If you want to be more likable as you get older, say goodbye to these 12 subtle habits

Eliza Hartley by Eliza Hartley | August 5, 2024, 5:48 pm

We all get older – it’s just a part of life. But as we age, we want to still be the kind of people others enjoy hanging out with.

The secret to staying likable? It’s all about ditching certain habits. Sometimes, it’s the little things we do without even noticing that can turn people off.

In this article, we’re going to chat about these sneaky habits that might be making you less likable.

So, get comfy and let’s dive into the habits you need to kick to the curb if you want to be Mr. or Ms. Popular as you age.

Trust me, you might learn a thing or two!

1) Being a know-it-all

We all know someone who has an answer for everything. And while it’s great to be knowledgeable, nobody likes a know-it-all. 

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking we’ve seen and know everything. But this can close us off to new experiences and learning from others.

It’s okay not to have all the answers. 

In fact, admitting that you don’t know something can make you seem more relatable and humble. 

So the next time you’re tempted to jump in with an answer or an opinion, take a step back, listen, and maybe even learn something new.

The willingness to keep learning is a key to likability as we age.

2) Ignoring the small talk

Let’s face it, small talk can sometimes feel like a chore. But don’t brush it off too quickly!

These light conversations about the weather, a recent movie, or even the food at a party can actually help build connections.

As we get older, it’s easy to think that we’re above small talk. We might think that we should only engage in deep and meaningful conversations. 

But that’s not always true. Small talk is a bridge to those deeper discussions.

Instead of ignoring the small talk, embrace it. Ask about someone’s day, compliment them on their outfit, or chat about that new restaurant in town. 

You’ll be surprised at how much more likable you’ll become when you show interest in others’ lives, no matter how trivial the topic may seem.

3) Being too busy for others

I remember there was a phase in my life when I was so caught up in my own world, my own problems, and my own goals that I barely had time for anyone else. 

I was always rushing, always busy, and always one foot out the door. And then I noticed something – people started to distance themselves from me.

Being constantly busy can make us seem unapproachable and self-absorbed. It’s understandable to have a full plate, but it’s essential to remember the value of slowing down and making time for others.

So, I made a change. I started carving out time to catch up with friends, to listen to their stories, and to be there for them.

And guess what? Not only did my relationships improve but people started enjoying my company more.

Moral of the story? Don’t let ‘busyness’ steal away your likability. Making time for others can go a long way in boosting your charm as you get older.

4) Not smiling enough

Did you know that smiling not only makes you more likable but also increases your perceived trustworthiness? It’s true! 

According to a study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh, people who smile more often are perceived as more likable and trustworthy.

We sometimes forget the power of a simple smile. We might get caught up in our problems or daily routines and forget to flash those pearly whites.

 But remember, a smile is infectious. It can lighten up a room and draw people towards you.

So, even on those tough days, don’t forget to smile. It’s a small gesture that can greatly enhance your likability, no matter what age you are.

5) Forgetting to show gratitude

In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to forget to say a simple ‘thank you.’ We get so wrapped up in our own world that we forget to acknowledge the kindness and efforts of others. 

But gratitude, my friends, is a powerful thing.

Gratitude doesn’t just make the other person feel appreciated, it also touches their heart.

When you express thankfulness for something someone has done for you, it shows them that you value their time, effort, and thoughtfulness. 

And guess what? This makes you more likable in their eyes.

So, whether it’s for a simple favor, a kind gesture, or a grand act of love, never forget to express your gratitude. 

As we age, let’s not just be older but also kinder and more thankful. Trust me, a heart full of gratitude is far more appealing than any wrinkle-free face.

6) Talking more than listening

I have to confess, I used to be quite the chatterbox. I loved telling stories, sharing experiences, and expressing my opinions. 

But then, I had a realization. The conversations were all about me – and that’s not really a conversation, is it?

That’s when I decided to flip the script and become a better listener. 

I started focusing more on what the other person was saying rather than waiting for my turn to speak. And let me tell you, it made a world of difference.

People started opening up more to me, we had deeper conversations, and I learned so much more about them and their perspectives.

It turns out, people love feeling heard and understood.

Take it from me, if you want to stay likable as you get older, listen more than you talk. It’s a small change that can make a big difference.

7) Never admitting when you’re wrong

Let’s get real here. We all mess up. We’re human, it happens. But the real test of character? It’s how we handle those mess-ups.

There’s nothing more irritating than someone who can’t admit when they’re wrong. You know the type – always defending themselves, always deflecting blame, never saying sorry.

As we get older, we might think we’ve earned the right to never be wrong. But let me tell you straight – that’s a fast track to becoming unlikable.

Nobody is expecting you to be perfect. In fact, people respect you more when you can admit your mistakes and apologize. It shows humility, responsibility, and the ability to grow.

Let’s ditch the defensiveness and embrace our flaws and mistakes. Because believe it or not, admitting when you’re wrong doesn’t make you weak – it makes you likable.

8) Being negative all the time

People who always focus on the negative are less liked by their peers. It’s easy to get caught up in the doom and gloom, especially as we age and face life’s various challenges.

But nobody likes a perpetual Debbie Downer. Constant negativity can drain the energy out of any conversation and push people away.

Be the person who can find a reason to smile even on the gloomiest of days. It won’t just make you more likable, but also happier.

Remember, positivity attracts positivity!

9) Not respecting boundaries

I remember this one time when I overstepped a friend’s boundary without realizing it. I thought I was just being helpful, but in reality, I was invading their personal space.

It led to a bit of tension between us until I recognized my mistake and apologized.

It’s crucial to understand and respect the boundaries of others. Whether it’s their time, their space, or their decisions, stepping over those boundaries can quickly make us unlikable.

I’ve learned that respecting someone’s boundaries doesn’t mean you’re distant or indifferent. It means you value their individuality and their comfort. 

And when people feel respected and valued, they’re more likely to enjoy your company.

So let’s make sure we’re always mindful of others’ boundaries as we grow older.

10) Not keeping your promises

Here’s a hard truth: If you’re the kind of person who constantly breaks promises, you’re likely to lose respect and likability.

As we get older, our words should carry weight. 

People should be able to rely on us. When we make a promise, we need to do everything in our power to keep it.

Being flaky or unreliable doesn’t just disappoint others, it also erodes their trust in us. 

So if we say we’re going to do something, let’s do it. If for some reason we can’t keep our promise, let’s have the decency to let the other person know and apologize.

11) Always focusing on yourself

We all love a bit of attention and there’s nothing wrong with sharing about our lives. 

But if every conversation turns back to you and your experiences, you might be coming across as self-centered.

As we grow older, it’s even more important to show interest in others – ask about their day, their life, their feelings. Make them feel seen and valued. After all, friendship is a two-way street.

Remember, in this journey of growing old and staying likable, it’s not just about you – it’s about the people around you too.

12) Being judgmental

Let’s cut to the chase – nobody likes being judged. As we age, we might feel we have the wisdom or experience to judge others’ choices or lifestyles. But let me tell you, that’s not our job.

Everyone is fighting their own battles and living their own truths. Being judgmental only creates distance and resentment. Instead of judging, let’s try understanding.

Let’s replace criticism with compassion.

Because at the end of the day, people will remember not just how old you are but how you made them feel.

And being understanding, compassionate, and non-judgmental makes you a whole lot more likable.