If you want to be instantly likable, start practicing these 10 simple body language tricks

Mia Zhang by Mia Zhang | September 17, 2024, 9:38 am

Body language is super important. We use it to show people how we’re feeling, without even saying a word.

We’ve got 10 simple tricks that you can use to improve your body language.

Ready to become instantly likable? Let’s dive in!

1) Maintain eye contact

We’ve all been there – talking to someone who’s looking everywhere but at us. It’s a bit off-putting, right?

Eye contact is key to showing someone that you’re interested in what they’re saying. It shows respect and that you value their time.

But don’t go overboard, because too much eye contact can be as bad as too little. The trick is to find a happy medium.

Give it a try next time you’re having a conversation. You’ll be surprised how much of a difference it makes!

2) Use open body language

Ever noticed how some people just seem to be more approachable? It’s likely because they’re using open body language.

Open body language means not crossing your arms or legs and keeping your body turned towards the person you’re speaking with. This gives off a signal that you’re open to conversation and interested in what the other person is saying

Body language is a two-way street. It’s not just about how others perceive you, but also about how you perceive others. Practice open body language and see how it changes your interactions!

3) Smile genuinely

Smiling is one of the simplest ways to show friendliness and warmth, right? But there’s a catch: it has to be genuine.

A fake smile is easy to spot and does more harm than good.

Trust me, I’ve been there. I remember a time when I was at a networking event, feeling nervous and out of place. To hide my discomfort, I plastered on a big, fake smile. It didn’t work. People could tell it wasn’t genuine, which made me seem insincere.

But then I decided to relax and let my genuine feelings show. I smiled when something was actually funny or when I was truly happy to meet someone. And guess what? People responded positively. They were more open and receptive towards me.

4) Nod in agreement

Nodding is a powerful tool in non-verbal communication. It’s a universal sign of agreement and understanding.

But did you know that it can also encourage the person you’re talking to keep speaking?

That’s right. People speak three to four times more than usual when the listener nods their head as a sign of engagement or agreement.

If you want to show that you’re interested in what someone is saying, start nodding. It’s a clear sign that you’re paying attention, and it encourages them to share more.

5) Offer a firm handshake

A handshake might seem like a small thing, but it can speak volumes about you. It’s often the first physical contact you have with someone, and it sets the tone for the rest of your interaction.

A firm handshake projects confidence and respect for the other person. It says, “I’m glad to meet you and I’m fully present in this moment.”

But keep in mind, a good handshake is firm, not bone-crushing. You want to make a positive impression, not cause physical pain.

Your handshake is part of your first impression. Make it count!

6) Lean in slightly

Leaning in slightly while someone else is talking is a great way to show that you’re engaged and interested. But be careful not to invade their personal space.

I learnt this the hard way. Once, during a casual chat with a new colleague, I leaned in a little too much. I thought I was showing interest, but it made the other person uncomfortable. They took a step back and ended the conversation quickly.

From that day on, I made sure to lean in slightly, but always respect personal space. And it’s worked wonders! Not only does it show that I am listening, but it also helps build trust and rapport. Give it a try, just remember to keep a respectful distance!

7) Keep your phone away

Let’s get real for a second. We’re all addicted to our phones. I get it, and I’m guilty of it too.

But nothing screams “I don’t care about this conversation” louder than pulling out your phone and scrolling through your social media feed while someone else is talking. It’s just plain rude.

If you want to be likable, show some respect. Put your phone away. Give the person you’re with 100% of your attention.

Trust me, your Instagram feed can wait. The person in front of you deserves your full attention. And if you give it to them, they’ll appreciate it more than you know.

8) Use your hands when speaking

Have you ever noticed how some people use their hands a lot when they talk? They’re onto something.

Research shows that people who “talk” with their hands tend to be viewed as warm, agreeable and energetic. Not just that, but studies from Columbia University have also found that kids learn more when their teachers use hand gestures.

Using your hands while speaking can help you express your thoughts and emotions more effectively. It adds an extra layer of communication that words alone can’t capture.

9) Mirror the other person’s body language

This might sound a bit strange, but mirroring someone else’s body language can actually make them like you more.

I remember when I first read about this concept, I was skeptical. But I decided to give it a try during a job interview. As the interviewer leaned back in his chair, I did the same. When he used his hands to explain a point, I followed suit.

And guess what? It worked! The interviewer seemed more at ease with me, and we had a great conversation. At the end of the interview, he even commented on how well we “clicked.”

Now, I’m not saying you should mimic every move someone makes – that would just be weird. But subtly mirroring their body language can help create a sense of comfort and understanding. Give it a try!

10) Keep your body language relaxed

Ever tried having a conversation with someone who’s all stiff and tense? It’s awkward, right?

If you want people to feel comfortable around you, then you need to feel comfortable yourself. Keep your body language relaxed. Don’t clench your fists or tighten your shoulders. Breathe easy.

Relaxed body language sends a signal that you’re at ease with yourself and the situation, which can help others feel more at ease with you.

Remember, being likable isn’t about pretending or putting on a show. It’s about being genuine, respectful, and considerate of others. So relax and be yourself!