance
When you know good things take time, you are more willing to persevere through the hard times.
So, people who refuse to give up on love don’t think about calling it quits after a big argument with their partner.
Instead, they understand that conflicts are a normal part of a relationship, and the way to overcome disagreements is to work through them, not run away from them.
Therefore, people who ‘give a relationship their all’ have a strong sense of perseverance.
Regardless of any current conflict in the relationship, they remain committed and focused on building and nurturing a meaningful connection.
These people are willing to put in the effort and dedication required to make love thrive.
So when obstacles arise, they find a way to adapt, which brings me to the following trait…
9) Adaptability
The dynamics of romantic relationships are constantly changing.
You need an open, flexible mind and a willingness to compromise to navigate these changes.
People who refuse to give up on love understand the need to adjust their expectations and behaviors to accommodate their partner’s needs.
So if something arises that requires a significant change, such as moving to a new city, these people will find a way to make it work without losing their partner.
As John Gottman talks about in his book ‘The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work,’ couples who are able to resolve conflicts and find compromises tend to be more satisfied in their relationships.
This is because showing a willingness to adapt and compromise deepens respect, trust, and intimacy between both partners.
10) Authenticity
Finally, people who refuse to give up on love are unapologetically themselves and encourage their partners to do the same.
They value honesty, transparency, and vulnerability in their interactions, knowing that true intimacy comes when both partners are willing to be authentic.
So, rather than putting on a facade to impress, they show up as their true selves from the first date.
Their high self-worth means they fully believe they are already worthy of love.
This doesn’t mean they think they are perfect.
Nor does it mean they ignore their flaws.
Authenticity is about being true to your unique personality and ensuring your actions align with your values.
By embracing their true selves, people who highly value love can create deep connections built on trust and mutual respect.
Final thoughts
Although it may seem like ‘hopeless romantics’ no longer exist, they are still out there!
By looking for the ten character traits mentioned above, you increase your chances of meeting someone who shares your view of love and won’t throw in the towel at the first hurdle!