If you’ve experienced these 12 things in life, you have incredible mental strength

Ethan Sterling by Ethan Sterling | May 23, 2024, 11:06 am

Mental strength isn’t just about being tough—it’s about much more than that.

It’s about how you handle your emotions, set goals, and navigate life’s twists and turns. Wondering if you’ve got what it takes?

We’ve got a list of 12 life experiences that might give you some insight.

If you’ve been through these, you might have more mental strength than you realize.

1) You’ve faced significant challenges

Everyone faces challenges, that’s just part of life. But it’s not about the challenges themselves, it’s about how you respond to them.

If you’ve faced major hurdles and come out the other side stronger and more resilient, that’s a sign of mental strength. You didn’t let the challenge break you.

Instead, you used it as a stepping stone to become a better version of yourself. That’s some serious mental muscle right there!

2) You’ve learned how to say “no”

Saying “yes” can often be the easy route. It’s a way to avoid conflict, to keep the peace. But if you’ve learned how to say “no” when you need to, that’s a sign of mental strength.

It shows you value your time, your boundaries, and yourself enough not to let others walk all over you. You understand that it’s okay not to please everyone all the time.

And that’s a big win for your mental strength!

3) You’ve been through failure and bounced back

This one really hits home for me. I’d always dreamed of starting my own business. I planned, worked hard, poured my passion into it. But despite all my efforts, the business didn’t take off like I’d hoped. It was a huge blow to my confidence.

But instead of letting it defeat me, I took it as a valuable lesson. I learned what didn’t work, where I went wrong, and how I could do better. It wasn’t easy, but I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and gave it another shot.

You see, it’s not about never failing. It’s about how you bounce back when you do fail. If you can turn a failure into a stepping stone to success, that’s something to be proud of!

4) You’re able to delay gratification

This one’s all about patience and self-control, two key signs of mental strength. If you can hold off on immediate pleasure for the promise of greater rewards down the road, that’s a sign of real mental fortitude.

Here’s an interesting tidbit: in a famous experiment called the “Marshmallow Test” by psychologist Walter Mischel, kids who could delay gratification (like not eating a marshmallow for 15 minutes to get two later) tended to have better outcomes later in life, such as improved health, higher test scores, and overall success.

So, if you’ve mastered the art of waiting for a bigger payoff, give yourself a pat on the back. You’re stronger than you realize!

5) You’ve shown empathy in tough situations

Empathy is a sign of true mental strength. It requires understanding, patience and a big heart. It’s about putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, feeling their pain, and offering support.

If you’ve been in a difficult situation where it would have been easy to think only of yourself, but instead you chose to show empathy towards others, that’s remarkable.  

Showing empathy doesn’t mean you’re weak. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It takes a strong person to feel deeply for others, especially when dealing with their own struggles. 

6) You’ve made tough decisions

I’ve had my fair share of tough decisions in life. Like leaving a secure job to pursue freelancing. It was risky, and many warned me against it. But deep down, I knew it was the right move for me.

Making that leap took a lot of mental strength. It meant stepping out of my comfort zone, facing the unknown, and dealing with doubts and fears. But I did it. And honestly, it turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

If you’ve faced tough choices, dealt with the aftermath, and come out stronger, it’s a clear sign of your mental fortitude. It shows you’re not afraid to take risks and make decisions that align with your values and goals, even when they’re tough.  

7) You’ve accepted your flaws and weaknesses

Let’s be real. We’ve all got flaws and weaknesses. No one’s perfect. And anyone who says they are, well, they’re lying.

Accepting your flaws isn’t about giving up or saying, “That’s just the way I am.” It’s about acknowledging that there are areas where you can improve. It’s about being honest with yourself, taking a good hard look in the mirror, and saying, “Yeah, I’ve got some stuff to work on.”

And you know what? That’s okay. In fact, it’s more than okay. It’s a sign of incredible mental strength. Because it takes a bold person to admit they’re not perfect and to face their weaknesses head on. 

8) You’ve maintained a positive outlook

Staying positive, especially when times get tough, is no walk in the park. It’s much easier to fall into negativity and self-pity.

But if you’ve managed to keep a sunny outlook even when life throws its worst at you, that’s a sign of remarkable mental strength.

Did you know that staying positive has been scientifically proven to improve physical health? According to Mayo Clinic, positive thinking and optimism are linked to longer lifespans, lower rates of depression, better resistance to common colds, and improved stress management and coping skills.

Now, that’s definitely something to cheer about!

9) You’ve taken responsibility for your actions

I remember when I messed up a big project at work. It would’ve been easy to point fingers or make excuses, but I knew that wouldn’t solve anything. So, I chose to own up, apologize, and learn from my mistake.

Taking responsibility for your actions, especially when you’ve messed up, takes a lot of mental strength. It’s about being honest, facing the consequences, and growing from the experience. It’s a way of showing respect to others and to yourself.

If you’ve done this, you’ve shown great maturity and mental fortitude. Admitting when you’re wrong isn’t easy, but it’s a crucial step toward personal growth and success.

10) You’ve pushed through fear

Fear is something we all deal with. 

It can be overwhelming, holding us back and stopping us from reaching our goals. But if you’ve confronted your fears and pushed past them, that’s a definite sign of mental strength.

It’s not about never feeling scared. It’s about acknowledging the fear and moving forward regardless. It’s about taking chances, stepping outside your comfort zone, and pursuing your aspirations, even when it’s intimidating.

And if you’ve managed to do this, you’re stronger than you think!

11) You’ve asked for help when needed

Asking for help might seem like a sign of weakness, but it’s actually a sign of strength.

Think about it. It takes courage to admit you don’t have all the answers and to reach out to others for support.

We all need help sometimes. So if you’ve swallowed your pride and asked for help when you needed it, that’s a testament to your mental strength.

12) You’ve stayed true to yourself

In a world that often pressures us to conform and fit in, staying true to yourself takes serious mental strength. It means sticking to your values and not changing who you are just to please others.

If you’ve managed to stay true to yourself, even when faced with pressure or criticism, you’ve shown incredible mental strength.

You’ve proven that you’re confident in who you are and aren’t afraid to show it. And that, my friend, is something truly worth celebrating!

Unleash your inner warrior: Strength beyond measure!

In this rollercoaster ride that’s life, mental strength acts as our sturdy seatbelt—keeping us grounded through the twists and turns. 

It’s the resilience that helps us bounce back from setbacks, the courage to face challenges head-on, and the clarity to navigate murky waters. 

From career hurdles to personal struggles, mental strength is our compass that guides us towards growth, resilience, and ultimately, our fullest potential in life.