7 morning habits of people who look and feel young in their 70s and beyond

There’s a secret to looking and feeling young, even in your 70s and beyond. And it all starts with what you do in the morning.
The difference between those who age gracefully and those who don’t often comes down to routine.
Now, I’m not talking about expensive skin creams or magic pills. I’m talking about simple, daily habits that anyone can adopt.
In this article, I’m going to share with you the 7 morning habits of people who not only look young but feel vivacious well into their golden years.
These are not just habits, they’re lifestyle choices that keep you feeling and looking youthful.
Stay tuned for some practical tips and tricks that could change your life. It’s time to age like fine wine, my friends!
1) Early risers
There’s a reason why the saying “early to bed, early to rise” has stuck around for so long.
It turns out that one of the key habits of people who look and feel young beyond their 70s is rising early.
Getting up with the sun isn’t just about getting a head start on the day. It’s also linked to better mental health, increased productivity, and a more positive outlook on life.
Think about it. The early morning is a time of peace and tranquility, a perfect opportunity to set the tone for the rest of your day.
People who make a habit of waking up early often find that they have more energy, are more productive, and generally feel better throughout the day.
If you’re aiming to look and feel youthful into your golden years, consider setting that alarm clock a little earlier.
But remember, it’s not just about waking up early. It’s about making the most of those precious morning hours. And that brings us to our next point.
2) Embrace movement
Now, I’m no stranger to the power of a good morning workout.
I started incorporating movement into my mornings a few years back.
I noticed that the days when I started with even a short walk or stretch, I felt more energetic and vibrant throughout the day.
And I’m not alone. Many people in their 70s and beyond who look and feel youthful swear by starting their day with some form of exercise.
This doesn’t have to mean hitting the gym for an intense workout (unless that’s your thing, of course).
Even light exercises like yoga, tai chi, or a brisk morning walk can do wonders for your physical and mental well-being.
Lace up those sneakers and get your heart pumping first thing in the morning. Trust me; your future self will thank you for it.
3) Practice mindfulness
Ok, so you’re up early and you’ve gotten in some movement. What’s next? It’s time to turn inward.
People who look and feel young into their 70s and beyond often credit a daily mindfulness practice for their youthful energy and outlook.
Mindfulness is all about living in the present moment, paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and the world around you.
It can help reduce stress, increase happiness, and foster a sense of inner peace.
Halfway into writing my book The Art of Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Living in the Moment, I realized just how transformative this practice can be.
In the book, I provide practical exercises that can help you cultivate a daily mindfulness routine.
You’ll learn how to tune into your senses, focus on your breath, and tap into the power of now.
Whether it’s meditation, mindful eating, or simply taking a few moments each morning to set your intentions for the day, adopting a mindfulness practice can be a game-changer when it comes to looking and feeling young at any age.
4) Hydrate first thing
We’ve all heard it before: water is essential for our health. But what you might not know is how important it is to hydrate first thing in the morning.
After a long night of sleep, your body is naturally dehydrated.
Starting your day with a glass of water – before coffee or breakfast – can kickstart your metabolism, aid in digestion, and give your skin that youthful glow.
I learned this the hard way. A few years back, I was battling chronic fatigue and dull skin.
It didn’t matter how much sleep I got or how well I ate; I always felt like I was dragging.
Then, during a routine check-up, my doctor noticed my water intake was way below what it should be.
Once I started upping my water intake, specifically in the mornings, things started to change.
My energy improved, my skin looked healthier, and I overall felt more youthful.
Make it a habit to fill up a glass as soon as you wake up. Your body (and your skin) will thank you.
5) Skip the snooze button
Now here’s something that might surprise you. While getting enough sleep is crucial, hitting that snooze button can do more harm than good.
It feels counter-intuitive, right? More sleep should equal more rest. But that’s not necessarily the case.
When we hit snooze and drift back to sleep, we start a new sleep cycle that we won’t have time to finish.
This can result in feeling groggy and tired, even if we’ve gotten an adequate amount of sleep the night before.
People who look and feel young into their 70s and beyond have mastered the art of waking up when their alarm first goes off.
Consider breaking up with your snooze button.
Instead, when your alarm rings, take a deep breath, stretch out, and start your day on the right foot.
6) Fuel up with a healthy breakfast
We’ve all heard it before, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
And people who look and feel young in their 70s and beyond take this to heart.
Nourishing your body with a healthy, balanced breakfast sets the tone for your day.
It kickstarts your metabolism, gives you energy, and helps to stave off unhealthy cravings later in the day.
But not all breakfasts are created equal.
Aim for a mix of protein, healthy fats, and fiber to keep you feeling full and satisfied. Think whole grains, fruits, lean proteins, and nuts.
Don’t skip breakfast or settle for a sugary pastry on the go.
Take the time to fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to keep you looking and feeling youthful.
7) Cultivate a positive mindset
Looking and feeling young in your 70s and beyond is as much about your mind as it is about your body. Cultivating a positive mindset is crucial.
Life will always have its ups and downs, but how we choose to react to them can make all the difference.
Choose joy. Choose gratitude. Choose positivity.
And watch as these choices reflect in your youthful spirit and appearance.
The essence: It’s all about balance
At its core, looking and feeling young in your 70s and beyond is all about finding a balance.
A balance between movement and stillness, nourishment and indulgence, solitude and connection.
These seven habits are not just about ticking boxes in a daily routine.
They’re about cultivating a lifestyle that honors the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.
In my book, The Art of Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Living in the Moment, I delve deeper into this concept, exploring how mindfulness can help us tap into this balance and truly live in the moment.
As you embrace these habits, remember, it’s not just about adding years to your life. It’s about adding life to your years.
It’s about waking up each day with a sense of purpose, a zest for life, and a youthful spirit that defies the number on the calendar.
Because after all, age is just a number.
And looking and feeling young is simply a reflection of how we choose to live our lives.