If you want to succeed but struggle to get motivated, say goodbye to these 8 subtle behaviors

Unearthing the path to success is often less about doing more and more about doing less. It’s about discarding the subtle behaviors that chip away at our motivation and hinder our progress.
Success doesn’t hinge solely on grand gestures or monumental decisions. More often, it’s the small, seemingly inconsequential behaviors that can stealthily sabotage our efforts.
If you’re striving for success but find motivation elusive, it may be time to bid farewell to these subtle, yet powerful behaviors. Let’s delve into what they are and how they could be holding you back.
1) Embracing victim mentality
Among the subtle behaviors that can sabotage our motivation and success is embracing a victim mentality.
We all face adversity in life; it’s an undeniable fact. However, the way we perceive and respond to these challenges significantly influences our ability to move forward.
When we adopt a victim mentality, we tend to blame external circumstances or other people for our problems. It’s an easy way out, relieving us of the responsibility to take action or make changes.
But it’s a double-edged sword. While it shields us from blame, it also robs us of our power to shape our own lives.
This is not about denying the real difficulties we may face. Instead, it’s about choosing to focus on what we can control: our attitudes, actions, and responses.
By shifting from a victim mentality to a mentality of self-empowerment, we begin to reclaim our motivation and steer ourselves towards success. Recognizing this behavior for what it is and choosing to let it go can be a transformative step in our journey towards accomplishing our goals.
2) Avoidance of self-reflection
Another subtle behavior that often goes unnoticed, but can greatly affect our motivation and success, is the avoidance of self-reflection.
In my own journey, I’ve found that taking time for introspection has been paramount in understanding why I may lack motivation at times. It’s through this honest evaluation of ourselves that we can pinpoint what truly drives us and what holds us back.
Avoiding self-reflection can keep us trapped in repetitive cycles of unproductive habits and behaviors.
It’s easier to stay busy, distracted, or even in denial rather than face the uncomfortable truths about ourselves. Yet this avoidance only serves to stifle our growth and dim our motivation.
By embracing self-reflection, we expose ourselves to the transformative power of self-awareness and personal growth. We become more capable of understanding our motivations, confronting our fears, challenging our limiting beliefs, and cultivating self-compassion.
As Carl Jung once said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” When we dare to look inward and understand ourselves better, we take control of our fate and rekindle our motivation to succeed.
3) Over-identifying with the role of a “good person”
A behavior that may seem virtuous, but can subtly sap our motivation to succeed, is over-identifying with the role of a “good person.”
We often get caught in the trap of wanting to be seen as good, kind, and perfect by others. This can lead to an unhealthy obsession with external validation and a fear of making mistakes.
It can also make us susceptible to manipulation and judgment, both from others and from ourselves.
Being good isn’t about perfection or pleasing everyone. It’s about authenticity, self-acceptance, and doing what aligns with our values. When we let go of the pressure to be constantly “good,” we grant ourselves the freedom to be human – flawed yet striving, imperfect but genuine.
For a deeper exploration of this topic, I encourage you to watch my video on why it’s important to give up on the idea of constantly being a “good person.”

In it, I delve into how this belief fosters internal criticism and judgment of others and discuss how letting go of this ideal leads to a more authentic and fulfilling life.
If you find value in this perspective and want to join over 20,000 others exploring living life with more purpose and freedom, then click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel.
4) Neglecting the power of community
One of the most overlooked behaviors that can dampen our motivation and hinder our success is neglecting the power of community.
In our pursuit of individual success, we can often overlook the profound importance of supportive communities and authentic relationships.
We may buy into the myth of the “self-made” individual, believing that to ask for help or lean on others somehow diminishes our own accomplishments.
But the truth is, none of us thrive alone. Our connections with others not only provide a safety net during hard times but also enrich our lives with shared experiences, diverse perspectives, and mutual growth opportunities.
Embracing interdependence doesn’t mean sacrificing our individuality or self-reliance. Instead, it’s about recognizing that we are part of a larger whole and that our actions can impact and be influenced by others.
By nurturing our relationships and actively participating in communities, we tap into a source of inspiration, resilience, and motivation that fuels our success in ways we could never achieve alone.
We also align with the belief in the fundamental dignity and worth of every individual, fostering relationships based on mutual respect, empathy, and cooperation.
5) Clinging to comfort zones
A major, yet often unacknowledged behavior that stifles our motivation and success is clinging to our comfort zones.
Comfort zones, by their very nature, are comforting. They provide a sense of safety and familiarity. Yet, they can also become invisible cages, limiting our growth and potential.
When we stay within the confines of what we know and where we feel comfortable, we deny ourselves the opportunity to learn, evolve, and experience new things.
We may avoid making mistakes or facing failure, but we also miss out on the valuable lessons and growth that come from these experiences.
Breaking free from our comfortzones is not about recklessly pursuing danger or discomfort. It’s about consciously choosing to stretch ourselves, embrace new challenges, and learn from our failures as well as our successes.
In line with this belief, I invite you to watch my video on the illusion of happiness and why chasing it can make you miserable.
It explores the idea that true contentment comes from within, by embracing life’s challenges, fostering meaningful relationships, and staying true to oneself.

Stepping out of your comfort zone is a step towards authenticity and personal freedom—an essential step on the path to success.
6) Overemphasis on constant positivity
In our quest for success and motivation, we often buy into the idea that we should always strive to be positive. This belief, while well-intentioned, can become a subtle behavior that hinders our progress.
Positivity is powerful. It can lift our spirits, fuel our motivation, and help us navigate life’s challenges with resilience.
However, when we start to suppress or invalidate our negative emotions in the pursuit of constant positivity, it can lead to emotional imbalance and disconnection from our authentic selves.
Emotions, both positive and negative, are part of our human experience. They provide valuable feedback about our needs, values, and experiences. By acknowledging and accepting all our emotions as they arise, we cultivate a deeper self-awareness and foster genuine emotional resilience.
Self-awareness and personal growth have transformative power. It allows us to tap into our authentic feelings, confront our fears, challenge limiting beliefs, and cultivate self-compassion.
It is not about dwelling in negativity but about honoring all aspects of our emotional landscape as integral parts of our journey towards success.
7) Over-reliance on external validation
A common behavior that subtly drains our motivation and impedes our success is an over-reliance on external validation.
In a world that often measures worth by external achievements, it’s easy to fall into the trap of seeking constant approval and validation from others.
This dependence on external recognition can lead us to make choices that align with societal expectations or other people’s desires, rather than our own authentic needs and values.
The key to overcoming this behavior is to cultivate a strong sense of self-worth that comes from within.
By taking full responsibility for our lives, we can align our actions with our deepest values and find satisfaction in our personal growth and achievements, regardless of external recognition.
This belief is closely tied to the notion of true empowerment coming from taking full responsibility for our lives. It promotes the idea that we are in control of our own attitudes, actions, and responses, which paves the way to personal freedom and resilience.
8) Neglecting self-care
The last subtle behavior that can hamper our motivation and success is neglecting self-care.
In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to prioritize work, responsibilities, and the needs of others above our own well-being. However, continuously neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and a significant drop in motivation.
Self-care is not about indulgence or selfishness; it’s about respecting and nurturing ourselves so we can be at our best. It involves taking time to rest, nourish our bodies, engage in activities we enjoy, and cultivate a positive mindset.
By taking care of ourselves, we enhance our ability to face challenges, tap into our creative potential, and maintain the motivation needed for success.
Seeking authenticity and success
As we delve into the subtleties of human behavior, it becomes apparent that our habits and tendencies, no matter how seemingly insignificant, have profound impacts on our motivation and capacity to succeed.
The behaviors we’ve explored in this article – from embracing a victim mentality to neglecting self-care – all share a common thread. They reflect a disconnection from our authentic selves and our inherent potential.
When we choose to say goodbye to these behaviors, we are not just altering habits but shifting our perspective.
We are choosing to align with our deepest values, confront our fears, challenge limiting beliefs, and cultivate self-compassion. We are choosing to live life with more freedom and authenticity.
By doing so, we don’t just enhance our motivation or increase our chances of success. We transform the very essence of what success means to us.
It no longer becomes about external validation or societal standards but about personal growth, fulfillment, and meaningful contribution.
As you navigate this journey of transformation and growth, I invite you to join me and over 20,000 others exploring living life with more purpose and freedom on my YouTube channel. Together, we can navigate the intricacies of life’s challenges and celebrate the wins along the way.
So, as you reflect on this exploration of subtle behaviors, ask yourself: what does authentic success look like for you? And how can saying goodbye to these behaviors bring you closer to it?