If you want to be happier and more joyful as you age, say goodbye to these 7 habits

Farley Ledgerwood by Farley Ledgerwood | September 5, 2024, 8:26 am

Being happy in life isn’t as straightforward of a task as it used to be. 

After all, we live in a complicated world, at a very complicated time in history. 

Every morning, when you turn on the TV, you see war, debt, death, and destruction. 

Every morning, when you turn to your phone, you see the same things as above, except everyone is actively, anonymously hating each other in the comment section. 

Left unchecked, this negativity tends to rub off on you, affecting your disposition indefinitely. 

Hence, if you want to be happy, you must be proactive and consistent about it. 

I’m here to help. 

In this article, I’ll take you through the habits you should be letting go of if you want to be happier in life. 

Let’s get to it! 

1) Scrolling through social media aimlessly

Nobody is safe from mindless scrolling. 

For many of us, instead of pursuing more meaningful activities, we fill our free time going through reels on our phones, often for hours at a time. 

Just the other day, somehow I ended up scrolling through my Instagram reels for nearly two hours. 

When I should’ve been doing work or something more productive, I ended up on my phone, telling myself I’d stop after “just a few more reels.” 

I emerged from the digitally induced trance in an almost catatonic state, numb to any feeling. 

While there’s nothing inherently wrong with scrolling in moderation, when taking in the infinite stimuli and anxiety-inducing news of the internet becomes a predominant theme of your day, consider it time to change things up. 

Mindfully limit your time on social media and engage in real-life interactions and hobbies. 

I promise you, you’ll be much happier as a result. 

2) Dwelling on regrets 

While you should be learning from your mistakes, when you find yourself ruminating about the past excessively, this is incredibly unhealthy–and an almost certain route to unhappiness. 

Actively practice self-forgiveness and recognize that mistakes are a part of growth.

Extreme cases aside, mistakes are an essential part of the human experience. 

So don’t be defeatist. Get back up. Dwelling on regrets is no way to live. 

Rather than beat yourself up for past shortcomings, focus on making better decisions moving forward. 

Your mistakes shouldn’t define you. It’s how you bounce back that will count at the end of the day. Real talk. 

3) Staying in toxic relationships

Sometimes, when we’re too deep into a relationship, we begin to lose objectivity and clarity. 

You could be well unhappy, but not fully realize it. 

Or you could realize it, but remain too emotionally attached to be assertive and do anything about it. 

In theory, we pursue relationships because they will make our lives better in some way or another. 

And sure, at the start, during the honeymoon period, the latter is often the case. 

But when the feelings of novelty and butterflies wear off, true feelings tend to come out. 

Don’t stay in a bad relationship out of habit. 

Prioritize bonds (romantic or platonic) that are supportive and nurturing more than anything else. 

Let go of the connections that consistently bring negativity and stress. 

Easier said than done, I know. 

But once you make the transition, expect your happiness levels to soar in the long run. 

4) Ignoring your passions 

I think we’ve all been guilty of ignoring our passions at some point in life. 

After all, it’s easy to get caught up in work, and trying to make money, that everything else pretty much takes a backseat. 

But the truth is, a happy life is a balanced life. 

If you work to oblivion, while you may get a better-looking paycheck, you’re sacrificing your needs and inner desires in life… not to mention risking burnout. 

If you want to be happy, strive for balance. 

Know when to clock out from work, and make time for the hobbies and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. 

Once you find that work (or other responsibilities) have been excessively getting in the way of what you love, make it a point to correct these behaviors. 

5) Living a sedentary lifestyle 

It’s not a state secret: a sedentary lifestyle can affect your morale in life. 

Sitting at a desk or lying on a couch all day may seem easy, but ultimately, by doing so, you aren’t doing yourself many favors. 

Make the effort to incorporate regular movement into your daily routine. 

Get the blood flowing, and release those endorphins

You don’t have to do hardcore workouts all week, simply taking brisk walks through the park, stretching, or even dancing can boost your mood and health… and productivity. 

Just yesterday, amidst dealing with a stressful work issue, I decided to take my two dogs on an hour-long walk in the neighborhood. 

I returned to my desk far more clear-headed, far lighter in mood, and less tense than I was pre-walk. It was almost like magic. 

6) Overindulging in comfort foods 

You are what you eat. 

Well not literally, but when you gorge yourself with junk food, you tend to feel like junk too. 

While indulging during the occasional cheat day is fine (even encouraged), relying on unhealthy foods as a major form of sustenance can affect your physical and mental health. 

Many consider turning to comfort foods as an outlet after a stressful, emotionally draining day of work. 

This can be problematic. 

When food becomes a form of escapism, like drugs or alcohol, you risk becoming unwittingly addicted… something that will take a heavy toll on your body and mind. 

Remember, balance. 

It’s in your interests to find healthier ways to cope with stress.

7) Avoiding change 

A stagnant life often means an unhappy one. 

While a routine can generally be a good thing, when the opportunities for spontaneity fade, life can become a bit too predictable for your own good. 

We stick to our routines because doing so is easy, comfortable, and safe. 

But later on, many will regret not having done more, not having embraced new experiences and change. 

Change things up a bit. Make time for fresh opportunities and adventures. 

Be assertive, and always approach the novel with an open mind. 

Stepping out of your comfort zone will almost always lead to personal growth and unexpected happiness. 

Take calculated risks now and then. You got this.