If you want to be a truly classy person, say goodbye to these 10 behaviors

Mia Zhang by Mia Zhang | November 21, 2024, 9:54 am

Have you ever wondered how some people just seem to ooze class?

It’s not about the fancy clothes or flashy cars, it’s something else.

Believe it or not, being classy has more to do with your actions and attitude than anything you can buy.

We’re going to look at 10 behaviors you need to ditch if you want to level up your classiness.

Ready? Let’s go!

1) Gossiping

It’s easy to fall into the gossip trap. After all, who doesn’t love a juicy story?

But listen up, because this is important: classy people don’t gossip.

Why? Because gossiping is like throwing mud.

Not only does it get everyone dirty, but it also shows you’re willing to get down in the dirt yourself.

Being classy means staying above petty rumors and not wasting your time talking about others behind their backs.

If you have something to say about someone, say it to their face – or better yet, don’t say it at all.

2) Being rude to service staff

Let’s face it, how you treat people in service positions says a lot about who you are.

Classy people understand that everyone deserves respect, no matter what job they have.

Whether it’s a waiter at a restaurant, a cashier at the grocery store, or the janitor at your office – being polite and respectful is a must.

Remember, they’re working hard and deserve to be treated with dignity.

Make an effort to be kind and considerate.

A simple “please” and “thank you” can go a long way in showing your classy side!

3) Interrupting others

Now this one is huge. It’s something I had to work on myself.

Classy people don’t interrupt others when they’re speaking.

They understand that listening is just as important as speaking, if not more so.

I remember a time when I was in a meeting with a group of colleagues.

In the middle of the discussion, I realized I was so eager to voice my opinion that I began to interrupt others. It hit me then – how disrespectful it was.

Not only was I not allowing others to finish their thoughts, but I was also showing that I valued my own voice more.

From that day on, I started consciously working on being a better listener and not interrupting others.

It’s made a huge difference in how people perceive me and has definitely upped my classiness quotient.

In a conversation, let people finish their sentences.

Show them that you respect their opinions and are interested in what they have to say. It’s a classy move, trust me!

4) Always trying to one-up others

Classy people celebrate others’ achievements and don’t feel the need to constantly one-up them.

They’re secure in their own accomplishments and don’t see life as a competition.

Individuals who constantly try to one-up others are perceived as less likable and less socially attractive.

That’s definitely not the image you want if you’re aiming to be classy!

The next time someone shares their achievement, congratulate them wholeheartedly instead of immediately sharing something ‘bigger’ or ‘better’ about yourself.

Being classy is about making others feel good, not just yourself!

5) Not apologizing when you’re wrong

We’re all human, and we all make mistakes.

But what sets a classy person apart is the ability to own up to their mistakes and apologize sincerely.

There’s nothing more heartfelt than a genuine apology.

It shows that you value the other person’s feelings more than your ego.

It takes courage to admit when you’re wrong and it’s a sign of character.

Don’t let pride get in the way of saying “I’m sorry”.

It’s not a sign of weakness, but a mark of a truly classy individual who has the heart to put others’ feelings before their own.

6) Holding grudges

This is a big one. Holding grudges is a behavior that classy people avoid.

They understand that not only does holding onto anger and resentment harm their relationships, but it also takes a toll on their own well-being.

I learned this firsthand when I held a grudge against a friend who had wronged me.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, and before I knew it, our friendship was on thin ice.

The worst part was the bitterness I felt inside me every time I thought about it.

Eventually, I realized my grudge wasn’t affecting my friend – it was affecting me. So, I decided to let go.

I approached her, we talked it out, and I forgave her. The weight that was lifted off my shoulders was indescribable.

So take it from me – if you aim to be classy, let go of grudges.

Forgive not because the other person deserves forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.

7) Constantly complaining

Look, life isn’t always rainbows and butterflies.

We all get that. But here’s the hard truth: constantly complaining about everything isn’t going to get you anywhere.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite of being classy.

Life has its ups and downs, and they take both in stride.

They focus on solutions, not problems.

They see the silver lining, not the cloud.

So yes, it stinks when your coffee is cold, or when traffic is a nightmare. It’s frustrating when plans don’t go as expected.

But the next time you find yourself on the verge of complaining, try to shift your perspective instead.

Find something positive in the situation or look for a solution.

It might not change the situation, but it’ll definitely change how you feel about it.

8) Being a know-it-all

Classy people understand that they don’t have all the answers. They are open to learning and appreciate the value of different perspectives.

Individuals who are open to new experiences and willing to admit they don’t know everything are actually more likely to excel in learning and acquiring new skills.

Being a know-it-all isn’t just unclassy, it may also limit your potential to grow and learn. The next time you’re in a conversation or a debate, remember, it’s okay not to have all the answers. Stay curious, stay open, and stay classy!

9) Oversharing on social media

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get caught up in the world of social media.

But classy people know the importance of maintaining a certain level of privacy.

There was a time when I would post every minute detail of my life – what I ate, where I went, who I was with.

It felt like I was living my life through my phone screen.

But over time, I realized that constantly displaying my life online left little room for privacy and intrigue.

It also blurred the lines between my real-life interactions and my online persona.

That’s when I decided to limit my social media usage and be more mindful of what I share online.

The result? A healthier relationship with social media and an increased sense of classiness in how I present myself to the world.

Staying classy also means staying private.

It’s okay not to share every single detail of your life with the whole world.

Keep some moments just for yourself – it’s truly liberating!

10) Not respecting personal boundaries

Respecting personal boundaries is a fundamental part of being classy.

It’s about understanding that everyone has their own space, both physically and emotionally, and it should be respected.

Here’s the raw truth: nobody likes a person who’s always in their face or digging into their personal life without invitation.

It’s intrusive and frankly, quite exhausting.

So whether it’s respecting someone’s personal space during a conversation or not prying into their personal affairs, remember to always respect personal boundaries.

It’s not just about being classy; it’s about being a decent human being.

Final thoughts

At the end of the day, being classy isn’t about the clothes you wear or the car you drive.

It’s about your behavior, your attitude, and most importantly, how you treat others.

And remember, nobody’s perfect. We all have our moments of not-so-classy behavior.

But as long as you’re making an effort to improve and grow, that’s all that matters.

So go ahead, start saying goodbye to these 10 behaviors today and hello to a classier you! You’ve got this!