7 non-obvious signs that someone is deeply in love with you

We’ve all been there, right? Ruminating over whether their lingering gaze meant something more or if that casual touch was intentional. Love, it seems, has a language all its own.
Yet, what if I told you that there are subtle signs, often overlooked, that can reveal if someone is secretly smitten by you?
Intrigued? Hold that thought.
Because in this article, we’re about to dive into seven non-obvious signs that someone is deeply in love with you.
Let’s unravel the mystery together, shall we?
1) They remember the little things
You know those small, seemingly insignificant details? Like that offhand comment you made about your favorite childhood book.
Well, here’s a little secret.
If someone is deeply in love with you, they’ll remember these little things. Why? Because to them, you matter. Every small detail about you is fascinating and worth remembering.
So next time they bring up that quirky band you mentioned once in passing or your favorite kind of ice cream, take note. It might just be a sign of deeper feelings at play.
2) They’re there for you, no matter what
There’s a distinct difference between someone who likes you and someone who’s deeply in love with you. The latter? They’re there for you through thick and thin.
Let me share a personal story.
A while back, I was going through a rough patch. It was one of those ‘everything that could go wrong, goes wrong’ kind of phase. One night, feeling particularly overwhelmed, I called up a friend to vent.
This friend wasn’t just any friend. He was someone I had been trying to decipher feelings for. And guess what? Without hesitation, he drove over to my place at 2 AM, armed with my favourite chocolate chip ice cream and a heart ready to listen.
That night, I realized his feelings ran deeper than friendship. He was there for me, despite the inconvenient hour or the demanding situation. That’s what love looks like – it sticks around even when things get tough.
3) They prioritize your happiness
Now, this is a sign that completely took me by surprise.
A few years ago, I had a close friend, let’s call her Lisa. We shared a lot in common, but there was one thing we didn’t quite see eye-to-eye on – our taste in movies. I was a diehard fan of horror flicks, while Lisa couldn’t stand them.
One Friday night, it was our turn to choose a movie for our weekly movie night with friends. As I scrolled through the horror section, Lisa suddenly piped up, “Let’s watch that new horror movie you’ve been raving about.”
I was taken aback. This was the same Lisa who’d rather read a book than sit through a horror movie.
“Why?” I asked, surprised.
She shrugged, “I know how much you love them.”
That night, I realized that Lisa cared about my happiness more than her own comfort. It may sound simple, but it’s a powerful sign of love when someone puts your happiness before their own.
4) They express concern for your well-being
If someone constantly goes out of their way to check on your well-being and actively offers support, it might indicate a level of emotional involvement that goes beyond what is typically observed in casual relationships.
Here’s a scenario: You casually mentioned to a friend about a specific interest or preference in a conversation, perhaps something as simple as a type of cuisine or a hobby. The very next day, this person might suggest going to a restaurant that serves your preferred cuisine or express interest in participating in a hobby you enjoy.
Trust me, when someone goes to such lengths, it’s a strong indicator that they see you as more than just a casual friend. Who knows? It might even be a sign of deeper feelings developing beneath their easygoing exterior.”
5) They mirror your actions
Ever noticed how close friends often start talking, behaving, or even dressing similarly after a while? There’s actually a scientific term for this – it’s called “mirroring,” and it’s a subconscious act we perform when we’re deeply connected with someone.
If you notice someone casually copying your moves, way of talking, or behaviors, it might be more than just coincidence. They might not even be aware they’re doing it, but it could be a sign that they feel a strong connection with you.
It’s a non-verbal way of saying, “I feel so in tune with you that I find myself acting like you.” Now isn’t that something special?
6) They comfort you in your worst moments
Life isn’t always a bed of roses. Sometimes, it throws curveballs that can leave us feeling vulnerable and broken.
I remember one such moment vividly. I’d received some devastating news about a loved one’s health. I was a wreck – crying, unable to think straight, completely lost.
Amidst this chaos, a friend showed up. He didn’t try to offer solutions or advice. He just sat there with me, holding my hand, letting me cry it out. He was my rock in that stormy sea of emotions.
In hindsight, I realized this was one of the signs that he was deeply in love with me. He didn’t shy away from my vulnerability; instead, he offered comfort and companionship during my worst moments. This is a powerful sign of deep love – when someone is there for you at your lowest, not just your best.
7) They show respect towards you
At the end of the day, love isn’t just about grand gestures, sweet words, or shared interests. It’s about respect.
When someone is deeply in love with you, they respect you as an individual. They value your opinions, even if they disagree. They listen to you with attention and interest, because your words matter to them. They respect your boundaries and understand that no means no.
This is perhaps the most important sign of deep love – a genuine respect for you as a person. It’s a foundation that helps love thrive and endure, an often overlooked yet crucial aspect of deep, meaningful love.
Open your heart to love
Love is a complex emotion, often elusive and hard to define. Yet, this journey of uncovering the non-obvious signs of deep love can be enlightening. It allows us to recognize nuanced expressions of love that often escape our notice.
If you find yourself nodding along to these signs, you might be on the receiving end of a deep, meaningful affection. Or perhaps, you recognize these behaviors in yourself, indicating your love for someone else.
So take a moment to reflect on these signs. Listen to what your heart says. You might just find the answer you’ve been seeking.