7 signs you have a very strong personality that some people can’t “get”

Avatar by Justin Brown | January 23, 2025, 10:25 pm

Navigating the world with a strong personality can often feel like traversing a tightrope. You walk this delicate line, where on one side you are seen as confident and assertive, while on the other, some people just can’t seem to “get” you.

A strong personality isn’t about being dominant or overbearing. It’s about knowing your worth, standing your ground, and not allowing others to dim your light. It’s about being unapologetically you, even when it seems the world is pressing against you.

If you’ve ever felt misunderstood or even intimidating to others, it could be that your personality simply packs a powerful punch.

Here are seven signs that suggest you have a strong personality that some people struggle to understand.

1) You don’t indulge in small talk

For some, small talk serves as a comfortable icebreaker. It’s an easy way to fill the silence with idle chatter about the weather, or the latest trending show. But if you have a strong personality, you probably find small talk unfulfilling and even pointless.

People with strong personalities gravitate toward meaningful conversations. They aren’t interested in surface-level discussions; they prefer to dive deep into subjects, exploring new ideas and challenging the status quo.

This hunger for substance and authenticity can sometimes come off as intense to those who prefer to keep things light and breezy.

However, this penchant for profound conversation might feel overwhelming to some, making them struggle to “get” you. But remember, it’s not your responsibility to water down your personality to make others comfortable.

It’s about staying true to yourself while respecting the individuality of others.

2) You are comfortable with solitude

There is a quiet strength in those who are at peace with solitude. It’s not about being antisocial or introverted, but about being self-reliant and content with your own company.

If you have a strong personality, you likely value your alone time as a precious opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth.

You see, solitude allows us to reconnect with ourselves, to explore our inner world, and to tap into our innate creativity. It provides us with the quiet space we need to examine our thoughts, confront our fears, and cultivate self-compassion.

People with strong personalities understand this deeply and cherish their moments of solitude.

But others might misconstrue this. They may label you as aloof or detached, simply because they can’t comprehend the richness of your internal life. However, your comfort with solitude is not an indication of your disinterest in others, but a testament to your ability to be self-sufficient.

As Albert Einstein once said: “I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.” This resonates perfectly with those possessing a strong personality.

3) You are not afraid to say no

If you have a strong personality, one of the key signs is your ability to stand firm and say “no” when necessary. You understand the value of your time, your energy, and your commitments, and you’re not afraid to safeguard these resources.

This might not always sit well with others. People often expect us to be agreeable, to go with the flow, and to avoid conflict. But you know that saying yes to everything isn’t a viable path. It can lead to burnout, resentment, and a dilution of your true priorities.

You realize that every time you say yes to something you don’t genuinely want or need in your life, you’re essentially saying no to something else that might be more important or fulfilling.

Saying no is not about being difficult or uncooperative; it’s about setting boundaries and honoring your own needs.

I delve deeper into this concept in my video on personal freedom hacks where I discuss the importance of setting boundaries and living life on your own terms. I believe this video would resonate with those who possess a strong personality.

YouTube video

4) You embrace adversity

Strong personalities don’t shy away from challenges. In fact, they often perceive adversity as an opportunity for growth and learning. This might be hard to understand for those who prefer to avoid discomfort and choose the path of least resistance.

This resilience stems from a deep understanding that life is full of ups and downs. You know that setbacks are not failures but feedback, offering valuable lessons to learn and grow from. 

This perspective can be intimidating to others. It’s raw, it’s honest, and it defies the common narrative of seeking comfort and ease. But it’s this very willingness to face adversity head-on that makes your personality so strong.

As I often emphasize, genuine growth comes from embracing our fears, confronting challenges, and recognizing that every setback contains within it the seeds of creative possibility.

This belief is not just about personal growth; it’s about building a resilient society where we view challenges not as hindrances but as catalysts for innovation and transformation.

5) You value authenticity over popularity

Possessing a strong personality often means you prioritize authenticity over popularity. You understand that being true to yourself, even when it means going against the grain, holds more value than conforming for the sake of fitting in.

This can make you a bit of an enigma for some people. In a society that often values conformity and consensus, your steadfast commitment to your values and beliefs might be misconstrued as stubbornness or rebellion.

However, it’s actually a testament to your strength and conviction.

Being authentic means standing tall in your truth, even when it feels like you’re standing alone. It means choosing the path that aligns with your values and dreams, even if it’s not the most traveled one.

In one of my videos, I explore the concept of giving up on being a ‘good person’ and the surprising benefits it can bring to our lives.

I discuss how true goodness actually stems from recognizing our own flaws and destructive tendencies, rather than rigidly pursuing an idealized version of ‘goodness’. This aligns perfectly with the essence of authenticity.

YouTube video

6) You appreciate criticism

Criticism can be hard to swallow for anyone, but if you have a strong personality, you actually value it. You understand that criticism, when constructive, can be an invaluable tool for personal growth and improvement.

Many people avoid criticism, seeing it as a threat or an attack. But you see it differently. For you, criticism is an opportunity to learn about your blind spots, to refine your ideas, and to become better. This mindset is not about being self-deprecating or accepting undue blame.

This capacity to appreciate criticism stems from your commitment to personal growth and the awareness that no one is perfect – we all have room to grow.

You believe in the transformative power of self-awareness, which includes understanding your strengths as well as your weaknesses.

7) You are fiercely independent

The last sign of a strong personality is a fierce sense of independence. You value your autonomy and have a deep-seated need to make your own decisions and forge your own path.

This doesn’t mean you disregard the opinions or needs of others, but rather that you are not swayed by external pressure to conform to societal norms or expectations.

Your independence is reflected not only in your actions but also in your thinking. You aren’t afraid to challenge popular opinions or conventional wisdom, and you often come up with innovative solutions that others might overlook.

This trait can sometimes make people misunderstand you. They may see you as stubborn or rebellious, when in fact you are simply being true to yourself and your values.

Having a strong personality isn’t always easy. It can lead to misunderstandings and can even make some people feel uncomfortable. But remember, it’s your life.

Stay true to yourself, live authentically, and never be afraid to let your strong personality shine.

Empowering your strong personality 

The journey of navigating life with a strong personality can often feel like a solo trek up a steep mountain. There will be challenges, misunderstandings, and times when you may feel like an outlier.

Keep in mind, it’s your unique strength and authenticity that make you the powerhouse you are.

Your strength is not a burden but an asset. It allows you to stand firm in your beliefs, to embrace adversity, and to remain true to yourself in a world that often prizes conformity.

Your authenticity is not a flaw but a gift – it allows you to live life on your own terms, to value meaningful connections over superficial ones, and to continuously learn and grow.

So, if you resonate with these signs of a strong personality, remember that it’s not about making others “get” you. 

After all, as the saying goes – it’s not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.