9 little behaviors that make you instantly more approachable

We all know that first impressions matter. But have you ever wondered why some people just seem to have a magnetic aura that instantly draws others to them?
It’s not about looks or charm. It’s actually about approachability.
Approachability is all about making people feel comfortable around you. And it’s the little behaviors that can make a big difference.
So yes, there are a few simple things you can do to instantly become more approachable.
In this article, I’m going to share with you the “9 little behaviors that make you instantly more approachable”.
Trust me, it’s easier than you think!
1) Smile more often
Let’s start with the basics. Smiling.
A simple smile can do wonders for your approachability. It’s a universal sign of friendliness and openness that transcends all cultures and languages.
Think about it. Would you rather approach someone who is sporting a big, friendly smile or someone who is frowning or scowling? The answer is pretty obvious, isn’t it?
Smiling is an easy way to let people know that you’re happy to see them and that you’re open to conversation.
But remember, your smile needs to be genuine. People can easily spot a fake smile and that can actually make you seem less approachable.
So the next time you’re out and about, try to smile more often. You’ll be surprised at how much more approachable you’ll appear to others.
2) Be an active listener
Have you ever been in a conversation where you felt like the other person was just waiting for their turn to speak? It’s not a great feeling, is it?
On the other hand, when someone truly listens to what you’re saying, it makes you feel valued and understood. That’s what active listening is all about.
I remember one time at a networking event, I bumped into someone who just seemed so present in our conversation.
He wasn’t constantly looking over my shoulder for someone more important. His phone was in his pocket, and not once did he look at it. He was just…there, truly listening to what I had to say.
That made him extremely approachable. I felt comfortable opening up to him and we ended up having a great conversation.
Active listening means making a conscious effort to focus on the person who is speaking. It involves providing feedback, asking relevant questions, and demonstrating genuine interest in what the other person is saying.
Trust me, practicing active listening can make you seem far more approachable and likable.
3) Mind your body language
Body language speaks volumes, often more than our words. And it plays a crucial role in how approachable we come across to others.
It’s not just about what we say, but also how we say it and what our body is doing while we say it.
If your arms are crossed and your body is turned away, you’re signaling that you’re closed off or uninterested. But if you’re facing the person with open arms and maintaining eye contact, it sends a clear message that you’re engaged and open to conversation.
So it’s important to be conscious of your body language.
Small adjustments can make a world of difference in how approachable you appear to others.
4) Show genuine interest in others
People are drawn to those who show genuine interest in them. It makes them feel valued and appreciated.
Try to show genuine interest in the people around you. Ask them about their day, their interests, their goals.
But here’s the key – you need to be genuinely interested. People can sense when you’re just going through the motions or when your interest is forced.
So the next time you strike up a conversation with someone, take a moment to really listen and engage. You’ll be surprised at how much this simple act can boost your approachability.
5) Be open and authentic
People are naturally attracted to those who are genuine and real.
Being open and authentic means being true to yourself, expressing your true feelings and thoughts, and not being afraid to show your vulnerabilities.
It’s not about pretending to be someone you’re not or trying to fit into a certain mold. It’s about embracing your unique qualities and being comfortable in your own skin.
When you’re authentic, people can sense it. And they’ll feel more comfortable approaching you because they know they’ll be met with sincerity and honesty.
6) Practice empathy
Empathy – the ability to understand and share the feelings of another – is a powerful tool for building connections.
When we empathize with others, we not only understand their feelings, but we also validate them. This can make people feel seen, heard, and valued.
I’ve found that when I make a genuine effort to understand and empathize with someone else’s situation or feelings, it creates a deeper connection between us. It makes them feel safe and comfortable around me, leading to more open and honest conversations.
Remember: Everyone is fighting battles we know nothing about. A little empathy can go a long way in making you more approachable.
7) Be open to feedback
Nobody’s perfect – we all have areas where we can improve. Being open to feedback is a sign of maturity and humility, and it can make you much more welcoming.
In my early days as a manager, I often found myself getting defensive when my team would give me constructive criticism. But over time, I realized that their feedback was invaluable for helping me grow and improve.
Instead of seeing feedback as a personal attack, I started to view it as an opportunity to learn and become better. It wasn’t easy, but it made a huge difference in how my team perceived me.
People appreciate it when you’re open to hearing their thoughts and suggestions. It shows them that you value their opinion and that you’re dedicated to self-improvement.
8) Use people’s names
We all like to feel seen and acknowledged, and one of the simplest ways to do that is by using people’s names when you speak to them.
When you use someone’s name, it shows that you see them as an individual and that you’re paying attention to them. It’s a small detail, but it can have a big impact on how friendly you seem.
So the next time you’re in a conversation, make an effort to remember and use the other person’s name. It might just be the key to making them feel more comfortable and open around you.
9) Be positive and uplifting
Positivity is contagious. It’s the kind of energy that people want to be around.
Being positive and uplifting doesn’t mean you have to be constantly happy or ignore the negative aspects of life. It simply means choosing to focus on the good, rather than the bad.
When you’re positive, you create a welcoming and uplifting atmosphere that makes people feel comfortable approaching you. It sends a message that you’re open, friendly, and non-judgmental.
So spread positivity. Be the kind of person who lifts others up instead of bringing them down.
This, above all else, will make you infinitely more approachable.
Final thoughts: It’s all about connection
The fascinating thing about human interactions is the power of connection.
At the heart of approachability is the ability to form that connection, to make others feel seen, heard, and valued. It’s about being open, authentic, and present in your interactions with others.
These 9 little behaviors aren’t just tips to seem more approachable – they’re essentially ways to connect deeply with those around you.
Remember, approachability isn’t just about making yourself more likable or popular. It’s about fostering genuine connections and relationships. It’s about making others feel comfortable enough to share their thoughts, ideas, and themselves with you.
These can make a big difference in how approachable you are to others – and ultimately, in the connections you form with them.
After all, in the grand scheme of things, isn’t that what life’s all about? Connecting with others, forming genuine relationships, making a positive impact on the lives of those around us?
So let’s be more approachable. Let’s connect more deeply with one another. Because at the end of the day, that’s what truly matters.