People who lack humility often display these 11 behaviors (without realizing it)

There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance. The difference? Humility.
Those who lack it often exhibit certain behaviors they themselves don’t even notice.
Humility is about acknowledging our faults and limitations, and accepting that we don’t have all the answers. But some people, perhaps unknowingly, let their ego take the wheel.
Spotting these behaviors can help us keep our own egos in check.
So, let’s delve into the 11 behaviors often displayed by people who lack humility. Trust me, they’re probably not even aware of it.
1) Overshadowing others
There’s a common trait among those who lack humility: they tend to overshadow others.
This isn’t about healthy competition or even standing out in a group. It’s about a constant need to be the center of attention, often at the cost of others.
This behavior is most evident in group settings. These individuals might dominate conversations, dismiss other people’s ideas, or turn every discussion towards themselves. They do this without realizing that it can come off as arrogant or self-centered.
The problem is, this constant overshadowing can discourage others from speaking up and contributing their own ideas. It can create an environment where only the loudest voice is heard, not necessarily the best idea.
2) Lack of empathy
A glaring sign of a lack of humility, which I’ve personally experienced, is a stark lack of empathy.
There was this one time when I shared some personal struggles with a colleague. Instead of offering understanding or empathy, they quickly shifted the conversation to their own achievements. It felt like they completely dismissed my feelings and experiences.
This behavior is unfortunately common among those who lack humility. They often struggle to truly understand and acknowledge the feelings of others. Instead, they’re focused on asserting their own experiences and perspectives.
This lack of empathy can make others feel unheard and insignificant. And while those exhibiting the behavior might not realize it, it’s a clear sign that they could do with a little more humility in their life.
3) Overconfidence
Did you know that overconfidence can often mask a lack of knowledge or skill? This is known as the Dunning-Kruger effect, which states that individuals with low ability at a task overestimate their ability.
Those who lack humility often display an unwarranted level of confidence. They may believe they are always right, dismiss feedback, or have an inflated sense of their skills and abilities.
This overconfidence can be difficult to spot, as it can sometimes be mistaken for expertise. However, it can lead to poor decision-making and missed opportunities for learning and growth.
Remember, true confidence comes from acknowledging our strengths and weaknesses. It requires humility to admit when we don’t have all the answers.
4) Resistance to feedback
Feedback is a vital part of personal and professional growth. It allows us to understand our strengths and areas for improvement. However, those who lack humility often have a hard time accepting it.
They may see feedback as a personal attack or a threat to their self-image, rather than an opportunity for growth. This resistance can manifest in deflecting criticism, blaming others, or dismissing the feedback outright.
By refusing to accept feedback, they might be missing out on valuable insights that could help them improve. So if you notice someone constantly dismissing feedback, it’s a good indication that they might be lacking in humility.
5) Constant need for validation
Another behavior you might notice in people who lack humility is their constant need for validation.
They might constantly seek praise or affirmation for their actions, decisions, or accomplishments.
This stems from a need to feel superior or special, and they often rely on external validation to maintain their self-image.
While it’s natural to seek recognition for our accomplishments, an excessive need for validation can be detrimental. It can lead to dependency on others for self-worth and can hinder personal growth.
6) Lack of gratitude
Gratitude is a fundamental aspect of humility. It’s about recognizing and appreciating the roles others play in our success and well-being.
However, people who lack humility often fail to express gratitude. They may take others’ efforts for granted or believe that they achieved everything on their own.
This lack of appreciation can leave those around them feeling undervalued and unimportant.
An attitude of gratitude not only brings us closer to humility but also helps build stronger relationships. It’s a gentle reminder that we are all interdependent and that every act of kindness, no matter how small, matters.
7) Unwillingness to apologize
Apologies can be hard. It’s not easy to admit when we’re wrong. I remember a time when I made a mistake at work that affected my team. My initial instinct was to justify my actions, but I realized that taking responsibility was the right thing to do.
People who lack humility often struggle with this. They might blame others, make excuses, or even ignore the situation entirely rather than admitting they were wrong and apologizing.
An unwillingness to apologize can create tension and resentment. On the other hand, genuinely apologizing when we’re wrong not only shows humility but also respect for others and their feelings.
It’s an essential part of personal growth and building healthy relationships.
8) Excessive self-promotion
Ever met someone who never misses an opportunity to highlight their achievements or brag about their accomplishments? That’s another behavior often displayed by those who lack humility.
Excessive self-promotion can be off-putting. It can make conversations one-sided and leave little room for others to share their experiences. It often leads to a perception of arrogance rather than competence.
While it’s okay to be proud of our achievements, excessive self-promotion can hinder genuine connections with others.
Humility teaches us to let our work speak for itself and to acknowledge that our success is often the result of teamwork and collective efforts.
9) They are never wrong
Let me tell you about another experience I had.
In college, I had a classmate, whom we’ll call Sara. Sara was smart, assertive, and confident. She was the kind of person who always had an answer to everything.
One day, our professor pointed out a minor error in her assignment. Instead of acknowledging it, she became defensive and argued that her approach was correct.
To me, it was a clear case of lacking humility. She was unable to accept that she could be wrong and learn from it.
Now, here’s the interesting part:
Sara didn’t see her actions as a sign of lacking humility but as standing up for herself.
It’s intriguing how sometimes people equate admitting a mistake to weakness, when in reality, it’s a sign of strength and humility.
10) Constantly compare themselves to others
Did you know that the human brain is wired to compare? It’s a primitive survival mechanism, but in our complex social world, it often does more harm than good.
Here’s what I mean.
People lacking humility often engage in constant comparison with others. They measure their worth based on how they stack up against their peers.
If they perceive themselves as better, they feel superior. If they see someone else doing better, they feel threatened. It’s a never-ending cycle of comparison and competition.
This behavior doesn’t just reflect a lack of humility. It also eats away at their happiness and self-esteem, leaving them feeling perpetually unsatisfied.
So, if you notice someone always measuring their life against others’, it could be a sign that they lack humility – and they might not even be aware of it!
11) Disrespect for others’ time
Perhaps the most telling sign of a lack of humility is a disregard for others’ time.
Those lacking humility often assume that their time is more valuable than others’. They might show up late for meetings, interrupt others, or fail to respect deadlines.
This behavior shows a lack of consideration for others and a sense of self-importance that overshadows mutual respect.
Respecting others’ time is fundamental to humility. It shows we value others and their contributions, fostering mutual respect and collaboration.
Final thoughts: It’s all about growth
At the heart of humility lies a profound understanding of our own strengths and weaknesses. It’s about acknowledging our limitations, embracing our imperfections, and being open to learning from others.
If you’ve recognized some of these behaviors in yourself, don’t be too hard on yourself. We’re all works in progress, and the first step towards growth is awareness.
Remember the words of C.S. Lewis, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” So let’s focus less on ourselves and more on how we can contribute to the world around us.
And who knows? As we make small changes in our behaviors, we might find ourselves becoming a bit more humble, a bit more understanding, and a bit more connected to those around us.