9 mental habits of people who stay strong, even when life gets tough

Tina Fey by Tina Fey | July 22, 2024, 5:34 pm

Life can be a rollercoaster of ups and downs, and staying strong through it all isn’t always easy. But there are some people who seem to handle life’s challenges with a certain grace and resilience.

These individuals often have certain mental habits that help them stay strong, no matter what life throws at them.

And the good news? These habits can be learned and adopted by anyone.

1) Embrace challenges

Life is full of challenges, and those who stay strong know that facing them head-on is crucial.

Rather than trying to avoid or ignore their problems, these individuals dive into them. They understand that challenges are opportunities for growth and learning.

This doesn’t mean they don’t have moments of doubt or fear. On the contrary, they feel these emotions just like everyone else. But instead of letting these feelings paralyze them, they use them as fuel to push onward.

In essence, they have a habit of embracing challenges as part of life’s journey.

This kind of mindset can help us all handle adversity with more resilience. After all, if we’re going to face challenges anyway, why not use them to our advantage?

2) Practice mindfulness

In my own life, I’ve found that practicing mindfulness is a key habit in maintaining strength, especially during tough times.

Mindfulness is about being fully present in the moment, not distracted by regrets of the past or worries about the future. It’s about observing your feelings and thoughts without judgement.

I remember a time when I was going through a particularly stressful period at work. Deadlines were piling up, and it felt like every email brought more bad news. It was easy to get swept up in the stress and anxiety.

But instead, I made a conscious effort to practice mindfulness. Every morning, I spent 10 minutes just sitting quietly, focusing on my breath and allowing my thoughts to come and go without judgement.

This simple practice helped me stay grounded and focused amid the chaos. It reminded me that no matter how turbulent things might be, I could find a sense of peace within myself.

Mindfulness isn’t a magic cure-all, but it can be an incredibly powerful tool for cultivating mental strength and resilience.

3) Maintain a positive outlook

People who stay strong even when life gets tough tend to have a positive mindset. This doesn’t mean they ignore the negative aspects of life, but rather they choose to focus on the good whenever possible.

In fact, research has found that positive thinking can lead to: 

  • Increased life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Better psychological and physical well-being
  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

A positive outlook can be cultivated by practicing gratitude, looking for the silver lining in difficult situations, and maintaining a hopeful perspective about the future.

It’s about adopting a glass-half-full mentality and understanding that while we can’t control everything that happens to us, we can control how we react to it.

4) Stay physically active

Physical and mental health are more intertwined than most people realise. Staying physically active is a habit that people who remain strong during tough times often practice.

Exercise not only helps to keep our bodies healthy but also plays a significant role in maintaining our mental strength. It helps to reduce stress, improve mood, enhance self-esteem and even boost our brain function.

Incorporating regular physical activity into your routine doesn’t necessarily mean hitting the gym for hours every day. It could be as simple as taking a brisk walk during your lunch break, doing some yoga in the morning or even dancing around your living room.

5) Keep learning

People who exhibit strength in the face of adversity are also often lifelong learners. They understand that knowledge is power and are continually seeking ways to expand their understanding and skills.

Whether it’s picking up a new hobby, reading a book, attending workshops or taking online courses, these individuals stay open to new experiences and ideas. This habit not only keeps their minds sharp but also equips them with the tools needed to navigate life’s challenges more effectively.

Continual learning also fosters personal growth and development, which can build confidence and resilience. So keep that curiosity alive and embrace the joy of learning something new every day.

6) Cultivate strong relationships

At the heart of our strength, especially during tough times, are the relationships we cultivate with others.

Having a strong support network can provide a sense of belonging, increase feelings of self-worth, and offer much-needed emotional support during difficult times.

People who stay strong understand the value of close, healthy relationships. They invest time and energy into nurturing these bonds with family, friends, and even colleagues.

But it’s not just about having someone to lean on when things get tough. It’s also about being there for others in their time of need. The act of helping someone else can often boost our own mental strength in return.

So cherish your relationships. Reach out to someone you care about today. You never know just how much it might mean to them – or to you.

7) Allow yourself to feel

There was a time when I used to bottle up my emotions, thinking that showing them was a sign of weakness. But over time, I’ve learned that acknowledging and expressing my feelings is actually a sign of strength.

Feeling emotions, both positive and negative, is a part of being human. Ignoring or suppressing these feelings doesn’t make them go away; instead, it often causes them to resurface later, often with greater intensity.

People who stay strong know the importance of allowing themselves to feel. They let themselves experience the full range of human emotions without judgement. They cry when they’re sad, laugh when they’re happy, and aren’t afraid to show their excitement or fear.

By allowing ourselves to feel, we acknowledge our humanity and give ourselves permission to be imperfect. And in doing so, we find the strength to deal with life’s ups and downs in a healthy way.

8) Practice self-care

Self-care is more than just a popular buzzword. It’s a crucial habit that people who stay strong during tough times incorporate into their lives.

This means doing things that nourish your body, mind, and spirit. It could be as simple as taking a warm bath, reading a good book, spending time in nature, or eating a healthy meal.

People who practice self-care understand that they need to take care of themselves in order to handle life’s challenges effectively.

They know that it’s not selfish to prioritize their own wellbeing, and that by doing so, they’re better equipped to support others when needed.

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first, and you’ll find you have more strength to face whatever life throws your way.

9) Believe in yourself

At the core of it all, people who stay strong even when life gets tough believe in themselves. They trust their abilities, their judgement, and their strength to overcome whatever obstacles they face.

Believing in yourself is not about ignoring your flaws or pretending that you’re perfect. It’s about acknowledging your strengths, learning from your weaknesses, and understanding that you are capable, even when things get tough.

Your belief in yourself is your most powerful tool. Nurture it. Cherish it. And most importantly, never let anyone or anything make you doubt it.

Final thoughts: It’s within your reach

The power to stay strong even when life gets tough is intrinsic to each one of us. It’s not a trait exclusive to a select few, but rather, a skill that can be nurtured and developed.

The nine mental habits shared in this article are not revolutionary concepts. They’re simple practices woven into the fabric of our everyday lives. The secret lies in our awareness and our choice to cultivate these habits consciously.

Remember, strength doesn’t mean you won’t experience pain or hardship. It means that despite the storms that life may throw at us, we have the resilience to weather them.

American author Elizabeth Edwards said it best: “She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.”

May we all find the strength within us to adjust our sails when the winds of life don’t blow in our favor.

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