8 little-known body language signs that someone is lying to you

There’s something satisfying about catching someone in the act of lying—those tiny signals they don’t even realize they’re sending.
It’s like uncovering a secret that was never meant to be found. Over time, I’ve become a bit of a detective, honing my ability to spot these subtle cues.
And let me tell you, it’s not always about the obvious nose-touching or shifty eyes.
No, the real tells are far more subtle, and once you know what to look for, they’re hard to miss.
So, let’s explore the world of body language, and I’ll share with you ten lesser-known signs that someone might be spinning you a yarn.
1) They’re covering their mouth
Let’s talk about one of the more subtle signs of dishonesty. Have you ever noticed that when someone lies, they might unconsciously touch or cover their mouth?
It’s a strange little quirk, stemming from our childhood instincts. When we were kids and told a fib, we’d cover our mouths as if trying to hold the lie in.
As adults, this gesture becomes less pronounced, but it’s still there. It could be a slight touch of the lips or even a full hand covering the mouth while speaking.
It’s like a subconscious attempt to block the deceitful words from coming out. Fascinating, right?
However, this could also be a habit or a sign of nervousness. So, don’t jump to conclusions based solely on this.
Take it as a piece of the puzzle in your quest to spot a liar.
2) Their eyes are giving them away
I had this one friend, let’s call him Jake. Now, Jake was a good guy, but he had a knack for spinning tales.
I always suspected it, but it wasn’t until I started studying body language that I figured out how to tell.
You see, whenever Jake was telling one of his tall tales, his eyes would dart around.
They’d be all over the place, as if he was trying to visually snatch the lie out of thin air.
He wasn’t maintaining eye contact. I later learned that intense eye contact can be as much of a deception giveaway as darting eyes.
It’s like an overcompensation – “If I look into your eyes long enough, you’ll believe me,” kind of thing.
A 2015 study from the University of Michigan discovered that individuals who lied tended to maintain eye contact more frequently than those who told the truth— in fact, 70% of the clips of people lying showed them staring directly at the person they were deceiving.
So, keep an eye (pun intended) on people’s eyes when they’re talking. It can give you some valuable insights into their honesty – or lack thereof.
3) They’re fidgeting excessively
When we’re uncomfortable or nervous, our bodies have a tendency to move in small, almost imperceptible ways.
It’s a mechanism to relieve tension and it often happens subconsciously.
Now, here’s something you might not know – lying can cause that same kind of discomfort, leading to these tiny movements.
This could be anything from tapping feet, wringing hands, or just general restlessness.
Why does this happen? It all boils down to our fight or flight response.
When we lie, our heart rate can increase and adrenaline may start pumping. This energy has to go somewhere and often ends up as fidgeting.
Next time you’re questioning someone’s truthfulness, take note if they suddenly seem unable to keep still.
It might just be a sign that they’re not being entirely honest.
4) Their body language is inconsistent with their words
Here’s another interesting clue – when people lie, their words and body language often don’t match up.
Imagine someone tells you they’re excited about a project, but their body language – slumped shoulders, lack of eye contact, monotone voice – suggests otherwise.
It could be a sign that their words aren’t entirely truthful.
This inconsistency happens because while we can control what we say, managing our body language to match those words is a lot trickier.
So, watch out for these inconsistencies. If someone’s body language doesn’t mirror their words, it might be a red flag.
5) They’re avoiding direct answers
Have you ever asked a question, only to receive an answer that skirts around the topic without really addressing it? It’s frustrating, isn’t it?
This is a common tactic used by people who aren’t being completely honest. They’ll give you an answer, but it doesn’t truly address your question.
It’s as if they’re trying to distract you from the truth by leading you down a different path.
While doing this, they may also turn their body away from you.
If a person angles their body away, even slightly, it can suggest they’re trying to distance themselves from the interaction.
6) Their voice is changing
I remember how my voice used to crack when I was a teenager.
It was incredibly embarrassing, especially when it happened in front of my crush. I had no control over it; my body was just doing its thing.
Funny enough, a similar thing can happen when people lie. Research has proven that a liar’s voice might change in pitch, volume, or speed.
They could start talking faster, softer, or their voice might even become higher pitched.
It’s an unconscious response to stress and fear of getting caught. Just like my teenage voice cracks, it’s not something easily controlled.
So, if you notice a sudden change in someone’s voice when they’re telling you something, it might be a hint that they’re not being completely honest.
7) They’re overly defensive
You might think that someone who’s lying would try to stay under the radar, right? Interestingly, though, the opposite is often true.
When people lie, they may become overly defensive if they feel their credibility is being questioned. It’s like a knee-jerk reaction to protect their fabricated story.
Watch for defensive body language cues such as crossed arms or legs, turning the body away, tightly clenched hands, or covering the abdomen or chest.
If someone reacts strongly to your doubts or questions, it could be a sign that they’re not telling the truth.
8) They’re touching their face frequently
One of the most common, yet often overlooked signs of lying is frequent face touching. According to psychologists, when people lie, they often touch their face more often than usual.
This could be rubbing their nose, scratching their cheek, or covering their mouth. It’s a subconscious response to the anxiety and discomfort that comes with telling a lie.
So pay close attention to these small gestures. If someone is touching their face a lot while talking to you, it could be a sign that they’re not telling the truth.
Final thoughts
As I think back on all the times I’ve caught someone in a lie, it’s clear that spotting dishonesty is more of an art than a science.
Each of these signs is like a piece of a larger puzzle, and when you start putting them together, the picture becomes clearer.
But here’s the thing: human behavior is complex, and these signs aren’t foolproof. They’re just clues, hints that something might be off.
The real challenge—and the real skill—lies in seeing the whole picture and knowing when to trust your instincts.
So, use these insights as you go through your day, but do so wisely. Understanding people becomes is not just a skill, but an art form.