People who believe in new beginnings, no matter where they are in life, often have these 7 behaviors

Cat Harper by Cat Harper | April 7, 2024, 12:05 pm

Believing in new beginnings is all about recognizing that life as we know it is not set in stone. Things can change. And any situation you’re in now is temporary.

There’s always a new beginning around the corner if you want it. 

Are you the kind of person who believes in new beginnings? 

My old co-worker Emily was a big believer in new beginnings. Even when things were tough she always maintained that something better was always in store for us.

This outlook on life was contagious and made me want to adopt this mindset. But how? 

I started to take note of how Emily and others like her approached life. I soon realized that almost everyone I encountered who believed in new beginnings seemed to have a few behaviors in common.

I began to adopt those behaviors and something amazing happened. 

Believing in new beginnings has set me free to live life to the fullest. After all, if things don’t work out, I can always start fresh with a clean slate.

If you’re ready to embrace that kind of freedom and make every day count, all you’ve got to do is adopt 7 simple behaviors I’m about to share. 

Let’s dive in!

1) They embrace change

How do you react when life throws you a curveball and you are faced with big changes? 

People who believe in new beginnings are masters at embracing change. It doesn’t matter what happens to them in life, they’ve got this crazy ability to adapt to and embrace the change that’s happening. 

And get this: research shows that people who embrace change like this are happier in the long run. A 2021 study found that people who made a change were more satisfied with their choice and happier than those who chose to stick to the status quo. 

It’s human nature to resist change because with change there’s a lot of uncertainty which makes us fearful that we’re losing control. But change is inevitable so really you’ve got two choices, embrace it or get dragged along against your will. 

Which one sounds more appealing to you? If you’re the kind of person who believes in the power of new beginnings no matter where you are in life, then you’re going to be one of the people who jump on board to embrace big changes as they happen. 

2) They’re full of curiosity

When you believe in the possibility of a fresh start, you’re always curious about what else is out there. Even if you’re living this life and loving it, you’re curious about all the things you haven’t explored yet. 

Does this sound like you? 

Being curious is like having an appetite for learning and discovering that you just can’t satisfy.

Whether you’re changing jobs, moving country, starting a new relationship, or embarking on a totally different adventure new beginnings provide endless opportunities to embrace curiosity.

People who lead with curiosity like this are often seen as brave because instead of fearing their new beginning, they’re intrigued by it.

As Irish Poet and Novelist James Stephens said, “Curiosity will conquer fear more than bravery will”. 

If, like me, you want to be more like people who embrace new beginnings, the next time you feel fear, try to replace it with curiosity and a desire to learn more

3) They adopt a positive outlook on life 

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to be able to always look on the bright side of life, no matter what’s happening? 

Folks who recognize it’s always possible to wipe the slate clean and start over usually adopt a positive outlook on life.

It’s like they’re not limited by their reality so they’ve got nothing to feel down about. They always believe something better is just around the corner for them. 

I met a guy, Jack, at the hostel I stayed at in Hawaii. He’d been traveling too but ran out of money and had to stay in Hawaii to work and save. When I asked if he was bummed out that he’d stopped traveling he smiled and said:

“I spend my days surfing the Honolulu waves and my nights working here chatting to interesting people passing through, how could I ever be sad about that? I’m the luckiest guy ever. And when my time is up here, I’ll be onto another new adventure.”

What a positive attitude to have. 

Adopting a positive outlook like this is normal for people who believe in new beginnings. And it’s something all of us should do. Not only does it lower your risk of physical and mental health issues, but recent research suggests it also helps you to live longer. 

4) They support others

One of the behaviors that might surprise you about people who believe in new beginnings is that they support others on their journeys through life too. 

Here’s the thing: when life is tough and you feel like you’ve been dealt an unfair hand, it’s pretty hard to be supportive of others.

If anything, when you see others being successful you can’t help but envy them and even resent them a little; why do they get all the luck, right?  

A recent study found that approximately 75% of participants admitted experiencing envy in the last year. 

People who believe in a fresh start take a different outlook on life. They don’t feel threatened by the success of others. 

They truly believe in second chances and new beginnings so they’re happy to be supportive in whatever way they can. They know their time will come. 

5) They practice gratitude 

We probably already know that gratitude is incredibly powerful, right? Various studies indicate that practicing gratitude has positive effects on almost every aspect of our lives yet we still don’t consistently express our thanks. 

People who believe in new beginnings know the power of gratitude and they practice it daily.

They don’t feel trapped in the life they’re living because they know they can make a fresh start any time they want. This allows them to appreciate all of the magic in their life now. 

They find joy in the little things and express thanks for everything as it is.

They know that life is full of ups and downs and that’s how it’s supposed to be so no matter where they are in life, they’re grateful for what they’ve got and fully open to other blessings life might bring.  

Gary Vaynerchuk, a serial entrepreneur, internet personality, and author worth over an estimated $200m is all about kindness and gratitude and attributes much of his success to being grateful for even the small things in life. 

6) They’re resilient

People who believe in new beginnings regardless of where they are in life, have this knack for being incredibly resilient. If something goes wrong for them, they don’t dwell on it, they bounce back quickly. 

One of the things that allows them to do this is their growth mindset. They view setbacks and challenges as opportunities.

Instead of feeling discouraged by a challenge, they recognize that they can learn from it and be better because of it. 

Do you have a growth mindset? 

Some people are born with a growth mindset, but if that’s not you, don’t worry. It’s also possible to develop one. It’s all about reframing how you look at difficult situations. 

Being resilient and having a growth mindset are hallmarks of people who believe in new beginnings, they truly believe that every experience is preparing them for something great in life. 

7) They’re fearless

One of the biggest behaviors that sets people who believe in new beginnings apart from the rest is that they go all in on everything they’re doing. Why?

They’re not afraid to fail

Think about it: these people believe in new beginnings, they’re not worried that this is their only shot. If things don’t work out, they already know they’ll have a clean slate and a fresh start. So what is there to fear? 

My friend Jane takes this outlook on life and she’s completely fearless in everything she does. Her go-to saying is “Well, if it doesn’t work out, who cares, I’ll start over.”

She’s applied this fearless approach to her relationships, her travel, her studies, and her career. She’s the happiest and most carefree person I know because she throws herself at everything in life and she usually comes out on top. 

If you want to be more like Jane then you’ve got to be all in on life and let go of the fear of failing. 

Final thoughts

Recognizing that life is constantly changing and new beginnings are always possible sets you free from fearing failure, feeling stuck, and getting caught up in negative thinking.

If you’re not someone who naturally believes in new beginnings, it’s possible to develop this mindset by adopting some of the behaviors we’ve shared today. 

For me, the most powerful behavior I’ve developed so far is being fearless in my approach to life. Which one are you starting with?