Men who pretend to be caring but actually aren’t usually display these 9 subtle behaviors

Ava Sinclair by Ava Sinclair | August 8, 2024, 2:58 pm

In the game of emotions, it’s not always easy to distinguish between genuine care and a pretense.

Men who pretend to be caring but actually aren’t usually have a few subtle behaviors that they unknowingly reveal.

These signs are like breadcrumbs in a vast forest of emotions, leading you to the truth.

In this article, I’m going to share nine of these subtle behaviors with you.

They can help you understand if the man in your life is truly caring or just putting on a show.

1) They’re usually too good to be true

In the realm of relationships, it’s critical to understand that nobody’s perfect.

However, men who feign caring tend to portray themselves as knights in shining armor.

They seem to say and do all the right things, at the right time, in the right way.

This behavior is akin to a mirage in a desert. It looks pleasing, but there’s no substance to it.

While it’s great to have a partner who’s attentive and considerate, an over-the-top display of affection can often be a mask to hide their true colors.

Remember, true care comes with actions backed by genuine feelings, not just words that sound good.

So if his actions seem too good to be true, they probably are.

Keep an eye out for this behavior. It’s subtle, but once you recognize it, it’s hard to unsee.

2) They’re quick to make promises but slow to follow through

I’ve seen it happen. I once dated a man who was always eager to promise the moon and stars.

He’d say things like “I’ll always be there for you,” or “Your happiness is my priority.”

It was sweet and charming, with his words carrying a weight that made my heart flutter.

However, as time passed, I noticed a pattern.

Whenever I needed him, he’d have an excuse. When it came to actually prioritizing my happiness, he was strangely absent.

His promises were grand, but his actions were inconsistent.

In hindsight, I realize that making promises is easy. Following through on them is where the real care and commitment shines through.

So watch out for men who make big promises but rarely follow through.

It’s a subtle behavior, but it speaks volumes about their true character.

3) They tend to turn the conversation back to themselves

Have you ever been in a situation where you’re sharing your worries or experiences, and suddenly the conversation shifts focus to the other person?

Men who pretend to be caring often have this habit of turning the focus back on themselves.

Even when they ask about your day or how you’re feeling, they quickly steer the conversation back to their own experiences or feelings.

According to researchers at Harvard University, talking about oneself activates the same pleasure sensation in the brain as food or money.

This could explain why some men, who feign care, may hijack conversations to talk about themselves.

So, if you notice that your conversations are more about him than you, it might be time to reassess his ‘caring’ nature.

4) They’re not consistent in their behavior

Consistency is key in any relationship. It builds trust and creates a foundation of reliability.

However, men who pretend to be caring often display inconsistency in their behavior.

One day, they might shower you with affection and attention, and the next, they may seem distant and uncaring.

This erratic behavior can be confusing and emotionally draining.

It’s like being on a roller coaster ride, where you’re constantly oscillating between highs and lows.

True care is not sporadic or conditional. It’s steady and unwavering.

If you notice such inconsistencies in his behavior, it could be a sign that his caring nature is just a facade.

5) They use guilt as a tool


Guilt can be a powerful tool when used manipulatively. Men who pretend to be caring often use guilt to maintain control in a relationship.

They might make you feel guilty for spending time with friends or family, pursuing hobbies, or even for minor misunderstandings.

This isn’t about caring – it’s about control.

In a genuinely caring relationship, your partner should encourage your independence and personal growth, not make you feel guilty for it.

So, if you often find yourself feeling guilty without a legitimate reason, it’s time to question his so-called ‘caring’ nature.

6) They rarely show empathy

At the crux of every meaningful relationship lies a simple, yet profound ability – to empathize.

Men who pretend to be caring may show sympathy, offering comforting words or gestures when you’re upset.

But sympathy isn’t the same as empathy.

Empathy is about understanding and sharing in another’s emotions. It requires being present, listening intently, and feeling with the person.

For instance, if you’re feeling low because of a tough day at work, a genuinely caring man would not only comfort you but would also share in your distress.

He’d put himself in your shoes and feel your struggle.

So if you notice that he sympathizes but rarely empathizes, it could be a sign that his care is superficial.

Genuine care involves heart-to-heart connections, not just surface-level consolation.

7) They don’t respect your boundaries

Setting boundaries is crucial in any relationship. It’s about understanding and respecting each other’s personal space and feelings.

Once, I was in a relationship where my partner would often cross the line.

He’d peer through my personal messages, question my choices, and invade my personal space under the guise of ‘caring’.

It took me a while to understand that this was not care but an infringement of my individuality.

A genuinely caring man respects your boundaries.

He understands that while you’re in a relationship, you’re still an individual with your own needs and space.

If he constantly crosses your boundaries, it’s not caring – it’s controlling.

8) They often play the victim

Playing the victim is a common tactic used by men who pretend to care.

When faced with criticism or conflict, they quickly turn things around to make themselves appear as the misunderstood party.

They might phrase things in a way that makes you feel sorry for them or guilty for bringing up an issue.

It’s a subtle way to deflect responsibility and maintain control in the relationship.

In a genuinely caring relationship, both parties should be able to express their feelings and concerns without fear of being turned into the ‘bad guy’.

So if you notice him playing the victim card often, it’s time to question his ‘caring’ nature.

9) They lack genuine interest in your life

At the heart of genuine care is a sincere interest in the other person’s life – their dreams, fears, joys, and struggles.

If a man truly cares about you, he’ll show genuine interest in your life. He’ll:

  • Remember the small details you share
  • Support your ambitions
  • Comfort you in your struggles and celebrate your victories

But men who pretend to be caring often lack this genuine interest.

Their attention might be fleeting, their support conditional and their memory selective.

So if you find him showing a lack of genuine interest in your life, it’s a clear sign his care might not be real.

Authentic care goes beyond surface-level interactions; it delves into the depths of one’s life and experiences.

Final thoughts: It’s about genuine connection

Authentic care is not about grand gestures or pleasing words; it’s about consistent actions, empathy, and genuine interest in your life.

It does not control or manipulate; instead, it respects and supports.

Understanding these subtle behaviors can help us discern between genuine care and pretense.

So as you navigate through your relationships, keep these 9 signs in mind.

They might help you understand your partner better and lead you towards a healthier, more fulfilling bond.

After all, everyone deserves to be cared for – genuinely and wholeheartedly.