People who become more confident and self-assured as they get older usually display these 9 behaviors

Confidence and self-assuredness often come with age – they’re like fine wine, they get better with time. But how do you know if you’re on the path to gaining this confidence and assurance?
It’s all about behaviors. There are certain actions and habits that people who grow more confident and self-assured with age tend to display.
So, sit back and take a look at these nine signs of growing confidence and self-assuredness with age. You might find that you’re doing better than you think!
1) Embrace failure
You’ve probably heard the saying, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Well, people who grow more confident and self-assured as they get older tend to live by this mantra.
Failure, for them, isn’t a setback. Instead, it’s an opportunity to learn and grow.
As we age, we face many challenges and obstacles. It’s not always easy to overcome them. But those who do, often find that their confidence and self-assuredness grow with each hurdle they cross.
They don’t shy away from failure. They embrace it. They view it as a stepping stone towards success rather than a stumbling block. It’s not about avoiding failure – it’s about learning from it, growing from it, and using it as fuel to push forward.
2) They aren’t afraid to step out of their comfort zone
Now, let me share a personal story here. I’ve always been a bit of an introvert. Public speaking, networking, even striking up a conversation with a stranger, they all used to scare me to death.
But as I’ve grown older, I’ve realized that sticking to what’s comfortable doesn’t help me grow. So, I made a conscious decision to step out of my comfort zone.
I started by attending networking events. Yes, it was awkward at first and yes, I stumbled over my words more times than I could count. But with each event, it got easier. Today, I can walk into a room full of strangers and strike up a conversation without breaking a sweat.
3) They practice gratitude regularly
Instead of focusing on what’s going wrong in their life, they choose to focus on what’s going right. They take time each day to acknowledge the good things in their life, no matter how small.
This doesn’t just make them happier – it also helps build their self-esteem. A study published in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology found that gratitude increased athletes’ self-esteem, an essential component to optimal performance.
4) They’re lifelong learners
Confident and self-assured people never stop learning. They understand that the world is constantly changing, and to keep up, they need to continuously update their knowledge and skills.
These individuals are always reading, taking courses, attending seminars, or finding other ways to educate themselves. They recognize that no matter how much they know, there’s always more to learn.
This constant pursuit of knowledge not only keeps their mind sharp but also boosts their confidence. They know that they’re equipped with the latest information and skills, which gives them an edge in any situation.
5) They prioritize self-care
They understand that in order to feel good about themselves and project confidence, they need to take care of their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
This could mean different things for different people. For some, it might mean regular exercise and a balanced diet.
For others, it could be meditation and mindfulness practices. Some might find solace in hobbies or spending time in nature. But the underlying principle remains the same – they understand the importance of taking care of themselves and make it a priority.
6) They forgive themselves for past mistakes
There’s something incredibly liberating about letting go of past mistakes. People who become more confident and self-assured as they age understand this deeply.
They know that everyone, including themselves, makes mistakes. It’s a part of being human. But what sets them apart is their ability to forgive themselves.
Instead of dwelling on past errors, they learn from them and then let them go. They don’t allow these mistakes to define them or hold them back. Instead, they use them as stepping stones towards a better future.
7) They surround themselves with positivity
There was a time when I found myself constantly surrounded by negativity. Be it negative people or negative news, it was everywhere. And it had a profound effect on my self-esteem and confidence.
Then, I made a conscious decision to change my environment. I decided to surround myself with positivity – positive people, positive news, and positive thoughts.
The transformation was remarkable. My confidence and self-assuredness grew exponentially. I realized that the people and things we surround ourselves with have a significant impact on our outlook towards life.
Those who become more confident and self-assured as they age understand this inherently. They consciously choose to surround themselves with positivity. They know that negativity can drain their energy and undermine their confidence.
8) They set boundaries
Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining self-respect and confidence. Those who become more confident and self-assured as they age often have clearly defined boundaries.
They know their limits and are not afraid to communicate them to others. They understand that saying ‘no’ is not a sign of weakness, but a declaration of self-respect.
By setting boundaries, they are able to maintain balance in their lives. They prevent others from taking advantage of their time, energy or kindness, which in turn helps them feel more valued and respected.
9) They believe in themselves
Above everything else, those who become more confident and self-assured as they age have an unwavering belief in themselves.
They trust their abilities, their judgment, and their instincts. They don’t seek validation from others, because they know their worth.
This belief in themselves acts as a shield against self-doubt and criticism. It fuels their confidence and motivates them to keep pushing forward, no matter how difficult the journey may get.
Believing in yourself is not about being arrogant or conceited. It’s about knowing your strengths, acknowledging your weaknesses, and striving to be the best version of yourself.
The essence: Self-belief and growth
The journey of confidence and self-assuredness is a deeply personal one, tied intrinsically to our experiences, our choices, and the behaviors we cultivate over time.
This conviction, this deep-rooted belief in oneself, shapes our interactions with the world around us and defines our relationship with ourselves.
It allows us to embrace failure as a stepping stone, step out of our comfort zones, practice gratitude, be lifelong learners, prioritize self-care, forgive our past mistakes, surround ourselves with positivity, set boundaries, and above all else, believe in ourselves.
At the end of the day, becoming more confident and self-assured as we age isn’t just about adopting certain behaviors. It’s about understanding that we have the power to shape our own narrative and believing in our ability to do so.