People who are incredibly kind but also set firm boundaries usually display these 9 behaviors

Lucas Graham by Lucas Graham | September 5, 2024, 5:01 pm

The balance between kindness and assertiveness isn’t easy to strike.

But those who do it well, who are incredibly kind yet set firm boundaries, are often the most respected.

There’s an art to this – being compassionate without becoming a pushover.

It’s all about setting limits, and doing so with grace and assurance.

What does this look like in real life?

Well, those who master this delicate balance usually display certain key behaviors.

Below, I’ve outlined 9 typical behaviors of people who embody kindness, but also aren’t afraid to assert their boundaries.

1) They say ‘No’ without guilt

Let’s start with the most straightforward one.

Being incredibly kind doesn’t mean saying ‘Yes’ to every request.

People with this trait know the power of a respectful, guilt-free ‘No’.

Saying ‘No’ isn’t always easy, especially for those who are naturally kindhearted.

The fear of hurting others or being perceived negatively often leads us to overextend ourselves, all in the name of being accommodating.

But individuals who balance kindness with firm boundaries understand that their resources – whether it’s time, energy, or emotional capacity – are finite.

They recognize the need to protect them.

It’s important to remember that saying ‘No’ isn’t a rejection of the person asking, but rather a decision to prioritize one’s own needs.

And expressing this in a kind and respectful way is a hallmark of those who maintain this balance.

Remember, there’s nothing unkind about setting boundaries.

In fact, it’s a sign of self-respect and personal integrity.

And as we speak of prioritizing one’s boundaries…

2) They communicate their needs clearly

Let me share a personal story.

Several years ago, I found myself constantly overwhelmed with work, always staying late and bringing tasks home.

I was kind and hardworking but had a hard time setting boundaries with my boss.

One day, I decided to change this. I scheduled a meeting with my boss and expressed my concerns.

I communicated that while I was committed to my job, the current workload was unsustainable and affecting my well-being.

I proposed some solutions – delegating certain tasks, adjusting deadlines, etc. – that would allow me to manage my workload better without compromising on the quality of work.

I was terrified, but guess what? My boss listened. He appreciated my candor and agreed to make changes.

From then on, I made sure to communicate my needs clearly and assertively.

Those who are kind yet firm are not afraid to express their needs.

They understand that clear communication is key to maintaining healthy relationships and preventing misunderstandings.

They speak up for themselves in a respectful manner, ensuring their needs are met while still considering the needs of others.

That is because…

3) They treat themselves with kindness

Those who are both kind and assertive understand the importance of self-care.

This isn’t just about spa days and treating yourself to your favorite dessert (although those things are nice too).

It’s about a deeper level of kindness to oneself – accepting yourself, flaws and all.

They recognize their worth and aren’t afraid to take steps to protect it.

Plus, they’re less likely to let others overstep those boundaries.

It’s a ripple effect – when we’re kind to ourselves, we’re better able to be kind to others while also standing up for ourselves when necessary.

It’s a balance that represents the heart of kindness coupled with firmness.

4) They honor their commitments

People who balance kindness with firm boundaries are trustworthy.

When they make a commitment, they honor it.

Whether it’s a work deadline or a coffee date, they treat their commitments seriously and do their best to follow through.

This doesn’t mean they never cancel or reschedule. Life happens, and sometimes plans have to change.

But when they do, these individuals communicate clearly and respectfully, taking responsibility for their actions.

Their respect for others’ time and feelings is a reflection of their kindness.

At the same time, their willingness to take responsibility for their commitments shows their firmness and integrity.

It’s a powerful combination that earns them respect and trust from others.

5) They are not afraid to express their feelings

Those who are kind but firm are open about their emotions.

They don’t bottle up their feelings, but they also don’t let them control their actions.

Instead, they express how they feel in a respectful and assertive way.

For example, if they’re upset with someone’s actions, they won’t lash out in anger or hold a grudge.

Instead, they’ll explain calmly and clearly why they’re upset and what can be done differently in the future.

This kind of emotional honesty can be difficult to achieve.

It requires self-awareness, courage, and excellent communication skills.

But those who master it are able to maintain their kindness while also setting clear boundaries – a true mark of emotional maturity.

6) They cherish their relationships

At the heart of being kind yet firm lies an immense value for relationships.

These individuals understand that every interaction is an opportunity to build a meaningful connection.

They listen attentively, empathize genuinely, and respond thoughtfully.

They’ll go out of their way to help, but they also know when it’s time to step back and let others learn from their own experiences.

But above all, they respect themselves and the other person enough to set clear boundaries.

They believe that every relationship, be it personal or professional, thrives on mutual respect and understanding.

Their actions are a testament to their belief – that being kind doesn’t mean letting people walk over you, and setting boundaries doesn’t make you unkind.

It’s a delicate balance, but one that leads to healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

7) They learn from their mistakes

I remember a time when I allowed someone to cross my boundaries repeatedly.

I thought enduring their behavior was a testament to my kindness, but all it did was leave me feeling drained and disrespected.

When I finally mustered the courage to establish boundaries, there was resistance from the other person.

It made me feel guilty and question my actions.

But with time, I realized that the problem wasn’t with setting boundaries but tolerating their violation for so long.

From then on, I vowed to learn from my mistakes.

Like me, individuals who are kind but set firm boundaries understand that errors are a part of life.

They don’t beat themselves up over them. Instead, they use them as stepping stones for personal growth and better future decisions.

Mistakes teach us what not to do, making way for practices that respect both ourselves and others.

It’s a learning curve, but one that leads to stronger boundaries and increased kindness.

8) They practice empathy

People who are kind yet firm have a strong sense of empathy.

They can put themselves in other people’s shoes, understanding their feelings and perspectives.

This empathy fuels their kindness.

They offer support and understanding because they can imagine how it feels to be in the other person’s situation.

But at the same time, they don’t let empathy cloud their judgment when it comes to setting boundaries.

They understand that they can empathize with someone’s situation without enabling destructive behavior or ignoring their own needs.

Empathy combined with firmness allows them to maintain healthy relationships that respect both their own boundaries and the feelings of others.

It’s a delicate balance, but one that is essential for mutual respect and understanding.

9) They love and respect themselves

The cornerstone of being kind while setting firm boundaries is a profound sense of self-love and self-respect.

These individuals value themselves enough to protect their peace and well-being, even if it means saying ‘No’ to others or stepping out of their comfort zones.

They understand that they deserve respect and kindness, not just from others but also from themselves.

This belief empowers them to set boundaries that protect their time, energy, and emotions.

Self-love and respect are not selfish.

They’re the foundation upon which we build our relationships with others.

When we value ourselves, we naturally extend that same level of respect and kindness to those around us while maintaining the boundaries that keep us healthy and balanced.

Final thoughts: It’s a journey

The journey towards becoming someone who is incredibly kind while also setting firm boundaries is a personal one, filled with introspection and growth.

At the heart of it lies self-love and respect.

As the great philosopher and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.”

This journey may involve learning to say ‘No’ without guilt, being open about your feelings, or understanding the importance of self-care.

It may be about honoring commitments, learning from mistakes, or practicing empathy.

But in the end, it’s about knowing your worth and standing up for yourself, even while showing compassion and kindness to others.

Remember, kindness is not weakness, and setting boundaries is not unkind.

In fact, they go hand-in-hand, leading to healthier relationships and a more fulfilling life.

It’s a journey worth embarking on, for yourself and for those around you.