People who peak later in life but become incredibly successful usually share these 8 traits, according to psychology

Tara Whitmore by Tara Whitmore | January 12, 2025, 11:36 pm

If you’ve ever known someone who found success later in life, you might have noticed they often possess certain unique characteristics.

This late-bloomer phenomenon is intriguing, to say the least, and leaves many of us wondering – what’s their secret?

These individuals, according to psychology, usually share eight common traits. Understanding these traits can provide valuable insights for those seeking to achieve their own success later in life.

But remember, success isn’t a race and peaking later in life isn’t a negative thing. It’s about the journey and the growth along the way.

So, let’s delve into these eight traits. You might be surprised to find how many you already possess or can develop with some effort.

1) Embrace of lifelong learning

Those who achieve notable success later in life often possess a deeply ingrained habit of lifelong learning.

This isn’t simply about formal education or earning credentials, but rather an innate curiosity and desire to continually acquire new skills and knowledge.

This hunger for learning keeps them dynamic, adaptable, and open to new possibilities – vital traits in a fast-paced, ever-changing world.

Lifelong learners are not afraid to step out of their comfort zones or face challenges head-on. They see hurdles not as obstacles, but as opportunities to grow and improve.

This mindset allows them to navigate through life’s ups and downs with resilience, always finding ways to rise above circumstances.

Remember though, lifelong learning doesn’t mean you have to bury your nose in textbooks all day.

It could be as simple as picking up a new hobby, learning a new language, or even exploring a new culture through travel. The key is to keep the mind stimulated and open to new experiences, ideas, and perspectives.

By embracing lifelong learning, late bloomers continuously fuel their potential for success, proving that it’s never too late to learn something new or pursue a dream.

2) Comfort with uncertainty

While it might seem natural to prefer certainty and predictability, those who peak later in life often demonstrate an unusual comfort with uncertainty.

Rather than viewing the unknown as a source of fear, they see it as a springboard for discovery and innovation.

They understand that uncertainty can lead to new opportunities and therefore, they are open to taking calculated risks.

Instead of trying to control every aspect of their lives, they learn to ride the waves of uncertainty, adapt to change, and make the most out of unpredictable situations.

This flexibility allows them to seize opportunities that others might miss due to their fear of stepping into the unknown.

Uncertainty, for these individuals, isn’t a roadblock but a gateway. It’s a space where creativity thrives and where new paths towards success are carved.

3) High emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as those of others. It’s a crucial trait often found in people who find success later in life.

Those with high EQ are more capable of handling interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.

They’re adept at navigating complex social networks, building strong relationships, and leading with compassion. This makes them highly effective in whatever path they choose to pursue.

Moreover, they are generally more self-aware and can handle criticism constructively, turning negative feedback into fuel for personal growth and improvement.

They also tend to have a greater capacity for patience and perseverance, understanding that success doesn’t always come quickly or easily.

Emotional intelligence is twice as important as cognitive abilities in predicting outstanding achievement.

It’s a cornerstone for personal and professional success – whether you’re a leader of a multinational corporation or a late bloomer finding your stride.

4) Compassion and empathy

People who peak later in life often have a strong sense of compassion and empathy. They understand that everyone is on their own journey and that success doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game.

Their experiences have taught them that being kind to others and extending a helping hand isn’t just about being nice – it’s about building a community that supports one another in their pursuits.

This empathy allows them to connect deeply with others, fostering relationships that are both personally fulfilling and professionally beneficial.

It also leads them to make decisions that consider the well-being of others, creating a positive ripple effect in their surroundings.

The power of compassion and empathy stretches far beyond personal gain. It influences the world around them, promoting a culture of kindness and understanding that uplifts everyone involved.

It’s not just about achieving individual success, but also about contributing to the betterment of others and the world at large.

5) Embracing failures

Everyone has experienced failure at some point. It’s a part of life. But for those who peak later in life, they’ve come to see failure in a different light.

Rather than viewing it as a setback, they see it as a valuable lesson. They understand that every stumble, every fall, is an opportunity to learn something new, to grow stronger and more resilient.

These individuals don’t shy away from challenges for fear of failing. Instead, they dive in headfirst, knowing that whether they succeed or fail, there’s something to be gained.

They pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and keep going with an even deeper determination.

Failure isn’t a dead end for them; it’s just a detour on the road to success. This relatable journey of ups and downs makes their eventual success all the more inspiring and well-deserved.

6) Persistence and patience

One of the most common traits among those who succeed later in life is a combination of persistence and patience.

They understand that success is not always immediate and are willing to keep pursuing their goals, even when progress seems slow.

Consider the story of a man who dreamed of becoming a successful author. He spent years writing his novel, facing countless rejections from publishers.

But he didn’t give up. He continued to refine his work, to learn from his mistakes, and to send out his manuscript.

His persistence paid off. One day, a publisher took a chance on him, and his book became a bestseller. This man’s journey wasn’t easy or quick, but his patience and persistence eventually led him to his dream.

This story is a testament to the power of persistence and patience. It’s not about achieving success overnight, but about sticking with your dreams, even when the road gets tough.

7) Ability to set boundaries

For those who find success later in life, setting boundaries is non-negotiable. It’s about knowing your worth and not allowing others to take advantage of you or your time.

It’s not always easy to say no, but sometimes it’s necessary. You can’t please everyone, and you certainly can’t let others dictate your life.

If you’re constantly bending over backwards for others, when will you have time to focus on your own goals?

Setting boundaries means prioritizing your needs and wellbeing. It means asserting yourself and standing firm when others try to push you around or take more than they should.

Remember, it’s not about being selfish; it’s about self-preservation. You have every right to protect your time, energy, and mental health.

8) Belief in oneself

At the core of those who find great success later in life is an unshakeable belief in themselves.

They understand that the road to success is often long and winding, filledf with challenges and setbacks. But they never lose faith in their abilities and potential.

This self-belief isn’t rooted in arrogance or delusion, but in a realistic understanding of their strengths and a willingness to work on their weaknesses.

They know they are capable of achieving great things, and they don’t let the doubts or negativity of others deter them from their path.

Believing in oneself fuels the perseverance, patience, and resilience required to navigate life’s ups and downs. It’s the spark that keeps the fire of ambition burning, even when faced with adversity.

Remember this: success is never guaranteed, and it certainly doesn’t always come quickly.

But with belief in yourself, you can face any challenge head-on, persist through the toughest times, and ultimately reach your goals, no matter how long it may take. 

Final thoughts

Success is a journey, not a destination—and this journey is as unique as the individual undertaking it.

This article has aimed to highlight key traits often shared by individuals who peak later in life, but it’s essential to remember that these are not strict prerequisites for success. Life is not a one-size-fits-all experience.

Cherish your own path, regardless of how long it takes you to reach your peak. After all, the beauty of life lies in its diversity and unpredictability.

And most importantly, don’t let society dictate what your success should look like or when it should arrive.

March to the beat of your own drum, stay true to your ambitions and remember that it’s never too late to achieve greatness.

Here’s to embracing our individual journeys and finding success in our own time. Your path is yours alone, and it’s worth every step.