People who seem nice on the surface but are narcissistic underneath often display these 8 behaviors

Ava Sinclair by Ava Sinclair | January 14, 2025, 6:13 am

It’s often tricky to spot a narcissist. They can appear charming, friendly, and engaging, hiding their true nature behind a well-crafted façade.

However, beneath the appealing exterior, there can be a different story.

Narcissists have a habit of subtly manipulating those around them for their own benefit.

Spotting a narcissist isn’t always easy but there are certain behaviors that can act as tell-tale signs.

In this article, we’ll explore 8 of these behaviors often exhibited by people who seem nice on the surface but are narcissistic underneath.

Remember though, not everyone who displays these behaviors is necessarily a narcissist.

But it’s worth being aware of these signs to protect yourself from potential emotional harm.

1) Excessive charm

Narcissists are experts at creating a likable first impression.

They use charm as a tool, winning people over with their charisma and apparent warmth.

However, this charm often has an ulterior motive.

It’s a technique used by narcissists to draw people into their sphere of influence, to gain admiration and control.

Charm isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Many genuinely nice people are charming.

But when it’s excessive or seems too good to be true, it might be worth looking a little deeper.

Ask yourself, is the charm consistent and sincere, or does it feel superficial and manipulative?

Do they use charm only when they want something? These could be signs of underlying narcissism.

The first behavior to look out for when dealing with potential narcissists is excessive charm.

It’s not definitive proof of narcissism, but it’s certainly a red flag that warrants further scrutiny.

2) Lack of empathy

One of the most telling signs of a narcissist is their lack of empathy.

They struggle to understand or relate to other people’s feelings, and this can often manifest in a self-centered, callous attitude.

I once knew a person who seemed incredibly friendly and outgoing. We would hang out frequently and they would always make me laugh.

However, I noticed over time that they never really showed genuine concern for me or others around them.

For example, when I was going through a tough time with a family illness, they would quickly steer the conversation back to themselves or their own problems whenever I tried to talk about it.

They showed little understanding or interest in what I was going through.

This lack of empathy was a clear indication that beneath their charming exterior, there was a degree of narcissism.

It was a hard lesson to learn but an important one. If someone consistently fails to show empathy towards you or others, it’s a definite warning sign.

3) Obsession with image

Narcissists tend to be excessively concerned with their appearance and how others perceive them.

They often go to great lengths to maintain an image of perfection, excellence, and superiority.

This obsession with image extends beyond their physical appearance to their social status as well.

They may exaggerate or lie about their accomplishments, or name-drop influential people they claim to know or have met.

There’s a psychological term for this: ‘grandiosity’.

It’s one of the key characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder, recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

If you notice someone always striving to create a perfect image, constantly boasting about their achievements or connections, it might be a sign that they are more focused on their own image than the reality of who they are.

4) Constant need for admiration

Narcissists have a deep-seated need for constant admiration and validation.

They thrive on compliments and praise, and they often seek out situations where they will be the center of attention.

This need for admiration is so strong that when they don’t receive the recognition they feel they deserve, they may react with anger or even aggression.

They can be overly sensitive to criticism or perceived slights, which can lead to volatile and unpredictable behavior.

If you find yourself dealing with someone who constantly seeks validation or reacts poorly to criticism, you might be dealing with a narcissist.

It’s a key behavior to watch out for – not just because it’s indicative of narcissism, but because it can also create a toxic environment.

5) Exploitative behavior

Perhaps one of the most hurtful aspects of narcissism is the tendency to exploit others.

Narcissists often use people to meet their own needs without any regard for the feelings or well-being of the other person.

They may take advantage of your kindness, your time, or your resources, all while maintaining a friendly facade.

It’s a deeply painful experience to realize that someone you care about is using you for their own gain.

Keep an eye out for exploitative behavior.

If you feel like you’re being taken advantage of, or if you notice that someone always seems to take more than they give, it could be a sign that you’re dealing with a narcissist.

No one deserves to be used or mistreated – everyone deserves respect and kindness.

6) Lack of responsibility

Narcissists have a habit of avoiding responsibility for their actions.

They often deflect blame onto others and rarely admit when they are at fault.

In my own life, I’ve experienced this with a former colleague.

Despite numerous mistakes on their part, they always had an excuse or found someone else to blame.

It was never their fault, according to them.

This lack of personal responsibility can be incredibly frustrating and damaging, especially in a professional environment.

It not only disrupts harmony in the workplace, but it also hinders personal growth.

If you notice someone consistently avoiding responsibility or blaming others for their mistakes, it could be a sign of narcissistic behavior.

7) Grandiose sense of self-importance

A grandiose sense of self-importance is another typical characteristic of narcissists.

They often view themselves as superior to others and believe they are unique and special.

Narcissists frequently exaggerate their abilities and achievements and expect to be recognized as superior, even without appropriate achievements to back up these claims.

They believe they deserve special treatment and may belittle those they perceive as inferior.

When someone consistently overestimates their abilities or importance, it can be a sign of narcissism.

It’s important to remember that everyone has value and no one should be made to feel inferior.

8) Inability to genuinely connect with others

At the heart of narcissism is a deep-seated inability to form genuine connections with others.

Narcissists often struggle with emotional intimacy and may keep relationships at a surface level.

They can be charming and engaging, but this tends to serve their own needs rather than fostering a mutual bond.

Their relationships often revolve around their own interests, needs, and desires, making it difficult for them to truly connect with others on an emotional level.

If someone in your life seems unable to genuinely connect with you or others, it may be a sign of underlying narcissism.

It’s important to remember that genuine connection involves empathy, understanding, and mutual respect.

Final thoughts: It’s about understanding

The complexities of human behavior are often a result of various underlying psychological factors.

One such factor is narcissism, a personality trait that can be challenging to identify due to its deceptive nature.

Recognizing these 8 behaviors is not about labeling or blaming, but about understanding.

It’s about being equipped with the knowledge to protect yourself and to navigate relationships more effectively.

It’s important to remember that everyone has a degree of narcissism in them; it’s a spectrum, and it’s only when it starts to harm relationships and affect one’s ability to empathize with others that it becomes problematic.

And above all, remember this quote from American psychologist Rollo May: “The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it is conformity.”

Don’t conform to the whims of a narcissist. Stand your ground, maintain your boundaries, and never forget your worth.