If you’re really focused on achieving happiness, say goodbye to these 7 habits

Everyone is in pursuit of happiness, but sometimes our daily routines and habits can be the biggest obstacles standing in our way.
You might reflect on your life and wonder why that elusive feeling of pure joy seems to slip through your fingers despite your best efforts. Or you might question whether the practices that have become second nature are actually nurturing your happiness or quietly sabotaging it.
How do you determine if what you’re doing is supporting your quest for happiness, or inadvertently hindering it?
After deeply studying my own lifestyle, as well as those of my friends and associates, I’ve compiled a list of habits that may be preventing you from achieving genuine happiness.
If these sound familiar, it might be time to bid them a fond farewell.
1) Cluttered environments and cluttered minds
Our surroundings have a profound impact on our mental and emotional state.
Take a moment to look around you. Are you surrounded by clutter? Are there piles of paperwork, dishes in the sink, or clothes strewn about? Clutter is not just a physical problem; it’s an emotional one too.
A cluttered environment often reflects a cluttered mind. It can create feelings of stress, guilt, and overwhelm. It might even be a physical manifestation of procrastination or indecisiveness.
Try decluttering your space – start small, maybe with just one room or even a single drawer. You might be surprised at how much lighter and happier you feel with less stuff around.
Remember, when we clear our space, we also clear our mind.
2) Being excessively busy
In our fast-paced world, being busy is often equated with being important or successful. But is it really?
Take a closer look at your schedule. Are you always on the go, rushing from one activity to another? Do you find yourself feeling stressed and overwhelmed with no time for relaxation or self-reflection?
Being excessively busy can actually hinder our happiness.
It leaves no room for spontaneous joys of life, for moments of quiet reflection, or for truly connecting with others. It’s like being on a treadmill that never stops – you’re moving a lot, but not really getting anywhere.
Consider slowing down. Prioritize what truly matters to you and let go of the rest. Embrace the art of doing nothing sometimes.
You might find that happiness lies not in the whirlwind of activities, but in the peaceful moments in between.
3) Constant comparison
We live in an era of social media, where everyone’s life is on display. It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others.
Take a moment and reflect. How often do you find yourself scrolling through your feeds, looking at other people’s highlight reels and feeling a pang of inadequacy? This constant comparison can be a serious happiness thief.
Comparing ourselves to others can lead to feelings of envy, low self-esteem, and dissatisfaction. It shifts our focus from our own progress and achievements to what we lack.
Instead of comparing, try celebrating. Celebrate your unique journey, your progress, your victories, no matter how small.
Embrace the fact that you’re a work in progress, and that’s just fine. Keep in mind, the only person you should strive to be better than is the person you were yesterday.
4) Skipping meals
We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” And it’s more than just a cliché.
Your diet plays a significant role in your overall well-being and, in turn, your happiness. Yet, in the hustle and bustle of our busy lives, we often find ourselves skipping meals or reaching for unhealthy, convenient options.
Did you know that our gut is often referred to as our second brain? It produces about 90% of our serotonin – a neurotransmitter responsible for our mood and feelings of happiness.
Skipping meals or having an unbalanced diet can disrupt this production, affecting not just our physical health but also our emotional state.
So next time you think about skipping a meal, remember the impact it can have on your happiness.
Try to make time for balanced meals. Your body, and especially your mind, will thank you for it.
5) Ignoring your feelings
We’ve all been there. A problem arises, it’s uncomfortable, and we just don’t want to deal with it. So, we push it aside, ignore it, and carry on with our lives.
But here’s the thing: feelings are not like unpaid bills that go away when ignored.
They’re more like seeds. When buried, they don’t disappear; they grow. They take root in our subconscious and affect our behavior, our decisions, and ultimately, our happiness.
Ignoring your feelings is like putting a band-aid on a deep wound. It might cover the problem momentarily, but it doesn’t heal it. The feelings will resurface, often more intense than before.
Instead of ignoring your feelings, try acknowledging them. Give yourself permission to feel whatever it is you’re feeling without judgment or criticism.
Remember that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes. By facing your feelings head-on, you give them less power over you and create space for healing and happiness.
6) Avoiding alone time
In a world where we’re constantly connected, being alone can sometimes feel uncomfortable, even scary.
We fill our schedules to the brim, surround ourselves with people, and drown out any silence with the noise of TV shows, music, or podcasts.
But here’s a thought: avoiding alone time might be depriving you of a crucial path towards happiness.
Being alone with our thoughts can be enlightening. It gives us the chance to reflect, to understand ourselves better, and to make peace with our own company. It’s in these quiet moments that we often find clarity and solutions to issues that have been bothering us.
So instead of running from alone time, embrace it. Carve out periods in your day where you can be alone with your thoughts.
You might discover that spending quality time with yourself is one of the best things you can do for your happiness.
7) Neglecting self-care
Consider this: do you often put others’ needs before your own to the point of exhaustion? Do you feel guilty for taking time out for yourself? If so, you might be neglecting self-care.
Neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, stress, and a decrease in physical health – all of which can rob you of happiness. On the other hand, doing things that nourish your body and soul can greatly enhance your mood and energy levels.
So make self-care a priority. Listen to your body, honor your emotions, and take care of your mental well-being. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish; it’s necessary for your happiness.
Understanding happiness as a journey
Now that we’ve delved into some habits that might be hampering your happiness, it’s crucial to remember that happiness itself isn’t a destination, but a journey.
Happiness isn’t a constant state of euphoria that we arrive at one day and stay in forever. It’s a fluid state that ebbs and flows with life’s ups and downs.
There will be days when you feel on top of the world, and there will be days when you’re down in the dumps. And that’s okay, because that’s life.
Happiness is also highly personal. What brings one person joy might not do the same for another.
It’s not about ticking off boxes on a universal checklist; it’s about understanding yourself, your needs, and what truly makes you feel content and fulfilled.
Moreover, happiness comes from within. External factors – like material possessions, accolades, or even other people – can contribute to our happiness, but they don’t create it.
True happiness is an inside job. It’s about cultivating a positive mindset, practicing gratitude, and nurturing healthy relationships – with others and with yourself.
Adopting healthier habits and letting go of those that don’t serve you is part of this journey towards happiness. It’s not always easy; change often isn’t. But each small step you take is a step towards a happier you.
Remember to be patient with yourself during this process. Real change takes time, and it’s okay to stumble along the way. The important thing is to get back up and keep moving forward.
As you embark on this journey towards happiness, bear in mind these words from the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus: “Character is destiny.” Your habits form your character, and your character shapes your destiny.
By nurturing habits that foster happiness, you’re shaping a destiny filled with joy, fulfillment, and peace.