Looking confident has always been hard for me, until I mastered these 10 body language tricks

You know, confidence didn’t always come easy to me. In fact, it felt downright impossible. I wasn’t shy or anything, but I just couldn’t figure out how to “look” confident.
But one day, everything changed.
I started learning about body language, and it was like a light bulb went off. Suddenly, looking confident wasn’t so hard anymore.
So, are you struggling with the same thing?
Get ready, because we’re about to dive into the world of body language.
Let’s get started!
1) Power posing
Ever heard of power posing? Power posing is all about adopting a posture that screams ‘confidence‘.
Imagine superheroes and how they stand – chest out, hands on hips, feet apart. That’s a classic power pose.
Studies have shown that holding a power pose for just two minutes can lower stress levels and increase feelings of power.
2) Maintain eye contact
Here’s another trick that might sound simple, but trust me, it can do wonders for your confidence.
When you’re talking to someone, try to keep steady eye contact. This doesn’t mean you should stare them down – that can come off as aggressive. Instead, aim for a friendly, engaged gaze.
Not only does this show the other person that you’re interested in what they’re saying, it also conveys confidence on your part. You’ll look like you have nothing to hide and are comfortable in the conversation.
3) Stand tall
My personal favorite body language trick is to simply stand tall. It’s amazing what a difference good posture can make to how confident we feel and look.
I remember a time when I had to give a presentation in front of a large group. The mere thought of it made me feel nervous and small. But then, I remembered this trick. I straightened up, held my head high, and rolled my shoulders back.
And you know what? It worked like a charm. Not only did I feel more confident, but I also noticed people responding to me more positively. They seemed to take me more seriously.
4) Using hand gestures
The way we use our hands while speaking also plays a significant role in projecting confidence.
It’s an interesting fact that people who use hand gestures while speaking are perceived as more engaging, likable and warm. Not just that, using hand gestures also helps the speaker articulate their thoughts better.
Start incorporating hand gestures into your conversations. Just remember to keep them natural and relevant to what you’re saying. Overdoing it can have the opposite effect and make you seem nervous rather than confident.
5) Smile genuinely
It’s incredible what an impact a warm, sincere smile can have on both ourselves and the people around us.
When we smile, it not only makes us appear friendly and approachable, but it also triggers a positive response within us. It releases endorphins, our feel-good hormones, which in turn makes us feel happier and more confident.
6) Slow down
Here’s a trick I learned the hard way – slowing down. I used to be someone who would rush through conversations, especially when I was nervous. I thought that the faster I spoke, the sooner it would be over. But all it did was make me come across as anxious and unsure.
Then, one day, a friend pointed this out to me. She told me that slowing down and taking my time would not only make me more understandable but also give off a vibe of confidence. So, I tried it out.
And guess what? It worked! By slowing down my speech and movements, I felt less frantic and more in control. It made a world of difference to my confidence levels.
7) Nix the fidgeting
Alright, let’s get real here. Fidgeting is a confidence killer. I mean, who’s going to take you seriously if you’re constantly tapping your foot, twirling your hair, or shaking your leg? It’s like screaming to the world, “Hey, I’m nervous over here!”
I used to be a serial fidgeter myself. Whether it was a business meeting or a casual conversation, my hands would always find something to mess with. It was my go-to way to deal with nerves.
But then I realized that all this fidgeting was doing me no favors. It was just drawing attention to my nervousness and undermining my confidence.
Therefore, I made a conscious effort to keep my fidgeting in check. And let me tell you, it wasn’t easy. But it was totally worth it. The less I fidgeted, the more confident I felt and looked.
8) Open body language
An interesting fact: our body language can actually influence how others perceive us. One key aspect of this is maintaining open body language.
Open body language means having an upright posture, not crossing your arms or legs, and generally making yourself appear approachable. This sends a signal to others that you’re confident, friendly and open to interaction.
Research has shown that adopting open body language can actually affect our own mood and confidence levels. It’s a psychological phenomenon known as ’embodied cognition’. Basically, the way we position our bodies can influence how we feel about ourselves.
9) Limiting self-touch
A personal habit I had to break in my journey to appear more confident was self-touch. You know, those times when you subconsciously touch your face, neck or arm while talking. I used to do it all the time without even realizing it.
But then, I learned that these gestures are often seen as signs of discomfort or nervousness. It was a wake-up call for me. I started observing myself in conversations and noticed how often I was actually doing this.
10) Control your voice
Let’s get real about something – your voice plays a huge role in how confident you come across. If it’s shaky or too quiet, people might think you’re unsure or nervous.
I’ve struggled with this myself. My voice would wobble when I was nervous, making me appear less confident. I knew I had to work on it if I wanted to come across as more self-assured.