People who are unconsciously happy without trying usually have these 9 character traits

Tina Fey by Tina Fey | March 4, 2024, 10:56 pm

Before Sally Hawkins made her career-making turn in The Shape of Water, she was delighting audiences in Happy-Go-Lucky.

This 2008 film sees her playing Poppy, who is one of those special folks who are happy without even trying!

Poppy rolls with life, finding joy in everyday stuff, by enjoying the little things, being present, and not sweating the small stuff.

In life, we can follow her lead by letting go of worries, be thankful for what we’ve got, and above all stay positive.

Also, dealing with difficult people? 

Poppy shows us it’s better to respond with kindness and understanding. Which, of course, can be easier said than done!

Have you ever met a person with this infectious, carefree spirit?

If you’re not sure what to look for, these are some of the common traits of people who are unconsciously happy, starting with one of Poppy’s: keeping positive.

1) Staying positive: They maintain an optimistic spirit, particularly when facing challenges

Unconsciously happy people seem to keep the sun shining when the rain is pouring.

Of course, this isn’t to say they’re out of touch with reality—they do get hit with reality just like the rest of us. 

But here’s the kicker. These happy people have a specific lens through which they see hardship.

They see challenges as adventures rather than setbacks.

They’re not ignoring the bad stuff, they just aren’t allowing it to take up prime real estate in their heads.

2) Bouncing back: They resiliently overcome setbacks and refuse to stay down

Ever noticed those people who can take life’s punches and come back swinging? Well, that’s resilience.

When life throws them a curveball, a breakup, a job hiccup, you name it, they take a breather, shake it off, and hop back in.

The key isn’t just to put on a fake smile and pretend everything’s peachy. It’s about facing the chaos with an open and explorative mind.

For them, bouncing back is more than survival—it’s transforming life’s obstacles into stepping stones for personal growth. 

3) Counting their blessings: They take a moment to appreciate the little things and express gratitude

Happy people know how to count their blessings.

Sure, they’re not out there throwing a parade for every little win, rather, they’re soaking in all the 

 little everyday victories, like the perfect latte, or sun when rain was forecast.

They do not let life’s sweet moments slip by unnoticed.

Ask yourself, when was the last time you paused to give props to the awesome things in your life?

When you make a habit of cultivating gratitude, it becomes this positive loop your brain craves. 

It’s not about turning a blind eye to life’s curveballs. It’s about finding that sweet spot where you appreciate the good, acknowledge the not-so-good, and still manage to crack a smile.

Life is too short to let those little moments of joy slip away.

4) Being present: They engage fully in each moment

Ever wonder why some people effortlessly radiate joy? Well, they’ve mastered the art of living in the now.

Being present means they’re not time-traveling to the past or future. They’re not dwelling on past slip-ups or stressing about tomorrow. 

Nope, they’re fully immersed in the here and now, fully engaged in the conversation, relishing every second.

Think about the times you’ve missed out on cool stuff because your mind was off on vacation. 

Next time, remember to toss the phone aside, leave the mental baggage at the door, and dive right into the moment. Your mind will thank you.

5) Connecting with others: They nurture positive relationships with loved ones

Happy and joyful folks are sort of like relationship experts. 

Seriously, they seem to have this magic touch when it comes to building and nurturing positive connections with their peeps.

When was the last time you had a blast with friends or family? Remember that warm feeling of just being in sync with them? 

Happy people get that. 

This is because we humans are wired for connection. We thrive when we’re surrounded by people who understand us, support us, and make us feel loved and cared for. 

Often, the happiest people attract other happy people—it’s like they’re broadcasting positivity on a frequency that everyone wants to tune into. 

You don’t need a ton of friends. It’s about having meaningful connections, those deep, heart-to-heart chats that leave you feeling understood and valued.

Happy people instinctively know that the real joy in life comes from the connections we make. 

At the end of the day, it’s the people around us that make the journey worthwhile.

6) Giving back: They spread kindness and generosity 

Giving back is like joy on a rebound. Throw it out there, and guess what? 

It comes right back at you. By making someone’s day, you’re not just dishing out happiness—you’re setting off a chain reaction that circles back.

Giving back knits you into the fabric of your community, whether it’s volunteering at a soup kitchen or donating to a good cause. It’s like creating a support network held together by kindness.

 Who wouldn’t want to be part of a crew that genuinely looks out for one another?

Because let’s be real, the world could use a little more joy, and you’ve got the power to be the everyday hero who brings it.

7) Embracing themselves: They love who they are, quirks and all

You don’t need to be flawless or fit into society’s mold, rather, you need to embrace the entire package—the good stuff and the not-so-great stuff.

This is what effortlessly happy people tend to do.

When you embrace yourself, you’re kicking the stress of pretending to be someone else to the curb. Who needs all that hassle, right?

It’s about understanding that being you is pretty damn fantastic. Your quirks, your uniqueness—that’s what makes you, well, you. 

Imagine a world where everyone celebrated their individuality. We would all be investing that positive energy into living our best lives.

8) Finding the funny: They actively seek joy in everyday moments and don’t forget to laugh

Have a friend who can make a dark Monday morning feel like a party? Well, that’s the vibe these happy people bring. 

They seem to have this magical ability to unearth the funny in the smallest things—whether it’s a dad joke with pals or a hilarious meme online—which turns everyday moments into joyous celebrations.

Mind you, this isn’t a rehearsed act. They don’t wake up thinking, “Today, I will be joyful!” Nope. It’s just a natural part of who they are.

It’s this real, spontaneous joy that bubbles up from within. There’s no need to force it.

If you’re looking to add a dash more joy to your life, borrow a move or two from the pros who’ve mastered the art of humor.

9) Finding contentment: They cultivate satisfaction with what they have

One of the tricks to being effortlessly and unconsciously happy is being satisfied with where they are and what they’ve got.

I know what you’re thinking: “Isn’t that just a fancy way of saying ‘be grateful’?” Well, it’s a little more than that. 

It’s more of a long-term feeling than daily gratitudes.

Your happy friend who’s always content is not in a mad rush for the next big thing or playing the comparison game on social media. 

They’re not on an endless quest for more. 

They’re pleased with what’s right in front of them, and that’s one of the biggest secrets to being genuinely happy without trying

Final thoughts

To sum things up, naturally happy people tend to see challenges as adventures, bounce back from setbacks, and appreciate the little things, finding joy in everyday moments. 

Living in the present, they value meaningful connections and spread kindness, creating a positive ripple effect. 

Importantly, they wholeheartedly embrace themselves, find humor in everyday situations, and cultivate long-term contentment with what they have. 

These are the people whose happiness stems from a genuine and simple approach to life, appreciating the present and finding joy in the small moments.

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